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第1篇 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞




東方明珠塔各觀光層柜臺里1000多款造型獨特、制作精美的各式旅游紀念品琳瑯滿目,令人目不暇接、留連忘返。東方明珠塔每年接待來自于五洲四海中外賓客 280 多萬人次,是集觀光、餐飲、購物、娛樂、游船、會展、歷史陳列、廣播電視發(fā)射等多功能于一體的綜合性旅游文化景點。東方明珠塔業(yè)已成為上海的標(biāo)志性建筑,榮列上海十大新景觀之一。作為全國旅游熱點之一,東方明珠塔又以其優(yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù),在 20xx 年初被 國家旅游局評為全國首批 aaaa 級旅游景點。

第2篇 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞











第3篇 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞




東方明珠塔坐落于浦東新區(qū)陸家嘴的嘴尖上,于1991年動工興建,落成于1995年。塔的高度是468米,是亞洲第一高塔,世界第三高塔,僅次于加拿大多侖多電視塔(553米)和俄羅斯的莫斯科 奧斯坦金電視塔(533米)。東方明珠電視塔挺拔俊秀,是上海的標(biāo)志性建筑,被列為上海十大新景觀,同時被評為國家4a風(fēng)景區(qū)。









金茂大廈 位于浦東新區(qū)陸家嘴金融貿(mào)易區(qū)黃金地帶,與著名外灘風(fēng)景區(qū)隔江相望,和東方明珠遙遙相對。樓高420.5米,是中華第一高樓,也是世界第三高樓,僅次于馬來西亞吉隆波 佩重納斯大樓(450米)和美國芝加哥 西爾斯大廈(443.5米)。






上海國際會議中心 位于浦東新區(qū)濱江大道2727號,是上海的又一座標(biāo)志性建筑,同時也是建國50周年,上海評出的十大經(jīng)典建筑之一。它的建立填補了上海在國際性大型會議場所方面的空白,大大完善了城市綜合服務(wù)的功能,對上海開展大型會戰(zhàn)旅游活動,促進國際交流方面,起著越來越重要的作用。2001年舉行的亞太經(jīng)濟組織(apec)會議的主會場就設(shè)在這里。



濱江大道 位于陸家嘴700號,與浦西外灘隔江相望,全長1500米左右(大家還記得外灘是多少米么,1800多米),主要景點有,三泉嬉珠,歡樂廣場,聽濤觀景,天地歸一,寧靜致遠,情人低語,撫今思昔。其中世紀噴泉由追浪和海燕兩個部分組成,兩個方向各21個追浪,象征著浦東作為中國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的龍頭和兄弟省市你追我趕,奔向新世紀的情景。撫今思昔位于賓江大道的南端,,標(biāo)牌下置放著4米多高的鐵錨與雕塑相映襯,這只漂游過五大洲四大洋,經(jīng)歷了世界滄桑的巨型鐵錨,表達了創(chuàng)業(yè)者的艱辛和對今天美好生活的謳歌。

陸家嘴中心綠地 位于浦東新區(qū)陸家嘴路160號,1992年開始興建,1997年建成,1997年7月1日開放,也是為了迎接香港回歸而開放。是上海規(guī)模最大的開放式草坪,有都市綠肺的美稱。綠草地叢中的道路,勾勒出上海市花白玉蘭的圖案。道路中間的湖的形狀如浦東的地圖版塊。湖畔的觀景蓬主桅桿高28米,形狀好象一只白色的海螺,又如一艘即將揚帆遠航的船只,因人遐想。

上海城市歷史發(fā)展陳列館 設(shè)在東方明珠塔內(nèi),展示了近代上海城市發(fā)展的歷史,它以建筑的形態(tài)和場景的方式反映了上海的歷史。序館部分,華亭溯源,用高科技動感的影視手法演示著6000年以前上海先民的生活勞動場景。第一館,城廂風(fēng)貌,展示的的明清時代上海老城廂的商業(yè)景象和民俗風(fēng)情。是上海城700百歷史中最神奇的一章,由風(fēng)樓遠眺,商船會館,咸貨行,酒店,豆腐鋪,打鐵鋪,中藥店,香燭店等組成。第二館,開埠掠影,展示了上海這座城市的面貌因開埠而帶來的文化,反映了五方雜處的不同階層市民的生活。館內(nèi)主要景點有,吳淞海戰(zhàn),1850年外灘模型,租界與華界的柵欄,當(dāng)鋪石庫門,霞飛路,徐匯天文臺,世紀初的南京路等。第三館,十里洋場,展示了近代上海崛起,成為遠東重要城市,也反映了上海發(fā)展既繁榮又畸形的一面。主要景點有,老海關(guān),十六浦碼頭與黃浦江,大世界,西洋鏡,王開照相館,圣三一堂,天蟾舞臺等。第四館,海上舊蹤,重現(xiàn)了百年來在上海這座城市有過的昔日輝煌。主要景點有申江勝景園,張園,紅禮拜堂,大華飯店,哈同花園,丹風(fēng)樓圖景,棚戶區(qū),市郊年夜等。


第4篇 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞



東方明珠全高468米是現(xiàn)今亞洲第二、世界第四之高塔。僅次于廣州新電視塔、加拿大多倫多電視塔和俄羅斯莫斯科奧斯坦金諾廣播電視塔。東方明珠電視塔曾是上海最高的建筑物,現(xiàn)在已被環(huán)球金融中心取代,但是東方明珠塔依然卓然秀立于陸家嘴地區(qū)現(xiàn)代化建筑樓群 東方明珠電視塔位于浦東新區(qū)內(nèi),與外灘的“萬國建筑博覽群”隔江相望,與紐約的自由女神、悉尼歌劇院、巴黎的埃菲爾鐵塔一樣,成為了上海的標(biāo)志性建筑,與左側(cè)的南浦大橋和右邊的楊浦大橋一起,形成雙龍戲珠之勢。東方明珠塔卓然秀立于陸家嘴地區(qū)現(xiàn)代化建筑樓群,與隔江的外灘萬國建筑博覽群,與后方新聳立而起的金茂大廈和環(huán)球金融中心交相輝映,展現(xiàn)了國際大都市的壯觀景色。東方明珠塔集觀光餐飲、購物娛樂、浦江游覽、會務(wù)會展、歷史陳列、旅行代理等服務(wù)功能于一身,成為上海標(biāo)志性建筑和旅游熱點之一。目前,“東方明珠”年觀光人數(shù)和旅游收入在世界各高塔中僅次于法國的艾菲爾鐵塔而位居第二,從而擠身世界著名旅游景點行列。


享譽中外的東方明珠空中旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳位于東方明珠塔267米上球體,以其得天獨厚的景觀優(yōu)勢、不同凡響的飲食文化、賓至如歸的溫馨服務(wù),傲立于上海之巔,作為亞洲最高的旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳,其營業(yè)面積達到 1500平方米,可容納350位來賓用餐。餐廳同時提供多款豪華套餐和中西結(jié)合自助餐,百余種美味佳肴不間斷供應(yīng),讓游客美食與美景共享。

東方明珠塔各觀光層柜臺里1000多款造型獨特、制作精美的各式旅游紀念品琳瑯滿目,令人目不暇接、留連忘返。東方明珠塔每年接待來自于五洲四海中外賓客 280 多萬人次,是集觀光、餐飲、購物、娛樂、游船、會展、歷史陳列、廣播電視發(fā)射等多功能于一體的綜合性旅游文化景點。東方明珠塔業(yè)已成為上海的標(biāo)志性建筑,榮列上海十大新景觀之一。作為全國旅游熱點之一,東方明珠塔又以其優(yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù),在 ____年 年初被 國家旅游局評為全國首批 aaaa 級旅游景點。



風(fēng)和日麗時,在上海東方明珠塔上舉目遠望,外灘的萬國建筑博覽群,南浦大橋,楊浦大橋全部盡收眼底。 是飽覽上海全貌的最佳地。但是一定要在大晴天去哦,陰雨天去的話看出去外面全部是霧蒙蒙的,會感覺白白浪費那么多錢。而且上海東方明珠塔上各種陳列也很具有歷史和時代意義!在旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳里用自助餐雖然感覺有點貴,但卻非常值得!美食美景當(dāng)前,值得留念終生!




旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳 -- 譽名中外的東方明珠空中旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳,坐落于上海東方明珠廣播電視塔267米上球體,是亞洲最高的旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳。其營業(yè)面積為1500平方米,可同時容納350位來賓用餐。她以得天獨厚的景觀優(yōu)勢、不同凡響的飲食文化、賓至如歸的溫馨服務(wù),傲立于上海之巔。旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳更值得驕傲的是她的貴賓包房,布置著豪華富貴的大圓桌、高背靠椅和休閑沙發(fā),能同時招待20位貴賓,金碧輝煌的背景燈光打在冰花玻璃上,更造就了人間仙境般的效果。寬敞明亮的落地球體玻璃窗外,浦江美景一覽無余,自267米高空俯視而下,真有“會當(dāng)臨絕頂,一覽眾山小”的豪邁感覺。每2小時旋轉(zhuǎn)一圈的設(shè)計,讓您全方位360度盡收申城的林立高樓、縱橫大道、臥波長橋、爭流百響。而夜晚燈火輝煌的申城更是流光溢彩、美不勝收,點點繁星、閃閃霓虹襯出勾勒出無與倫比的浦江夜色。友善溫馨的服務(wù)是空中旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳鮮明的特色。各位迎賓小姐、往來穿梭的服務(wù)生均以典雅的服飾、規(guī)范的服務(wù)構(gòu)筑了東方明珠的綽約風(fēng)采。

電視塔入口 -- 位于4.2米檢票大廳的豪華電梯將以7米/秒的高速把您在40秒內(nèi)平穩(wěn)地送至263米觀光層,這種絕無僅有、風(fēng)馳電掣的感覺將是您到東方明珠的難得體驗。沿著明亮華貴的弧形梯道拾級而上,登上267米平臺,迎面的便是亮麗的迎賓廳,乳白色的墻面連同光可鑒人的黑色大理石反射柔和的燈光,把您環(huán)繞在一片尊貴的氣氛中。上海東方明珠廣播電視塔坐落于上海浦東新區(qū)陸家嘴嘴尖上,以其468米的絕對高度成為亞洲第一、世界第三之高塔。東方明珠塔背擁陸家嘴地區(qū)嶄新的現(xiàn)代化建筑樓群,與隔江的外灘萬國建筑博覽群交相輝映,展現(xiàn)了國際大都市的壯觀景色。

東方明珠游船碼頭 -- 位于黃浦江畔,占地面積2200余平方米,乘坐東方明珠浦江游覽船沿江暢游,即可盡情領(lǐng)略百業(yè)興旺、百舸爭流的都市情懷。東方明珠游船碼頭外形猶如一只凌波汲水、展翅欲飛的海鷗,清新自然、富有時代氣息。乘坐東方明珠浦江觀光游覽船沿浦江航行,可以讓游客飽覽兩岸現(xiàn)代化都市風(fēng)景線。

夜色中的明珠 -- 入夜后,遙望東方明珠塔,則是華燈齊放、色彩繽紛;而在塔上俯瞰都市夜景,更是一派流光溢彩、燈火輝煌。東方明珠塔每年接待來自于五洲四海中外賓客280多萬人次,是集觀光、餐飲、購物、娛樂、游船、會展、歷史陳列、廣播電視發(fā)射等多功能于一體的綜合性旅游文化景點。東方明珠塔業(yè)已成為上海的標(biāo)志性建筑,榮列上海十大新景觀之一。

上海城市歷史發(fā)展陳列館 --上海城市歷史發(fā)展陳列館位于東方明珠塔零米大廳內(nèi),展示面積超過六千平方米,已于5 月12日正式對外開放,是集歷史、文化、鑒賞、旅游、娛樂于一體、具有創(chuàng)新理念的歷史陳列。徜徉歷史長河、追尋海上舊夢、品味文化上海——陳列館充分注重觀賞性與參與性,采用“融物于景”的場景化展示手法,憑借其高科技的技術(shù)手段,將文物、道具、模型、音視頻多媒體、聲光電等表現(xiàn)手法融于一體:靜態(tài)展示主要以蠟像人物和文物道具為主,而動態(tài)的展示以實景和影視相結(jié)合,十分逼真。讓人既感受到歷史文化的底蘊,又領(lǐng)略了現(xiàn)代化高科技的魅力。

上海國際新聞中心 --上海國際新聞中心坐落于巍然屹立的東方明珠塔下,是集新聞發(fā)布、觀光、會展、餐飲等功能于一體的綜合性新聞中心。 1100 平方米的新聞發(fā)布廳配置有最先進的同傳、背投、音響與燈光等會務(wù)設(shè)施,可容納 800 人規(guī)模的新聞發(fā)布會或國際會議。

第5篇 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞








1. 高聳云天的金茂大廈,地標(biāo)

2. 環(huán)球金融中心,更以其中國大陸第一高樓的雄姿成為上海新地標(biāo)。

3. 東方明珠電視塔,地標(biāo)。



















第四館:海上舊蹤。 第五館:建筑博覽。上海近代優(yōu)秀建筑模型組成。





上海海洋水族館 陸家嘴環(huán)路1388號,有中國保利集團和新加坡星雅投資有限公司共同投資興建,總投資5500萬美元。








第6篇 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞




a brief introduction to pudong new area

pudong new area is located on the east of the huangpu river, facing the east china sea and the pacific ocean and bordering the yangtze delta. it is at the intersection of chinese golden coast and golden waterway. it is a triangular area, with a size of 522 square kilometers and a population of more than 1.5 million.

in the early ‘90s, comrade deng _iaoping, the chief architect of china’s reform and open-up policy, e_pected that there should be in shanghai “a change every year and a big change every three years”. as a strategic decision, the chinese communist party central committee and the state council declared the opening and development of pudong on april 18th, 1990. it is another significant step in china’s policy of reform and opening to the outside world. since then, shanghai people have gone all out and worked numerous wonders on this promising piece of land. up till now there have been set up lujiazui financial and trade zone, jinqiao e_port processing zone, waigaoqiao free trade zone, zhangjiang hi-tech park, hua_ia culture & tourism development zone, sunqiao moodern agriculture development zone, etc. new municipal infrastructure projects, such as an international airport, a deep-water port and infrastructure for an information highway have been or are being carried out. the opening and development of pudong area is a brilliant e_ample, which has become an icon of shanghai’s sweeping advance to the modern cosmopolis and as economic center, trade center and financial center.

compared with china’s other special economic zones and economic development zones, pudong new area has the following characteristics:

1. a free trade zone has been established in the area to promote the free entering and leaving of commodities, and capitals, which make pudong a “free port”.

2. foreign banks have been introduced to enliven the area’s banking services as well as related service industries.

3. means and methods of attracting foreign and domestic investors and tourists are being improved.

4. pudong boasts rich historical heritage and the abundance of cultural resources.

5. the whole pudong new area is taken as a highly-afforested urban area of the state level. it is a blending of leisure, recreation and entertainment, travel, and shopping, and has become an ideal place for international conferences and business tours.

following its rapid development, the tourism industry of pudong new area is making a remarkable progress. tourism is becoming a new point for economic growth. besides places of historical interest, a group of new tourist attractions have been added and more tourism projects are under planning and construction. places of interest in pudong new area include:

1. a forest of skyscrapers, including jin mao building, shanghai stock e_change building, etc. the architects from china, asia and all over the world are contributing their e_pertise to this area. more than 300 skyscrapers have sprung up, which makes you feel the beating pulse of the new century.

2. places of tourism, entertainment and recreation, including the oriental pearl tv tower, the riverside promenade, the central green, the century park, etc. pudong new area is where people can rela_ themselves and enjoy a really good time.

3. historical sites including the crane tower in chuansha park, the former residence off huang yanpei and zhang wentian, the qingciyang palace, etc. the scenic spots and historical sites embody the character of the seashore. an ancient coastline, a sea wall, castle blocks across the south to the north make people recall the evolution of the seacoast and the heroic people who fought against foreign invaders.

4. hotels including some world famous ones such as jin mao grand hyatt, pudong holiday inn, shanghai international convention center hotel, shangri-la hotel, etc. there are now in pudong new area more than 30 delu_e hotels, some of which are built by five-star standard. the e_cellent facilities can let the guests feel cozy and comfortable.

5. shopper’s eden: including shanghai no. 1 yao-han ne_tage department store (the biggest in asia), pudong mansion, zhangyang commercial street, dongfang commercial street etc. the comfortable and elegant shopping environment can help you choose freely from the famous brands and e_quisite products.

6. kingdom of delicacies, including new meilongzhen restaurant, peninsula shark’s fin chaozhou restaurant, east snack kingdom, etc. the hotels, restaurants, and snack bars are found all over pudong new area, offering chinese and western food of different standards.

a brief introduction to lujiazui

the lujiazui financial and trade zone is located in the lujiazui-huamu comple_ district. this zone is in the heart of pudong and e_tends within the inner ring road. this is a comparatively busy section where most of pudong’s finance, trade, information, services, science and technology, education and cultural institutions and facilities are found.

lujiazui financial and trade zone is full of charm and fascinating grace. there are found in this zone the oriental pearl tv tower, the jin mao building, the beautiful central green, the riverside promenade, the century park, and the oriental pearl wharf.

the oriental pearl tv tower

the oriental pearl tv tower is unquestionably an icon of pudong’s renaissance. looming through the mist, like a reproduction of a classical chinese ink painting of landscape, stands shanghai’s oriental pearl tv tower. its soaring height of 468 meters boldly characterizes the lujiazui cityscape. the tower’s jagged reflection in the water mirrors pudong’s modern development and people’s aspirations, while the new-classical edifices across the huangpu river staunchly attest to pu_i’s old past. it should be noted that the oriental pearl tv tower ranks the tallest in asia and the third tallest in the world, only second to toronto cn tower (553.3m) and moscow ostankino tower (533.3m).

the location of the oriental pearl tv tower is very ideally chosen. it is at the tip of lujiazui by the side of huahngpu river, just opposite the world famous bund of shanghai.

the design scheme of the oriental pearl tv tower was selected from 12 outstanding design schemes by nationwide well-known e_perts and approved by the shanghai municipal government. the architects, inspired by rich imagination, arranged 13 spheres together with some ground facilities in the order of their sizes high up in the blue sky down to a carpet of green lawn like a string of pearls, while two dazzling ruby-like colossal spheres are propped high up. the harmonious entity of the tower presents at night when lights are on a picture of pearls, big and small, falling into a jade plate (quoted from “the sontg of pipa girl” by bei juyi, a great chinese poet in the tang dynasty), a scene full of poetic and artistic conception. it is not only a great attraction to visitors but also an important symbol of shanghai.

the oriental pearl tv tower, with a total floor space of 54,000 square meters, is mainly composed of the base, three gigantic columns (9 meters in diameter), the lower sphere (50 meters in diameter), the upper sphere (45 meters in diameter), and the spherical penthouse. the tower is outstanding and unique in configuration, and has good stability and aseismatic performance. it also represents the state-of-art in tv tower design, reflecting the progress of the modern science and technology. it is an e_citing unity of arts and technology as well as architectural conception and structural design, and has contributed a significant effect to the world.

the oriental pearl tv tower is equipped with a double deck elevator which travels at 4 meters per second and two high speed elevators at 7 meters per second, which will reach the upper sphee from the ground within 40 seconds. people will get a wonderful thrill being flung from sea level to the zenith in the elevators.

the upper sphere (from 250 m to 295 m) covers 9,480 square meters with the ma_imum capacity of 1,400. it boasts an observation deck, a revolving restaurant, ktv rooms and a discotheque. the sightseeing deck is 263 meters in height, making it the best place to get a bird’s eye view of waibaidu bridge flanked by the monument to the people’s heroes and the gray russian consulate on the north; the famed bund, together with views from nine main roads, including beijing road, nanjing road, yan’an road, etc, on the west; the shanghai harbor, with ocean liners passing in and out on the south, and the pudong new area, with numerous skyscrapers on the east. standing on the deck, one gets the feeling that the world is belittled.

the revolving restaurant (267m in height), which turns one revolution every one hour, is an ideal place for visitors. e_perienced chefs prepare set menus as well as buffets.

the spherical penthouse is 350 meters from the ground with an area of 280 square meters. there is a sightseeing terrace and a beautifully decorated meeting hall. the tower ingeniously incorporated the image of the outer space, the space ship, the missile and the atom in its structure, unifying perfectly modern technology with oriental culture.

the oriental pearl tv tower hosts 6,000 visitors on a daily average. up till now, 118 state heads from different countries and regions have visited the tower.

jin mao tower

jin mao tower is situated at the heart of lujiazui finance and trade zone in pudong new area of shanghai, boasting a height of 420 meters and a total floor space of around 290,000 square meters.

jin mao tower, an 88-story skyscraper with 3 stories underground, is, up till now, the tallest building in the mainland of china and the 3rd tallest in the world. it is an intelligent top-grade building, which combines efficiency of function with elegant aesthetic form. with world-famous architectural design, the structural profile of the building originated in the oriental ancient pagoda, a style which represents the oriental national form of design as well as the occidental modern style of building. jin mao tower, therefore, may well be considered a representative work of post-modern architecture prevalent in recent years in the world.

levels 3-50 of jin mao tower are used for offices, levels 51-52 for mechanical and electrical equipment, levels 53-87 for the highest preeminent 5-star delu_e hotel in the world---grand hyatt shanghai. the 6-story podium is a multi-functional building, while its level 1 is used for a conference hall and an e_hibition hall, its level 2 for ballrooms and levels 2-6 for shopping and recreation centers.

the observation deck of jin mao tower is on level 88, with a height of 340 meters above ground and an area of over 1,400 square meters, boasting its being the highest and the largest top-floor observation deck so far in china. having a speed of 9.1 meters per second, tow e_press elevators will take visitors right up to the observation deck in 45 seconds. the observation deck, 8 meters in height, and surrounded by glass, aluminum and stainless steel walls, secures a bright and comfortable light. as it commands a panoramic view, visitors may look out of the window and see the huangpu river winding through the city like a snake with shining waves resembling fish scales. when looking down below, they will get a birds’ eye view of the city: high-rise buildings of various styles stand like a forest, presenting a scene of boundless variety; streets busy with traffic crisscross the city, amidst the hustle and bustle of shanghai; last but not least, there are the nanpu bridge and the yangpu bridge, with the oriental pearl tv tower standing gracefully in between, offering a wonderful picture of “two dragons playing with a pearl”.

jin mao tower also boasts a grand hyatt hotel from the 53rd to the 86th floors, which makes it the loftiest hotel in the world. all hotel rooms (555 in all) are located above the 58th floor, giving guests an unparalleled view of shanghai. people staying at the hotel will have a unique e_perience, because the building is so high, they must call downstairs to see if it is raining.

shanghai international convention center

shanghai international convention center is located to the southwest of the oriental pearl tv tower. it was opened for business in august 1999, and the ’99 fortune global forum was held here. shanghai international convention center covers an area of 45,000 square meters with a total floor space of 110,000 square meters.

shanghai international convention center consists of several modernized halls. the 45,000-square-meter multi-function hall, which can serve as an e_hibition hall as well, is one of the largest in china. without a single column, the grand hall embodies great momentum. provided for the guests are the latest audio-visual equipment, satellite conferencing, simultaneous translation, etc.

the 800-seat meeting room is the key meeting room in shanghai international convention center, which includes 800 representative seats in the main hall and a 150 seating press gallery in bo_. the meeting room is not only equipped with 10 plus 1 simultaneous translation system, speaking and voting systems for representatives and rostrum, and stereo amplifier, but also provided with systems such as video camera, computer interface and objects projection, which are necessary for international conferences.

shanghai international convention center hotel provides presidential and e_ecutive suites and standard rooms approaching 260 keys, and it offers restaurants of chinese and western cuisine together with a special tea house and café as well. as to the recreational facilities, the hotel is equipped with a night club, a gym, a singing and dancing hall, a health club, etc. the roof garden is the best spot to admire the bund and to breathe the freshness of the garden flowers.

lujiazui central green

lujiazui central green is located at the pudong entrance of the east yan’an road tunnel. it was founded in 1997 with an area of 100,000 square meters. it is now the largest “urban green” in shanghai.

at the entrance, eight steel “flowers” show a springing-up vitality. there are a 65,000-square-mete lawn and an 8,600-square-meter man-made lake in the shape of a diminutive pudong area in the heart of the green. there is in the green a combination of fountains, which spray water up to 50 meters high. the huge white tent, resembling a white conch, stands by the lake, e_tending an easy mood of rela_ation to the tourists in the spreading green land. winding orange concrete pavements make up a pattern of white magnolia, the city flower of shanghai.

dotting on the lawn weeping willows, white magnolias, gingkoes, cedars, pines, camphor trees, and maples. two hundred-year-old ju trees are planted just to the north of the green land. to the south of the green land, the graceful old buildings in lujiazui development e_hibition hall surrounded by about 200 giant camphor trees add much to the vigor and liveliness of the green land.

the riverside promenade

the riverside promenade is 2,500 meters long. it starts from taitongzhan dock in the north, and ends up at dongchang road dock in the south, nicely incorporating tourism, greenery, transportation and service facilities.

the riverside promenade is shanghai’s east bund in the 21st century, consisting of touching-water platforms, sloping green land, sightseeing routes, and riverside garden (former pudong park), which has been in e_istence for 50 years.

standing by the riverside balustrades on the touching-water platform, visitors can enjoy a good view of the historic buildings on the west bund. turning to the other side of the platforms, visitors are greeted by a stretch of a gradually rising sloping field, where the flowers and the shrubs are shaded in the emerald green grass. in the park, lakes, kiosks, small bridges, rockeries, flower corridors, paths with giant arboreal and lu_uriant flower shrubberies, offer visitors a sense of being away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

installed along the riverside promenade are 21 groups of spurting fountains, symbolizing the 21st century, the glass-wall panorama hall, the shipyard’s wharf of 70 years, a colossal iron anchor, a huge stone mushroom with the “riverside promenade” engraved on it, and the oriental pearl wharf resembling a flying seagull. these man-made, natural, solemn, and delicate scenes are in harmony, complementing each other with their beauty.

the century park

the century park is situated in the huamu administrative and cultural center of pudong area. the park is 8 kilometers from the downtown area, and 24 kilometers from hongqiao international airport. covering an area of 140.3 hectares, it is the largest ecological city park rich in natural features in pudong area as well as in shanghai.

the overall plan is designed by the british luc company. the total investment is one billion rmb. the park highlights a large-area lawn, woods and lake, embodying the integration of oriental and occidental landscape art, and the concept of “human returning to nature”. there are seven scenic areas in the park, including a pastoral area, a scenic area, a beach area, a lawn area, a birds protection area, an international garden area and a small gold course. the park also includes an outdoor musical theater, a meeting plaza, a children’s recreation place, an angling place, with such landscaped spots as high post fountains, music pavilion fountains, a century clock of flowers, colossal relief sculptures, streams, a pebble and sand beach, a gingko road and a green pond. inside the park, there are crisscrossed paths, undulating hills, evergreen trees and limpid water. walking through the park, one feels in a land of peace and tranquility free from work and worry.

the oriental pearl wharf

taking shape on the pudong side of the huangpu river in 1998, the oriental pearl wharf, a modern yacht wharf, is part of the oriental pearl scenic area. the wharf, in the shape of a seagull, is made of glass and steel. at night, the whole structure looks like a crystal pavilion. it has a floor space of 6,000 square meters, a waiting room, a vip room, a restaurant and a bar.

the wharf is used for ferries and yachts. after it was put into service in 1998, people can take a yacht to the riverside promenade on the east side of the river and enjoy the splendid views of the city’s waterfront.

shanghai science and technology museum

shanghai science and technology museum is an important social and cultural project funded and established by shanghai municipal government in implementing china’s basic policy of “revitalizing the nation through science and education”. it is also a base for science popularizing and education with “nature, mankind and technology” as its theme. it integrates e_hibition and participation, education and scientific research, cooperation and e_change, collection and manufacture, leisure and tourism into one entity. with the aim off improving the scientific attainments of the public and promoting the scientific advancement of the entire society, it is e_pected to be the window to advocate scientific knowledge, scientific methods, scientific ideology and scientific spirit for the whole community, especially for youngsters.

the museum covers an area of 68,000 square meters with a floor space of 98,000 square meters, built with a total investment of 1.758 billion yuan.

the museum consists of seven e_hibition areas: the earth’s crust e_ploration, wide spectrum of life, light of wisdom, children’s science and technology land, audio visual paradise, cradle of designers and museum of natural science. it has an imas 3-d large screen theater, an ima_ dome theater and an iwerks theater. for back-up facilities, it has a conference hall, a multi-functional hall and a bank.

第7篇 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞



旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳 -- 譽名中外的東方明珠空中旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳,坐落于上海東方明珠廣播電視塔267米上球體,是亞洲最高的旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳。其營業(yè)面積為1500平方米,可同時容納350位來賓用餐。她以得天獨厚的景觀優(yōu)勢、不同凡響的飲食文化、賓至如歸的溫馨服務(wù),傲立于上海之巔。旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳更值得驕傲的是她的貴賓包房,布置著豪華富貴的大圓桌、高背靠椅和休閑沙發(fā),能同時招待20位貴賓,金碧輝煌的背景燈光打在冰花玻璃上,更造就了人間仙境般的效果。寬敞明亮的落地球體玻璃窗外,浦江美景一覽無余,自267米高空俯視而下,真有“會當(dāng)臨絕頂,一覽眾山小”的豪邁感覺。每2小時旋轉(zhuǎn)一圈的設(shè)計,讓您全方位360度盡收申城的林立高樓、縱橫大道、臥波長橋、爭流百響。而夜晚燈火輝煌的申城更是流光溢彩、美不勝收,點點繁星、閃閃霓虹襯出勾勒出無與倫比的浦江夜色。友善溫馨的服務(wù)是空中旋轉(zhuǎn)餐廳鮮明的特色。各位迎賓小姐、往來穿梭的服務(wù)生均以典雅的服飾、規(guī)范的服務(wù)構(gòu)筑了東方明珠的綽約風(fēng)采。

電視塔入口 -- 位于4.2米檢票大廳的豪華電梯將以7米/秒的高速把您在40秒內(nèi)平穩(wěn)地送至263米觀光層,這種絕無僅有、風(fēng)馳電掣的感覺將是您到東方明珠的難得體驗。沿著明亮華貴的弧形梯道拾級而上,登上267米平臺,迎面的便是亮麗的迎賓廳,乳白色的墻面連同光可鑒人的黑色大理石反射柔和的燈光,把您環(huán)繞在一片尊貴的氣氛中。上海東方明珠廣播電視塔坐落于上海浦東新區(qū)陸家嘴嘴尖上,以其468米的絕對高度成為亞洲第一、世界第三之高塔。東方明珠塔背擁陸家嘴地區(qū)嶄新的現(xiàn)代化建筑樓群,與隔江的外灘萬國建筑博覽群交相輝映,展現(xiàn)了國際大都市的壯觀景色。

東方明珠游船碼頭 -- 位于黃浦江畔,占地面積2200余平方米,乘坐東方明珠浦江游覽船沿江暢游,即可盡情領(lǐng)略百業(yè)興旺、百舸爭流的都市情懷。東方明珠游船碼頭外形猶如一只凌波汲水、展翅欲飛的海鷗,清新自然、富有時代氣息。乘坐東方明珠浦江觀光游覽船沿浦江航行,可以讓游客飽覽兩岸現(xiàn)代化都市風(fēng)景線。

夜色中的明珠 -- 入夜后,遙望東方明珠塔,則是華燈齊放、色彩繽紛;而在塔上俯瞰都市夜景,更是一派流光溢彩、燈火輝煌。東方明珠塔每年接待來自于五洲四海中外賓客280多萬人次,是集觀光、餐飲、購物、娛樂、游船、會展、歷史陳列、廣播電視發(fā)射等多功能于一體的綜合性旅游文化景點。東方明珠塔業(yè)已成為上海的標(biāo)志性建筑,榮列上海十大新景觀之一。

上海城市歷史發(fā)展陳列館 -- 上海城市歷史發(fā)展陳列館位于東方明珠塔零米大廳內(nèi),展示面積超過六千平方米,已于5 月12日正式對外開放,是集歷史、文化、鑒賞、旅游、娛樂于一體、具有創(chuàng)新理念的歷史陳列。徜徉歷史長河、追尋海上舊夢、品味文化上海——陳列館充分注重觀賞性與參與性,采用“融物于景”的場景化展示手法,憑借其高科技的技術(shù)手段,將文物、道具、模型、音視頻多媒體、聲光電等表現(xiàn)手法融于一體:靜態(tài)展示主要以蠟像人物和文物道具為主,而動態(tài)的展示以實景和影視相結(jié)合,十分逼真。讓人既感受到歷史文化的底蘊,又領(lǐng)略了現(xiàn)代化高科技的魅力。

上海國際新聞中心 -- 上海國際新聞中心坐落于巍然屹立的東方明珠塔下,是集新聞發(fā)布、觀光、會展、餐飲等功能于一體的綜合性新聞中心。 1100 平方米的新聞發(fā)布廳配置有最先進的同傳、背投、音響與燈光等會務(wù)設(shè)施,可容納 800 人規(guī)模的新聞發(fā)布會或國際會議。

第8篇 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞









第9篇 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞









第10篇 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞






  • 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞
  • 東方明珠導(dǎo)游詞54人關(guān)注

    上海東方明珠廣播電視塔座落于上海黃浦江畔、浦東陸家嘴嘴尖,以其468米的絕對高度成為亞洲第一、世界第三之高塔。東方明珠塔卓然秀立于陸家嘴地區(qū)現(xiàn)代化建筑樓群, ...[更多]
