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發(fā)布時間:2024-04-26 07:00:06 查看人數(shù):62


奧巴馬英語演講稿 模板1


the president: hello, ohio! (applause.) it is good to be backin cleveland. the last timei was herewas about a year ago, in the final days of the campaign. i know how much you misshearing how iapprove this message every night on your tv. (laughter.) i will say it is niceto behere when the only real battle for ohio is the browns-bengals game thissunday. (applause.)he’s got the browns shirt right here, brownscap. (laughter.)

i want to thank scotty for thatterrific introduction. give him a biground of applause. (applause.) he is a natural. i want to thank your ceo, lakshmi mittal, forinvesting in americaand the cleveland area. we appreciate him. (applause.) and i want to thankall of you forhaving me here today.

along with me, there are a coupleof people i just want to acknowledge. first of all,america’s secretary of energy, ernie moniz, is here. right there. (applause.) andcongresswomanmarcy kaptur is here. give marcy a biground of applause. (applause.) fightingfor working people every day.

and earlier this afternoon i hada chance to see your mayor, frank jackson; your countye_ecutive, edfitzgerald. and even though they’re nothere, i want to thank them for the greatwork they’re doing on behalf ofworking people throughout the region. (applause.)

and then, finally, i want tothank mark and gary for showing me one of the biggest steelplants inamerica. and they told me that folks areproud to have been making steel right here fora century -- 100 years -- righthere. (applause.) and they e_plained that, today, the steelyoumake in cleveland is some of the strongest you’ll find anywhere in theworld. it’s one of themost productiveplants in the world. best workers in theworld. (applause.)

and what’s remarkable is, whenyou think about it, go back to where this plant was just afew years ago. the economy was in free fall, auto industryon the brink of collapse. and thatmeantdemand for steel had dried up. the blastfurnaces went quiet. about 1,200steelworkerspunched out for what might have been the last time. and that all came at the end of a decadewhenthe middle class was already working harder and harder just to get by, andnearly one inthree american manufacturing jobs had vanished -- a lot of themgoing overseas. and that couldhavedevastated this community for good.

but we rolled up our sleeves, wemade some tough choices. we rescued andretooled theamerican auto industry; it saved more than a million jobs. we bet on american ingenuity andamericanworkers. (applause.) and assembly lines started humming again, andautomakersstarted to make cars again. and just a few months after this plant shutdown, your plantmanager got the call: fire those furnaces back up, get those workers back on the job. and overthe last four years, you’ve madeyourselves one of the most productive steel mills not just inamerica, but inthe world. in the world. (applause.)

so you retooled to make thestronger steel that goes into newer, better american cars andtrucks. you created new partnerships with schools andcommunity colleges to make sure thatfolks who work here have the high-techskills they need for the high-tech jobs -- because i waslooking around thisfactory, and there’s a whole bunch of computer stuff going on.

one of your engineers -- and iwant to make sure i get margaret’s name right here --margaret krolikowski. did i get that right, margaret? (applause.) where’s margaret? whereisshe? there is she is, back there. so i’m going to quote you -- i’m going toquote you. here’swhat margaretsaid: “when we came back, we wanted tomake sure we were in a position wherewe never shut down again.” never shut down again. and that means making sure that workershereare constantly upgrading their skills and investments being made in thestate-of-the-arttechnology.

and it was interesting, when iwas meeting a number of the folks who were giving me thetour -- folks who havebeen here 30 years, 40 years -- but obviously the plant has changed, andsoduring that period they’ve had to upgrade their skills. and that’s what’s happened. and thestory of this plant is the story ofamerica over the last five years. wehaven’t just beenrecovering from a crisis. what we’ve been trying to do is rebuild a new foundation for growthandprosperity to protect ourselves from future crises. and because of the grit and resilienceandoptimism of the american people, we’re seeing comeback stories like yours allacrossamerica.

over the last 44 months, ourbusinesses have created 7.8 million new jobs. last month,another 200,000 americans went back to work. (applause.) and a lot of those jobs are inmanufacturing. so now we’ve got more work to do to get thoseengines of the economy churningeven faster. but because we’ve been willing to do some hard things, not just kick thecan downthe road, factories are reopening their doors, businesses are hiringnew workers, companies thatwere shipping jobs overseas, they’re starting totalk about bringing those jobs back to america.we’re starting to see that.

and let me give you an e_ample,because we were talking about this -- mr. mittal and otherswere talking aboutwhat’s different now. take a look atwhat we’ve done with american energy.for years, folks have talked about reducing our dependence on foreignoil -- but we didn’t reallydo it. andwe were just importing more and more oil, sending more and more moneyoverseas.gas prices keep on going upand up and up. we finally decided wewere going to do somethingabout it.

so we invested in new americantechnologies to reverse our addiction to foreign oil,double wind power, doublesolar power, produce more oil, produce more natural gas, and do itall in a waythat is actually bringing down some of our pollution, making our entireeconomymore energy-efficient. today, we generatemore renewable energy than ever.weproduce more natural gas than anybody in the world. just yesterday, we learned that for thefirsttime since 1995, the united states of america produces more of our own oil hereat homethan we buy from other countries. first time since 1995. (applause.) and that’s a big deal.that’s what america has done these past fiveyears.

and that is a huge competitiveadvantage for us. part of the reasoncompanies now want tomove -- we were just talking about it -- this plant, ifit’s located in germany, energy costs aredouble, maybe triple; same injapan. so this gives us a big edge. but this is also important: wereached the milestone not just because we’reproducing more energy, but also we’re wastingless energy. and this plant is a good e_ample of it. we set new fuel standards that doublethedistance our cars and trucks go on a gallon of gas by the middle of the ne_tdecade. thatsaves the average driver,everybody here, more than $8,000 at the pump over the life of a newcar. you like that? (applause.) we launched initiatives to put people to work upgrading ourhomes, andour businesses, and our factories so we’re wasting less energy. all that savesbusinesses money on theirenergy bills. your plant is one of thehundreds to answer that call.and if you’resaving money on energy costs, that means you can invest in equipment, investinworkers, hire more people, produce more products.

and here’s another thing: between more clean energy, less wastedenergy, the carbonpollution that’s helping to warm the planet, that actuallystarts going down. and that’s goodnewsfor anybody who cares about leaving a planet to our kids that is as beautifulas the one wegot from our parents and our grandparents. (applause.) so it’s a win-win. our economykeepsgrowing, creating new jobs, which means that strengthening our energysecurity and increasingenergy efficiency doesn’t have to be a choice betweenthe environment and the economy --we can do both.

so we’ve tackled the way we useenergy. that’s making america morecompetitive in order toattract good jobs. we’ve also tackled our deficits. a lot of people have been concerned aboutdeficits. since i took office, we cut them inhalf. that makes america more attractivewhen itcomes to business investment decisions.

and we’ve tackled a broken healthcare system. obviously, we’re not doneyet. (applause.)obviously, we’re not done yet. but over the last three years, health carecosts have grown at theslowest pace on record. and this is a great place to work thanks to a great steelworkersunionand cooperation between management and labor. (applause.) but just keep in mindthatif businesses’ health care costs are growing at about one-third the ratethat they were a decadeago, that makes america a more affordable place to dobusiness, and it also means that theinvestors here, if they’re putting lessmoney into health care costs, they can put more money interms of hiring moreworkers and making sure that they’re getting good pay.

so that’s what all these toughdecisions are about: reversing theforces that have hurt themiddle class for a long, long time, and building aneconomy where anybody, if you work hard,you can get ahead. that’s what plants like this have always beenabout. it’s not that it’seasywork. but it means if you work hard, you’vegot a chance to buy a home, you’ve got achance to retire, you’ve got a chanceto send your kids to school, you have a chance to maybetake a little vacationonce in a while. that’s what peoplestrive for. and that’s what will makethe21st century an american century, just like the last century was.

but i didn’t run for president togo back to where we were. i want us togo forward. i want usto go towards thefuture. (applause.) i want us to get us to where we need tobe. i want tosolve problems, not justput them off. i want to solveproblems. and we’ve got to do moretocreate more good, middle-class jobs like the ones folks have here.

that means we’ve got to doeverything we can to prepare our children and our workers forthe competitionthat they’re going to face. we should bedoing everything we can to help putsome sort of advanced education withinreach for more young people. noteverybody has got togo to a four-year college, but just looking at theequipment around here, you’ve got to have alittle bit of advancedtraining. it may come through acommunity college or it may come througha technical school, but we’ve got tomake sure you can get that education, your kids can getthat education withoutgoing broke -- without going broke, without going into debt. (applause.)so we’re working on that.

another thing we should beworking on: fi_ing a broken immigrationsystem. (applause.)when you think about this whole region, a lotof folks forget, but almost everybody who workedin that plant 100 years agocame from someplace else. and so we’vegot now a new generation ofhopeful, striving immigrants; we’ve got to makesure that they come legally and that we dowhat we need to secure our borders,but we’ve also got to make sure that we’re providing themopportunity just likeyour parents, grandparents, great-grandparents received when theyarrived atthis plant. and that’s important. (applause.) and, by the way, it will help oureconomy grow because then they’repaying ta_es and helping to invest and build here inamerica.

we should do everything we can torevitalize american manufacturing. manufacturing is --that’s the hub of our economy. when our manufacturing base is strong, theentire economy isstrong. a lot ofservice jobs depend on servicing manufacturing jobs. and, typically,manufacturing jobs pay alittle bit better. so that’s been apath, a ticket to the middle class.sowhen we make steel and cars, make them here in america, that helps. like i said, the workmay be hard but itgives you enough money to buy a home and raise a kid, retire and send yourkidsto school.

and those kinds of jobs also tellus something else. it’s not just howmuch you get in yourpaycheck, it’s also a sense of, “i’m making something andi’m helping to build this country.”ithelps establish a sense of -- that we’re invested in this country. (applause.) it tells us whatwe’re worth as a community. one of your coworkers, mike longa -- where’smike?

audience member: back here.

the president: is he back here? that’s mike right there. mike grew up here. his momand dad worked at this plant. this plant helped put mike and four brothersand/or sistersthrough college. and oncethis plant started growing again, mike got his chance to be asteelworker here,and provide for his own two young kids. so it’s a generational thing, and iwant to keep that going.

in my state of the union address,i talked about how we created america’s firstmanufacturing innovationinstitute right here in ohio. marcykaptur has been a big proponentof this, because she knows how importantmanufacturing is. i want to create moreof them --places where businesses are working with universities and they’repartnering to figure out whatare the new manufacturing techniques that keep usat the cutting edge so that china orgermany don’t get ahead of us in terms ofthe equipment that’s being invested. wewant to beat the cutting edge, so what we’re producing is always the beststeel, it’s always the best cars.butthat requires research and investment.

and your senator, sherrod brown,helped us to create that first manufacturing hub inyoungstown. and he’s now leading a bipartisan effort --(applause) -- he’s now leading abipartisan effort with senator blunt ofmissouri to move more of these manufacturinginnovation hubs all across thecountry. and congress should passsherrod’s bill. we should bedoingeverything we can to guarantee the ne_t revolution in manufacturing happensright herein cuyahoga, happens right here in ohio, happens right here inamerica. (applause.)

and let me make one lastpoint. we have to do everything we canto make sure everyamerican has access to quality, affordable health care,period. (applause.) you may have readwe had some problems lastmonth with websites. i’m not happy aboutthat. and then i had apress conferencetoday and i said, you know what, we fumbled the ball in terms of the rollout.

but we always knew this was goingto be hard. there’s a reason why folkshad tried to do itfor 100 years and hadn’t done it. and it’s complicated. there are a lot of players involved. thestatus quo is entrenched. and so, yes, there’s no question the rollouton the affordable careact was much tougher than we e_pected. but i want everybody here to understand, i amgoingto see this through. (applause.) i want millions of americans to make surethat they’re notgoing broke when they get sick and they can go to a doctorwhen their kids get sick. and we’renotapologizing for that. we are going toget this done. (applause.)

so we’re going to get the websiteworking the way it’s supposed to. theplans are already outthere that are affordable and people can get ta_credits. we’re going to help folks whoseoldplans have been canceled by the insurers -- many of them weren’t very good-- and we’re goingto make sure that they can get newer, better options.

but we’re not going to go back tothe old system, because the old system was broken. andevery year, thousands of americans wouldget dropped from coverage or denied their medicalhistory or e_posed tofinancial ruin. you guys are lucky thatyou work at a company with astrong union that gives you good healthbenefits. (applause.) but you know friends and familymembers whodon’t have it, and you know what it’s like when they get sick. you know how scaryit is for them when theyget sick. or some of them have healthinsurance -- they think they do --and they get sick, and suddenly theinsurance company says, oh, i’m sorry, you owe $50,000.that’s not covered. or they jack up your premium so you can’tafford it because you had somesort of pree_isting condition. that happens every day.

so we’re not going to let thathappen. we’re not going to let folks whopay their premiumson time get jerked around. and we’re not going to walk away from the 40 million americanswithouthealth insurance. (applause.) we are not going to gut this law. we will fi_ what needsto be fi_ed, but we’regoing to make the affordable care act work. and those who say they’reopposed to it and can’t offer a solution, we’llpush back. (applause.)

i got to give your governor alittle bit of credit. john kasich, alongwith a lot of statelegislators who are here today, they e_panded medicaidunder the affordable care act. andthinkabout that. just that one step means asmany as 275,000 ohioans are going to have healthinsurance. and it doesn’t depend on a website. that’s already happening because oftheaffordable care act. (applause.)

and i think it’s fair to say thatthe governor didn’t do it because he just loves me so much. (laughter.) we don’t agree on much, but he saw, well, this makes sense -- why wouldn’twe dothis? why wouldn’t we make surethat hundreds of thousands of people right here in ohio havesomesecurity? it was the right thing todo. and, by the way, if every republicangovernor didwhat kasich did here rather than play politics about it, you’dhave another 5.4 million americanswho could get access to health care ne_tyear, regardless of what happens with the website.that’s their decision not to do it. and it’s the wrong decision. they’ve got to go ahead andsign folks up.

so the bottom line is sometimeswe just have to set aside the politics and focus on what’sgood forpeople. what’s good to grow our middleclass? what’s going to help keep planslike thisgrowing? what’s going to makesure we’re putting more people back to work? what’s going toreally make a difference in terms of our kids getting agreat education?

and, look, we’ve done itbefore. that’s the good news. the good news is that america is --look, wemake mistakes. we have ourdifferences. our politics get screwed upsometimes.websites don’t worksometimes. (laughter.) but we just keep going. we didn’t become thegreatest nation on earthby accident. we did it because we didwhat it took to make sure ourfamilies could succeed, make sure our businessescould succeed, make sure our communitiescould succeed. and if you don’t believe me, listen to one ofyour coworkers.

so sherrod brown, earlier thisyear, brought a special guest along with him to the state ofthe union address-- one of your coworkers, cookie hall. where’s cookie? is cookie here?

audience member: no, she’s back at the hall.

the president: she’s back at the hall working. (laughter.) well, let me say somethingnice about her behind her back. (laughter.) so cookie said, one of -- let me make sure i canfind this. she said -- that night she said, “if i get achance to meet president obama, i’ll tellhim my greatest pride is in our 2024production record at cleveland works. we’rethe mostproductive steelworkers in the world.” (applause.) more than a ton ofsteel produced for everysingle one of the workers at this plant. that’s pretty good. that’s pretty good. (applause.)

so all of you are an e_ample ofwhat we do when we put our minds to it. this plant wasclosed for a while. we go through hard times. and alot of our friends are still going throughhard times. but when we work at it, we know we can get toa better place, and we can restoresome security to a middle class that wasforged in plants just like this one, and keep givingladders of opportunity forfolks who were willing to work hard to get into the middle class.that’s what i’m about. that’s what this plant is about. i’m proud to be with you.

and as long as i have the honorof being your president, i’m going to be waking up everysingle day thinkingabout how i can keep on helping folks like the ones who work in thisplant. (applause.)

god bless you. thank you. god bless you, and god bless the united states of america.thank you.

奧巴馬英語演講稿 模板2


mrs. obama: i see tears. i do. wow, abby, amazing. we"re so proud of you. man, good stuff!very good stuff.

you guys, welcome to the white house. let"s say that again – welcome to the white house!

this is the whole house"s favorite event – the kids" state dinner. look at this place. do youknow how many people put time and effort into making this as amazing as it can be for you? solet"s give everyone who helped put this event together a wonderful round of

and i want to again thank abby for her amazing introduction, but more importantly, forlistening to what i said about paying it forward. i thank you. i need you to talk to my children.listen to me. abby, great job. so proud of you, babe, really.

i also want to thank pbs and wgbh boston for their tremendous generosity in sponsoring ourkids" state dinner and our healthy lunchtime challenge. so i want to give them another roundof

and, of course, to tanya. tanya, this is just a great partnership. you are amazing. there youare. the work you do is amazing. and it"s always so much fun seeing you here at this event.thank you for everything that you do year after year.

i also want to acknowledge all the folks from the department of education and thedepartment of agriculture. they make a fabulous set of partners on so much of the work thatwe do. and i know we have representatives from those departments here, so i want to thankyou all for the great work that you do. well done.

and how about we give a shout-out to the parents and siblings and grandparents who – yes – (– who got you all here today. let"s give them a round of we want to say officially thank you,families, for encouraging these young people – even when they made a mess in the kitchen.but i"m sure they cleaned up, too. right? thank you all. thank you for raising and being part ofraising such wonderful young men and women. and it"s wonderful to have you all here. theycouldn"t do it without you and without that support. so we are celebrating you all as well.

and finally, most of all, congratulations to all of this year"s 55 healthy lunchtime challengewinners! that"s you! and you, and you! yes! just so that our press understands – welcomepress – (– all our young press people. this is the only time we let kids in the press pool. youguys do your jobs. do your jobs over there. don"t let the grown-ups push you out of the way.

nearly 1,000 kids entered this contest – 1,000! right? this was a real competition. but aftercountless hours of prepping and taste-testing your recipes, our panel of distinguished judges– some of whom are here today, including deb – she ate every bite – (– decided that yourmeals were the healthiest, tastiest, and most fun dishes to cook and to eat!

so you had many hurdles to overcome. it had to be healthy, tasty, and good to eat, and youdid it! yes! fabulous! and you look so good! you all are so handsome and gorgeous. so you cancook and your smart and you look great, and you"re here at the white house. it"s justwonderful.

you blew the judges away with your talent and creativity. you included fruits and veggies fromevery color of the rainbow in your recipes. you used all kinds of ingredients – fla_ seed – doany of the adults even know what fla_ seed is? cumin, and we have yellow miso paste that wasincluded in one of the recipes – pretty sophisticated.

and you came up with some of the catchiest recipe names imaginable – one of my favorites,mango-cango chicken. who is our mango – where is our mango-cango young man? there youare. mango-cango. we had fizzle sizzle stir fry. who created fizzle sizzle stir fry? where isour – there you go! and then, sam"s southern savoring salmon supreme – or s to the 5thpower. sam, was that you? and so many more. you guys have the menus. we"re tasting just afew of them. one is the mic-kale obama slaw – what is that? i love that one.

and your reasons for creating these dishes were as varied as the ingredients, as tanya said.some of you play sports and you realize that you need good nutrition to be able to compete.as hannah betts – where"s hannah? hannah, where are you? hannah! this is what hannahbetts, our winner from connecticut, said – this is her quote – she said, “i do gymnastics andswimming, so i need food that is going to fill me up and give me lots of energy.” outstanding.

for some of you, cooking is a way to bond with your families and relive happy memories fromwhen you were little. and that"s why feli_ gonzalez – feli_, where are you? there you go, thereyou go. you told me this story in the photo line. he"s from puerto rico. he created his “wrap itup” chicken wrap – and this is his quote – he said, “i decided to make this dish as a wrapbecause i was thinking about the fun times when my dad wrapped me up as a burrito – (– witha blanket when i was a small child.” yeah, cool, dude. cool.

some of you became interested in cooking because you were worried about your friends"unhealthy eating habits. something that i try to work with my friends on all the time. now,izzy washburn from kentucky actually did – this is izzy – raise your hand. izzy right there. shedid a science e_periment comparing school lunches to the lunches her friends brought fromhome, and the school lunches turned out to be healthier, according to your e_periment.

and that wasn"t always the case. we all know that we"ve seen some tremendous improvementsin our school lunches over these years. and it actually took a whole lot of work by people in yourschool cafeterias to actually accomplish this goal.

back in 2024, based on some advice that we got from doctors and nutritionists and scientists inthis country, we realized that we needed to improve the quality of school meals by addingfruits and veggies and whole grains. and it required a lot – a little energy to make that happen,a little pushing back. but right now, today, 95 percent of schools in this country are nowmeeting those new standards. and that"s a wonderful achievement.

so now tens of millions of kids are now getting better nutrition every single day. just like abbypointed out, there are many kids who go to school and they don"t have breakfast, and breakfastis the most important meal of the day. so you imagine, now the schools all over this country areproviding that kind of nutrition so kids who might not get that nutrition at home are gettingit at school. this is an important step forward. and i know you guys all agree because youunderstand the importance of healthy eating.

so i know that izzy certainly believes so. this is her quote – she said, “it"s important to teachmy friends what good choices look like and how what fuel they choose for their bodies affectshow they perform throughout their day.” very wise for such a little-bitty person.

and that"s why we created let"s move and started hosting these kids" state dinners – because,as abby said in her remarks, we want you guys to be ambassadors and to talk about healthyeating in your schools and in your communities.

so that"s really one of the things – one of the things you will do to pay for this opportunity isthat you"re going to pay it forward, and hopefully when you go back, you"ll not only share thise_perience with your friends and family, but you"ll also talk about why we"re doing this. becausea lot of kids don"t understand that food is fuel in a very fundamental way. and sometimesthey don"t listen to grown-ups, and they don"t listen to the first lady. but many of them willlisten to you because you"re living proof of that reality.

so i want you to kind of think about how you can move this issue forward in your communities.what more can you do when you get back home to continue this conversation and to engagemore young people in the work that you all do. that"s the only thing that i ask of you – and justto keep being the amazing, wonderful human beings that you are.

we developed this really cool – we worked with a pr firm to develop this really cool campaignfor fruits and vegetables called fnv. and it"s being piloted in certain parts of the country. theidea behind the campaign is very simple: if unhealthy foods can have all kinds ofadvertisements and celebrity endorsements, then why can"t we do that for fruits andvegetables? right?

so we"ve got jessica alba involved, and colin kaepernick, and nick jonas, and steph curry. ijust saw a full-page ad in a paper with steph in a suit and a basketball, talking about theimportance of veggies. and so many other athletes and celebrities have signed up to show theirsupport for fruits and vegetables.

and now we need you guys to sign up. you can get involved in this campaign. it involves t-shirts and fans and sweat bands, and there are things that you can do to be engaged – lot offun. all you have to do is go to fnv.com to check it out and figure out how you can join thefnv team. and you guys will be among the first ambassadors through fnv. so, soon as you getout of here – don"t pull out any phones right now. go to fnv and check it out. and then tell uswhat you think – because we want your feedback.

so really, there"s so many ways that you guys can be leaders in your communities and help usbuild a healthier country for generations to come.

and with your award-winning recipes, you"re already well on your way. and i"m so proud ofeverything you all are doing. the president is so proud of everything you all are doing. and ijust want you all to keep going, have fun.

and now we get to eat. we get to try some of the – yes, we get to eat. so bon appétit,everyone. let"s get going! let"s eat!

oh, wait! wait! (the president enters.) we have one more thing – i"m sorry. i know you"rehungry, but i"d like to introduce to you guys the president of the united states.

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the president: good morning! (applause.) good morning,everybody! everybody,please have aseat. have a seat.

well, on behalf of michelle andmyself, welcome to the white house. thisis one of myfavorite events every year, especially special this year, as ilook at this e_traordinary group ofindividuals and our opportunity to honorthem with our nation’s highest civilian honor -- thepresidential medal offreedom.

and this year, it’s just a littlemore special because this marks the 50th anniversary ofpresident kennedyestablishing this award. we’re honored,by the way, today to have with us oneof my favorite people -- ethel kennedy --and a pretty good basketball player, presidentkennedy’s grandson, jack. (applause.)

this medal has been bestowed onmore than 500 deserving people. tonight,i’m lookingforward to joining some of these honorees, as well as members ofthe kennedy family, as we paytribute to these 50 years of e_cellence. and this morning, we’re honored to add 16 newnamesto this distinguished list.

today, we salute fiercecompetitors who became true champions. in the sweltering heat of achicago summer, ernie banks walked into thecubs locker room and didn’t like what he saw. “everybody was sitting around, heads down, depressed,” he recalled. so ernie piped up andsaid, “boy, what agreat day! let’s play two!” (laughter.) that’s “mr. cub” -- a man who cameup through the negro leagues, making$7 a day, and became the first black player to suit up forthe cubs and one ofthe greatest hitters of all time. and inthe process, ernie became known asmuch for his 512 home runs as for his cheerand his optimism and his eternal faith thatsomeday the cubs would go all theway. (laughter.)

and that"s serious belief. (laughter.) that is something that even a white so_ fan like mecan respect. (laughter.) but he is just a wonderful man and a great icon of my hometown.

speaking of sports, dean smith isone of the winningest coaches in college basketballhistory, but his successesgo far beyond _s and os. even as he won78 percent of his games, hegraduated 96 percent of his players. the first coach to use multiple defenses in agame, hewas the pioneer who popularized the idea of “pointing to the passer”-- after a basket, playersshould point to the teammate who passed them theball. and with his first national titleon theline, he did have the good sense to give the ball to a 19-year-old kidnamed michael jordan. (laughter.) although they used to joke that the onlyperson who ever held michael under 20 wasdean smith. (laughter.)

while coach smith couldn’t joinus today due to an illness that he’s facing withe_traordinary courage, we alsohonor his courage in helping to change our country -- herecruited the firstblack scholarship athlete to north carolina and helped to integratearestaurant and a neighborhood in chapel hill. that"s the kind of character that he representedon and off the court.

we salute innovators who pushedthe limits of science, changing how we see the world --and ourselves. and growing up, sally ride read about thespace program in the newspaperalmost every day, and she thought this was “thecoolest thing around.” when she was aphdcandidate at stanford she saw an ad for astronauts in the student newspaperand she seizedthe opportunity. as thefirst american woman in space, sally didn’t just break thestratospheric glassceiling, she blasted through it. andwhen she came back to earth, shedevoted her life to helping girls e_cel infields like math, science and engineering. “young girlsneed to see role models,” she said, “you can’t be what youcan’t see.” today, our daughters --includingmalia and sasha -- can set their sights a little bit higher because sally rideshowedthem the way.

now, all of us have moments whenwe look back and wonder, “what the heck was ithinking?” i have that -- (laughter) -- quite abit. psychologist daniel kahneman hasmade thatsimple question his life’s work. in a storied career in israel and america, he basically inventedthestudy of human decision-making. he’shelped us to understand everything from behavioraleconomics to “does living incalifornia make people happy?” it’s aninteresting question. he’salso beencalled an e_pert on irrational behavior -- so i"m sure that he could shed somelight onwashington. (laughter.)

but what truly sets daniel apartis his curiosity. guided by his beliefthat people are“endlessly complicated and interesting,” at 79 he’s stilldiscovering new insights into how wethink and learn, not just so we understandeach other, but so we can work and live togethermore effectively.

dr. mario molina’s love of sciencestarted as a young boy in me_ico city, in a homemadelaboratory in a bathroomat home. and that passion for discoveryled mario to become one ofthe most respected chemists of his era. he was awarded the nobel peace prize -- orthe nobelprize, rather, not only for his path-breaking research, but also forhis insistence that when weignore dangerous carbon emissions we riskdestroying the ozone layer and endangering ourplanet. and thanks to mario’s work, the world cametogether to address a common threat, andtoday, inspired by his e_ample, we’reworking to leave our planet safer and cleaner for futuregenerations.

we also have to salute musicians,who bring such joy to our lives. lorettalynn was 19 thefirst time she won the big -- she won big at the localfair. her canned vegetables broughthome17 blue ribbons -- (laughter) -- and made her “canner of the year.”(laughter.) now, that’simpressive. (laughter.)

for a girl from butcher hollow,kentucky, that was fame. fortunately forall of us, shedecided to try her hand at things other than canning. her first guitar cost $17, and with itthiscoal miner’s daughter gave voice to a generation, singing what no one wanted totalk aboutand saying what no one wanted to think about. and now, over 50 years after she cut herfirstrecord -- and canned her first vegetables -- (laughter) -- loretta lynnstill reigns as the rule-breaking, record-setting queen of country music.

as a young man in cuba, arturosandoval loved jazz so much it landed him in jail. it wasthe cold war, and the only radiostation where he could hear jazz was the voice of america,which was dangerousto listen to. but arturo listenedanyway. later, he defected to theunitedstates knowing he might never see his parents or beloved homeland again. “withoutfreedom,” he said, “there is nolife.” and today, arturo is an americancitizen and one of the mostcelebrated trumpet players in the world. “there isn’t any place on earth where thepeopledon’t know about jazz,” he says, and that’s true in part becausemusicians like him havesacrificed so much to play it.

we salute pioneers who pushed ournation towards greater justice and equality. a baptistminister, c.t. vivian was one of dr. martin luther king, jr.’sclosest advisors. “martin taught us,”hesays, “that it’s in the action that we find out who we really are.” and time and again,reverend vivian was amongthe first to be in the action: in 1947,joining a sit-in to integrate anillinois restaurant; one of the first freedomriders; in selma, on the courthouse steps toregister blacks to vote, for whichhe was beaten, bloodied and jailed. rosaparks said of him, “even after things had supposedly been taken care of and wehad our rights, he was still outthere, inspiring the ne_t generation,including me,” helping kids go to college with a programthat would becomeupward bound. and at 89 years old,reverend vivian is still out there, still inthe action, pushing us closer toour founding ideals.

now, early in the morning the dayof the march on washington, the national mall was farfrom full and some in thepress were beginning to wonder if the event would be a failure. butthe march’s chief organizer, bayardrustin, didn’t panic. as the story goes,he looked down at apiece of paper, looked back up, and reassured reportersthat everything was right on schedule.the only thing those reporters didn’t know was that the paper he washolding was blank. (laughter.) he didn’t know how it was going to work out,but bayard had an unshakableoptimism, nerves of steel, and, most importantly,a faith that if the cause is just and people areorganized, nothing can standin our way.

so, for decades, this greatleader, often at dr. king’s side, was denied his rightful place inhistorybecause he was openly gay. no medal canchange that, but today, we honor bayardrustin’s memory by taking our place inhis march towards true equality, no matter who we areor who we love. (applause.)

speaking of game-changers,disrupters, there was a young girl names gloria steinem whoarrived in new yorkto make her mark as a journalist, and magazines only wanted to writearticleslike “how to cook without really cooking for men.” (laughter.) gloria noticed things likethat. (laughter.) she’s been called a “championnoticer.” she’s alert to all the ways,large andsmall, that women had been and, in some cases, continue to be treatedunfairly just becausethey’re women.

as a writer, a speaker, anactivist, she awakened a vast and often skeptical public toproblems likedomestic violence, the lack of affordable child care, unfair hiringpractices. andbecause of her work,across america and around the world, more women are afforded the respectandopportunities that they deserve. but shealso changed how women thought aboutthemselves. and gloria continues to pour her heart intoteaching and mentoring. her one pieceofadvice to young girls is -- i love this -- “do not listen to my advice. listen to the voice insideyou and follow that.”

when patricia wald’s law firmasked if she’d come back after having her first child, she saidshe’d like sometime off to focus on her family -- devoted almost 10 years to raisingfivechildren. but patricia never lost theitch to practice law. so while herhusband watched thekids at home, she’d hit the library on weekends. at the age 40, she went back to thecourtroomto show the “young kids” a thing or two. as the first female judge on the d.c. circuit,patricia was a topcandidate for attorney general. afterleaving the bench, her idea of retirementwas to go to the hague to presideover the trials of war criminals. patricia says she hopesenough women will become judges that “it’s notworth celebrating” anymore. but today,wecelebrate her. and along with gloria,she shows there are all kinds of paths listening to yourown voice.

we salute communicators whoshined a light on stories no one else was telling. a veteran ofworld war ii and more than adozen pacific battles, ben bradlee brought the same intensityand dedication tojournalism. since joining the washingtonpost 65 years ago, he transformedthat newspaper into one of the finest in theworld. with ben in charge, the postpublished thepentagon papers, revealing the true history of america’sinvolvement in vietnam; e_posedwatergate; unleashed a new era of investigativejournalism, holding america’s leadersaccountable and reminding us that ourfreedom as a nation rests on our freedom of the press.when ben retired, senator daniel patrickmoynihan put the admiration of many into a poem: “o rare ben bradlee/his reign has ceased/buthis nation stands/its strength increased.”

and i also indicated to ben hecan pull off those shirts and i can"t. (laughter.) he alwayslooks socool in them. (laughter.)

early in oprah winfrey’s career,her bosses told her she should change her name to susie. (laughter.) i have to pause here to say i got the same advice. (laughter and applause.) theydidn"t say i should be named “susie,”but they suggested i should change my name. (laughter.)people can relate tosusie, that"s what they said. it turnedout, surprisingly, that people couldrelate to oprah just fine.

in more than 4,500 episodes ofher show, her message was always, “you can.” “you can doand you can be and you can grow and it can be better.” and she was living proof, rising fromachildhood of poverty and abuse to the pinnacle of the entertainmentuniverse. but even with40 emmys, thedistinction of being the first black female billionaire, oprah’s greateststrengthhas always been her ability to help us discover the best inourselves. michelle and icountourselves among her many devoted fans and friends. as one of those fans wrote, “i didn’tknow ihad a light in me until oprah told me it was there.” what a great gift.

and, finally, we salute publicservants who’ve strengthened our nation. daniel inouye wasa humble man and didn’t wear his medal of honor veryoften. instead, he liked to wear apinrepresenting the good conduct medal he earned as a teenage private. “to behave yourselftakes special effort,” hesaid, “and i did not want to dishonor my family.” danny always honoredhis family and hiscountry, even when his country didn’t always honor him.

after being classified as an “enemyalien,” danny joined a japanese american unit thatbecame one of the mostdecorated in world war ii. and as thesecond-longest serving senatorin american history, he showed a generation ofyoung people -- including one kid with a funnyname growing up in hawaii whonoticed that there was somebody during some of those hearingsin washingtonthat didn"t look like everybody else, which meant maybe i had a chance todosomething important, too. he taught allof us that no matter what you look like or where youcome from, this countryhas a place for everybody who’s willing to serve and work hard.

a proud hoosier, dick lugar hasserved america for more than half a century, from a youngnavy lieutenant to arespected leader in the united states senate. i’ll always be thankful to dickfor taking me -- a new, junior senator-- under his wing, including travels together to reviewsome of his visionarywork, the destruction of cold war arsenals in the former soviet union --something that doesn’t get a lot of publicnotice, but was absolutely critical to making us saferin the wake of the coldwar.

now, i should say, traveling withdick you get close to une_ploded landmines, mortar shells,test tubes filledwith anthra_ and the plague. (laughter.) his legacy, though, is the thousandsofmissiles and bombers and submarines and warheads that no longer threaten usbecause of hise_traordinary work. andour nation and our world are safer because of this statesman. and in atime ofunrelenting partisanship, dick lugar’s decency, his commitment tobipartisanproblem-solving, stand as a model of what public service ought to be.

now, last, but never least, wehonor a leader who we still remember with suche_traordinary fondness. he still remembers as a child waving goodbyeto his mom -- tears inher eyes -- as she went off to nursing school so shecould provide for her family. and ithinklifting up families like his own became the story of bill clinton’slife. he remembered what hismom had todo on behalf of him and he wanted to make sure that he made life better andeasierfor so many people all across the country that were struggling in thosesame ways and had thosesame hopes and dreams. so as a governor, he transformed education so more kids couldpursuethose dreams. as president, he provedthat, with the right choices, you could grow theeconomy, lift people out ofpoverty. we could shrink our deficitsand still invest in our families,our health, our schools, science,technology. in other words, we can gofarther when we look outfor each other.

and as we’ve all seen, aspresident, he was just getting started. he doesn’t stop. he’s helpedleadrelief efforts after the asian tsunami, hurricane katrina, the haiti earthquake. hisfoundation and global initiative havehelped to save or improve the lives of literally hundredsof millions ofpeople. and, of course, i am mostgrateful for his patience during the endlesstravels of my secretary ofstate. (laughter.)

so i’m grateful, bill, as wellfor the advice and counsel that you’ve offered me on and offthe golfcourse. (laughter.) and most importantly, for your lifesavingwork around the world,which represents what’s the very best in america. so thank you so much, president clinton. (applause.)

so these are the recipients ofthe 2024 presidential medal of freedom. these are the menand women who in their e_traordinary lives remind usall of the beauty of the human spirit,the values that define us as americans,the potential that lives inside of all of us. i could notbe more happy and more honored to participate in thisceremony here today.

with that, what i would like todo is invite our honorees to just sit there and let all of usstand and giveyou a big round of applause. (applause.)

i guess we should actually givethem the medals, though. (laughter.) where are my --herewe go. lee, you want to hit it?

military aide: presidential medal of freedom recipients.

ernie banks. (applause.) with an unmatched enthusiasm for america’s pastime, erniebanks slugged,sprinted and smiled his way into the record books. known to fans as “mr. cub,”he played ane_traordinary 19 seasons with the chicago cubs, during which he was named to11all-star teams, hit over 500 home runs, and won back-to-back most valuableplayer honors.ernie banks was electedto the baseball hall of fame in 1977, and he will forever be known asone ofthe finest power hitters and most dynamic players of all time. (applause.)

benjamin crowninshieldbradlee. (applause.) a titan of journalism, benjamincrowninshieldbradlee is one of the most respected newsmen of his generation. after servingour nation in world war ii, benbradlee went on to defend liberty here at home. testing thelimits of a freepress during his tenure as e_ecutive editor of the washington post, heoversawcoverage of the watergate scandal and successfully challenged the federalgovernmentover the right to publish the pentagon papers. his passion foraccuracy and unyielding pursuitof truth continue to set the standard forjournalism. (applause.)

the honorable william j.clinton. (applause.) among the finest public servants of ourtime,president william j. clinton argued cases for the people of arkansas, servedhis state in thegovernor’s mansion, and guided our nation into a newcentury. as the 42nd president oftheunited states, bill clinton oversaw an era of challenge and change, prosperityand progress.his work after leavingpublic office continues to reflect his passionate, unendingcommitment toimproving the lives and livelihoods of people around the world. in respondingto needs both at home andabroad, and as founder of the clinton foundation, he has shown thatthroughcreative cooperation among women and men of goodwill, we can solve eventhemost intractable problems. (applause.)

irene hirano inouye, accepting onbehalf of her husband, the honorable daniel k. inouye. (applause.) a true patriot and dedicated public servant, daniel k. inouye understoodthepower of leaders when united in common purpose to protect and promote thetenets wecherish as americans. as amember of the revered 442nd regimental combat team, danielinouye helped freeeurope from the grasp of tyranny during world war ii, for which he receivedthemedal of honor. representing the peopleof hawaii from the moment the islands joined theunion, he never lost sight ofthe ideals that bind us across the 50 states. senator inouye’sreason and resolve helped make our country what it is today,and for that, we honor him. (applause.)

dr. daniel kahneman. (applause.) daniel kahneman’s groundbreaking work earned him anobel prize ineconomic sciences for his research developing prospect theory. after escapingfrom nazi-occupied france as ayoung boy and later joining the israel defense forces, dr.kahneman grewinterested in understanding the origins of people’s beliefs. combiningpsychology and economic analysis,and working alongside dr. amos tversky, dr. kahnemanused simple e_periments todemonstrate how people make decisions under uncertaincircumstances, and heforever changed the way we view human judgment. (applause.)

the honorable richard g.lugar. (applause.) representing the state of indiana for overthreedecades in the united states senate, richard g. lugar put country aboveparty and self toforge bipartisan consensus. throughout his time in the senate, he offered effective solutionsto ournational and international problems, advocating for the control of nuclear armsand otherweapons of mass destruction. working with senator sam nunn, richard lugar establishedthe nunn-lugarcooperative threat reduction program, one of our country’s mostsuccessfulnational security initiatives, helping to sustain american leadership andengagenations in collaboration after decades of confrontation. he remains a strong voice on foreignpolicyissues, and his informed perspective will have broad influence for years tocome. (applause.)

loretta lynn. (applause.) born a coal miner’s daughter, loretta lynn has followed a boldpath tobecome a legend in country music. asinger, songwriter, and author, she has writtendozens of chart-topping songs,released scores of albums, and won numerous accolades.breaking barriers in country music andentertainment, she opened doors for women not only bywinning tremendousachievements, but also by raising issues few dared to discuss. fearlesslytelling her own stories withcandor and humor, loretta lynn has brought a strong female voiceto mainstreammusic, captured the emotions of women and men alike, and revealed thecommontruths about life as it is lived. (applause.)

dr. mario molina. (applause.) the curiosity and creativity that inspired mario molina toconvert hisfamily’s bathroom into a laboratory as a child have driven him through decadesofscientific research. born in me_ico,dr. molina’s passion for chemistry brought him to the unitedstates, where hisinvestigations of chlorofluorocarbons led to breakthroughs in ourunderstandingof how they deplete the ozone layer. theimpact of his discoveries e_tends farbeyond his field, affecting environmentalpolicy and fostering international awareness, as wellas earning him the 1995nobel prize in chemistry. today, dr.molina remains a global leader,continuing to study air quality, climatechange, and the environment that connects us all. (applause.)

tam o’shaughnessy accepting onbehalf of her life partner, dr. sally k. ride. (applause.)thirty years ago, dr.sally k. ride soared into space as the youngest american and first womantowear the stars and stripes above earth’s atmosphere. as an astronaut, she sought to keepamericaat the forefront of space e_ploration. as a role model, she fought tirelessly to inspireyoung people --especially girls -- to become scientifically literate and to pursue careersinscience, technology, engineering, and math. at the end of her life, she became aninspiration for those battlingpancreatic cancer, and for the lesbian, gay, bise_ual, andtransgendercommunity. the tale of a quiet hero,sally ride’s story demonstrates that the sky isno limit for those who dream ofreaching for the stars. (applause.)

walter naegle accepting on behalfof his partner, bayard rustin. (applause.) bayard rustinwas agiant in the american civil rights movement. openly gay at a time when many had tohide who they loved, hisunwavering belief that we are all equal members of a “single humanfamily” tookhim from his first freedom ride to the lesbian, gay, bise_ual, and transgenderrightsmovement. thanks to hisunparalleled skills as an organizer, progress that once seemedimpossibleappears, in retrospect, to have been inevitable. fifty years after the march onwashington heorganized, america honors bayard rustin as one of its greatest architectsforsocial change and a fearless advocate for its most vulnerable citizens. (applause.)

arturo sandoval. (applause.) arturo sandoval is one of the world’s finest jazz musicians.born into poverty in cuba and held back byhis government, he risked everything to share hisgifts with the world --eventually defecting with help from dizzy gillespie, his mentorandfriend. in the decades since, thisastonishing trumpeter, pianist, and composer hasinspired audiences in everycorner of the world and awakened a new generation of greatperformers. he remains one of the best ever to play. (applause.)

linnea smith, accepting on behalfof her husband, dean e. smith. (applause.) dean e.smith spent36 seasons taking college basketball to new heights. as head coach at theuniversity of northcarolina at chapel hill, he led his team to 11 final fours, two nationaltitles,and 879 victories, retiring as the winningest men’s college basketballcoach in history. deansmith brought thesame commitment to supporting his players off the court. he helped morethan 96 percent of hislettermen graduate. and in an era ofdeep division, he taught players toovercome bigotry with courage andcompassion. he will forever stand as oneof the greatestcoaches in college basketball history. (applause.)

gloria steiner. (applause.) a trailblazing writer and feminist organizer, gloria steinem hasbeen atthe forefront of the fight for equality and social justice for more than fourdecades.instrumental to a broad rangeof initiatives and issues, from establishing ms. magazine and takeourdaughters to work day, to pushing for women’s self-empowerment and an end tose_trafficking. she has promotedlasting political and social change in america and abroad.through her reporting and speaking, she hasshaped debates on the intersection of se_ and race,brought critical problemsto national attention, and forged new opportunities for women inmedia. gloria steinem continues to move us all totake up the cause of reaching for a more justtomorrow. (applause.)

reverend c.t. vivian. (applause.) equipped only with courage and an overwhelmingcommitment to socialjustice, the reverend c.t. vivian was a stalwart activist on the marchtowardracial equality. whether at a lunchcounter, on a freedom ride, or behind the bars of aprison cell, he wasunafraid to take bold action in the face of fierce resistance. by pushingchange through nonviolentdemonstration and advocacy, c.t. vivian established and lednumerousorganizations to support underserved individuals and communities. his legacy ofcombating injustice will shineas an e_ample for generations to come. (applause.)

patricia mcgowan wald. (applause.) patricia mcgowan wald made history as the first womanappointed to theunited states court of appeals for the district of columbia circuit. rising tochief judge of the court, shealways strove to better understand the law and fairly apply it.after leaving federal service, judge waldhelped institute standards for justice and the rule oflaw at the internationalcriminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia in the hague. hailed as amodel judge, she laid afoundation for countless women within the legal profession and helpedunveilthe humanity within the law. (applause.)

oprah g. winfrey. (applause.) oprah g. winfrey is a global media icon. when she launchedthe oprah winfrey show in 1986, there were few women-- and even fewer women of color --with a national platform to discuss theissues and events shaping our times. butover the 25years that followed, oprah winfrey’s innate gift for tapping intoour most fervent hopes anddeepest fears drew millions of viewers across everybackground, making her show the highest-rated talk show in televisionhistory. off screen, oprah winfrey hasused her influence to supportunderserved communities and to lift up the livesof young people -- especially young women --around the world. in her story, we are reminded that no dreamcan be deferred when we refuseto let life’s obstacles keep us down. (applause.)

the president: the medal of freedom honorees -- please. (applause.)

well, that concludes the formalpart of today’s ceremony. i want tothank all of you forbeing here. obviously,we are deeply indebted to those who we honor here today. and we’regoing to have an opportunity totake some pictures with the honorees and their familymembers.

the rest of you, i understand thefood here is pretty good. (laughter.) soi hope you enjoythe reception, and i hope we carry away from this a reminderof what jfk understood to be theessence of the american spirit -- that it’srepresented here. and some of us may belesstalented, but we all have the opportunity to serve and to open people’shearts and minds inour smaller orbits. so i hope everybody has been as inspired, as i have been, participatingandbeing with these people here today.

thank you very much,everybody. (applause.)

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the president: everybody, have a seat.

ms. baker: hello. my name is janice baker. i havethe privilege to say that i"m the firstperson in the state of delaware to enrollfor health insurance through the new marketplace. (applause.) like many consumers out there, it took me a number of frustratingattempts beforei could apply for and select my plan. i kept trying because i needed access to thenew healthcare options.

i had applied to three privateinsurance companies only to be rejected due to pree_istinghealthconditions. i am too young for medicare,but i"m too old not to have some health issues. iwas able to find a policy i am thrilled with, saving $150 a month, andmuch lower deductiblesthan my previous policy that i held through my smallbusiness.

i"m here today to encourage otherpeople like me who needs access to quality, affordableinsurance, and to tellthem to have patience with such a new system. without this ability toget this insurance, iknow that a single hospital stay could have bankrupted me and mybusiness.

thank you all. and i am now honored to introduce thepresident of the united states. (applause.)

the president: great job.

ms. baker: thank you. thank you.

the president: thank you. (applause.) thank you,everybody. well, thank you, janice.and thanks to everybody here for coming onthis beautiful day. welcome to the whitehouse.

about three weeks ago, as thefederal government shut down, the affordable care act"shealth insurancemarketplaces opened for business across the country. well, we"ve now gottenthe government backopen for the american people, and today i want to talk about how we"regoing toget the marketplaces running at full steam, as well. and i"m joined today by folks whohave eitherbenefited from the affordable care act already, or who are helping theirfellowcitizens learn about what this law means for them and how they can get covered.

of course, you"ve probably heardthat healthcare.gov –- the new website where people canapply for healthinsurance, and browse and buy affordable plans in most states –- hasn"tworkedas smoothly as it was supposed to work. and the number of people who have visitedthe site has beenoverwhelming, which has aggravated some of these underlying problems.

despite all that, thousands ofpeople are signing up and saving money as we speak. manyamericans with a pree_isting condition,like janice, are discovering that they can finally gethealth insurance likeeverybody else.

so today, i want to speak toevery american who"s looking to get affordable healthinsurance. i want you to know what"s available to youand why it may be a good deal for you.and for those who"ve had some problems with the website, i want to tellyou what we"re doingto make it work better and how you can sign up to getcovered in other ways.

but before i do that, let meremind everybody that the affordable care act is not just awebsite. it"s much more. for the vast majority of americans -- for 85percent of americanswho already have health insurance through your employer ormedicare or medicaid -– you don"tneed to sign up for coverage through awebsite at all. you"ve already gotcoverage. what theaffordable care actdoes for you is to provide you with new benefits and protections that havebeenin place for some time. you may not knowit, but you"re already benefiting from theseprovisions in the law.

for e_ample, because of theaffordable care act, young people like jasmine jennings, andjessica ugalde,and ezra salop, all of whom are here today, they"ve been able to stay ontheirparents" plans until they"re 26. millions of other young people are currently benefiting fromthat part ofthe law. (applause.) another part of the affordable care act isproviding seniors withdeeper discounts on their prescription medicine. billions of dollars have been saved byseniorsalready. that"s part of thelaw. it"s already in place. it"s happening right now.

already, because of theaffordable care act, preventive care like mammograms and birthcontrol are freethrough your employers. that"s part ofthis law. (applause.) so there are a widerange of consumerprotections and benefits that you already have if you"ve got healthinsurance.you may not have noticedthem, but you"ve got them, and they"re not going anywhere. andthey"re not dependent on a website.

here"s another thing that theaffordable care act does. in stateswhere governors andlegislatures have wisely allowed it, the affordable careact provides the opportunity for manyamericans to get covered under medicaidfor the first time. so in oregon, fore_ample, that"shelped cut the number of uninsured people by 10 percent just inthe last three weeks. thinkaboutthat. that"s 56,000 more americans whonow have health care. (applause.) that doesn"tdepend on a website.

now, if you"re one of the 15percent of americans who don"t have health insurance -- eitherbecause you can"tafford it or because your employer doesn"t offer it, or because you"re asmallbusinessperson and you have to go out on the individual market and buy it onyour ownand it"s just too e_pensive -- october 1st was an important date. that"s when we opened thenew marketplaceswhere people without health insurance, or who can"t afford healthinsurance, orwho aren"t part of a group plan, can finally start getting affordable coverage.

and the idea is simple. by enrolling in what we"re calling thesemarketplaces, you becomepart of a big group plan -- as if you were working fora big employer -- a statewide group planthat spreads risk between sick peopleand healthy people, between young and old, and thenbargains on your behalf forthe best deal on health care. what we"vedone is essentially create acompetition where there wasn"t competitionbefore. we created these big groupplans, and nowinsurers are really interested in getting your business. and so insurers have created new healthcareplans with more choices to be made available through these marketplaces.

and as a result of this choiceand this competition, prices have come down. when you addthe new ta_ credits that many people are eligible forthrough the law, then the prices comedown even further. so one study shows that through new optionscreated by the affordable careact, nearly 6 in 10 uninsured americans willfind that they can get covered for less than $100 amonth. think about that. (applause.)

through the marketplaces, you canget health insurance for what may be the equivalentof your cell phone bill oryour cable bill, and that"s a good deal.

so the fact is the product of theaffordable care act for people without health insurance isquality healthinsurance that"s affordable. and thatproduct is working. it"s reallygood. and itturns out there"s a massivedemand for it. so far, the nationalwebsite, healthcare.gov, has beenvisited nearly 20 million times. twenty million times. (applause.) and there"s great demand atthe state level as well, because there are abunch of states that are running their ownmarketplaces.

we know that nearly one-third ofthe people applying in connecticut and maryland, fore_ample, are under 35years old. they understand that they canget a good deal at low costs,have the security of health care, and this is notjust for old folks like me -- that everybodyneeds good quality healthinsurance. and all told, more than halfa million consumers across thecountry have successfully submitted applicationsthrough federal and state marketplaces. andmany of those applications aren"t just for individuals, it"s fortheir entire families. so evenmorepeople are already looking to potentially take advantage of the high quality,affordableinsurance that is provided through the affordable care act.

so let me just recap here. the product is good. the health insurance that"s being providedisgood. it"s high quality and it"saffordable. people can save money,significant money, bygetting insurance that"s being provided through thesemarketplaces. and we know thatthedemand is there. people are rushing tosee what"s available. and those who havealready hada chance to enroll are thrilled with the result. every day, people who were stuck withsky-highpremiums because of pree_isting conditions are getting affordableinsurance for the first time, orfinding, like janice did, that they"re savinga lot of money. every day, women arefinally buyingcoverage that doesn"t charge them higher premiums than men forthe same care. (applause.)every day, people are discovering that newhealth insurance plans have to cover maternitycare, mental health care, freepreventive care.

so you just heard janice"s story-- she owns her own small business. sherecently became thefirst woman to enroll in coverage through delaware"se_change. and it"s true, it took her afewtries, but it was worth it after being turned down for insurance threetimes due to minorpree_isting conditions. so now she"ll be covered, she"ll save 150 bucks a month, and shewon"thave to worry that one illness or accident will cost her her business that she"sworked sohard to build.

and janice is not alone. i recently received a letter from a womannamed jessica sanford inwashington state. and here"s what she wrote: “i ama single mom, no child support, self-employed, and i haven"t had insurance for15 years because it"s too e_pensive. myson hasadhd and requires regular doctor visits and his meds alone cost $250per month. i have had anongoingtendinitis problem due to my line of work that i haven"t had treated. now, finally, weget to have coverage becauseof the aca for $169 per month. i wascrying the other day when isigned up. somuch stress lifted.”

now, that is not untypical for alot of folks like jessica who have been struggling withouthealthinsurance. that"s what the affordablecare act is all about. the point is, theessence of thelaw -- the health insurance that"s available to people -- isworking just fine. in somecases,actually, it"s e_ceeding e_pectations -- the prices are lower than we e_pected,the choice isgreater than we e_pected.

but the problem has been that the website that"ssupposed to make it easy to apply for andpurchase the insurance is not workingthe way it should for everybody. andthere"s nosugarcoating it. the websitehas been too slow, people have been getting stuck during theapplicationprocess. and i think it"s fair to saythat nobody is more frustrated by that than i am -- precisely because theproduct is good, i want the cash registers to work. i want the checkoutlines to be smooth. so i want people to be able to get this greatproduct. and there"s no e_cusefor theproblems, and these problems are getting fi_ed.

but while we"re working out the kinks in thesystem, i want everybody to understand thenature of the problem. first of all, even with all the problems athealthcare.gov, the website isstill working for a lot of people -- just not asquick or efficient or consistent as we want. andalthough many of these folks have found that they had to wait longerthan they wanted, oncethey complete the process they"re very happy with thedeal that"s available to them, just likejanice"s.

second, i want everybody toremember that we"re only three weeks into a si_-month openenrollment period,when you can buy these new plans. (applause.) keep in mind theinsurancedoesn"t start until january 1st; that"s the earliest that theinsurance can kick in. no one whodecidesto purchase a plan has to pay their first premium until december 15th. and unlike theday after thanksgiving salesfor the latest playstation or flat-screen tvs, the insurance plansdon"t runout. they"re not going to sell out. they"ll be available through the marketplace-- (applause) -- throughout the open enrollment period. the prices that insurers have set willnotchange. so everybody who wants insurancethrough the marketplace will get insurance,period. (applause.) everybody who wants insurance through the marketplace will getinsurance.

third, we are doing everything wecan possibly do to get the websites working better, faster,sooner. we"ve got people working overtime, 24/7, toboost capacity and address the problems.e_perts from some of america"s top private-sector tech companies who, bythe way, have seenthings like this happen before, they want it to work. they"re reaching out. they"re offering tosend help. we"ve had some of the best it talent in theentire country join the team. andwe"rewell into a “tech surge” to fi_ the problem. and we are confident that we will get all theproblems fi_ed.

number four -- while the websitewill ultimately be the easiest way to buy insurancethrough the marketplace, itisn"t the only way. and i want toemphasize this. even as weredouble ourefforts to get the site working as well as it"s supposed to, we"re alsoredoubling ourefforts to make sure you can still buy the same quality,affordable insurance plans availableon the marketplace the old-fashioned way-- offline, either over the phone or in person.

and, by the way, there are a lotof people who want to take advantage of this who are morecomfortable workingon the phone anyway or in person. so letme go through the specifics as tohow you can do that if you"re having problemswith the website or you just prefer dealing witha person.

yesterday, we updated the website"shome page to offer more information about the otheravenues to enroll inaffordable health care until the online option works for everybody. so you"llfind information about how to talkto a specialist who can help you apply over the phone or toreceive adownloadable application you can fill out yourself and mail in.

we"ve also added more staff tothe call centers where you can apply for insurance over thephone. those are already -- they"ve beenworking. but a lot of people havedecided first to go tothe website. butkeep in mind, these call centers are already up and running. and you can getyour questions answered byreal people, 24 hours a day, in 150 different languages. the phonenumber for these call centers is1-800-318-2596. i want to repeat that --1-800-318-2596. waittimes have averagedless than one minute so far on the call centers, although i admit that thewaittimes probably might go up a little bit now that i"ve read the number out loudon nationaltelevision. (laughter.)

but the point is the call centersare available. you can talk to somebodydirectly and theycan walk you through the application process. and i guarantee you, if one thing is worththewait, it"s the safety and security of health care that you can afford, orthe amount of moneythat you can save by buying health insurance through themarketplaces. (applause.)

once you get on the phone with atrained representative, it usually takes about 25minutes for an individual toapply for coverage, about 45 minutes for a family. once you applyfor coverage, you will becontacted by email or postal mail about your coverage status.

but you don"t have to just gothrough the phone. you can also apply inperson with the helpof local navigators -– these are people specially trainedto help you sign up for health care, andthey e_ist all across the country, oryou can go to community health centers and hospitals. justvisit localhelp.healthcare.gov to findout where in your area you can get help and apply forinsurance in person.

and finally, if you"ve alreadytried to apply through the website and you"ve been stucksomewhere along theway, do not worry. in the coming weeks,we will contact you directly,personally, with a concrete recommendation forhow you can complete your application,shop for coverage, pick a plan thatmeets your needs, and get covered once and for all.

so here"s the bottom line. the product, the health insurance isgood. the prices are good.it is a good deal. people don"t just want it; they"re showing upto buy it. nobody is madder thanmeabout the fact that the website isn"t working as well as it should, which meansit"s going toget fi_ed. (laughter andapplause.)

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in just two weeks, we’ll come together, as a nation, to mark the 10th anniversary of the september 11th attacks. we’ll remember the innocent lives we lost. we’ll stand with the families who loved them. we’ll honor the heroic first responders who rushed to the scene and saved so many. and we’ll pay tribute to our troops and military families, and all those who have served over the past ten years, to keep us safe and strong.

we’ll also recall how the worst terrorist attack in american history brought out the best in the american people. how americans lined up to give blood. how volunteers drove across the country to lend a hand. how schoolchildren donated their savings. how communities, faith groups and businesses collected food and clothing.

we were united, and the outpouring(流露) of generosity and compassion reminded us that in times of challenge, we americans move forward together, as one people.

this september 11th, michelle and i will join the commemorations at ground zero, in shanksville, and at the pentagon. but even if you can’t be in new york, pennsylvania or virginia, every american can be part of this anniversary. once again, 9/11 will be a national day of service and remembrance. and in the days and weeks ahead, folks across the country—in all 50 states—will come together, in their communities and neighborhoods, to honor the victims of 9/11 and to reaffirm the strength of our nation with acts of service and charity.

in minneapolis, volunteers will help restore a community center. in winston-salem, north carolina, they’ll hammer shingles and lay floors to give families a new home. in tallahassee, florida, they’ll assemble care packages for our troops overseas and their families here at home. in orange county, california, they’ll renovate homes for our veterans. and once again, michelle and i look forward to joining a local service project as well.

there are so many ways to get involved, and every american can do something. to learn more about the opportunities where you live, just go online and visit serve.gov. even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost; a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.

on this 10th anniversary, we still face great challenges as a nation. we’re emerging from the worst economic crisis in our lifetimes. we’re taking the fight to al qaeda, ending the war in iraq and starting to bring our troops home from afghanistan. and we’re working to rebuild the foundation of our national strength here at home.

none of this will be easy. and it can’t be the work of government alone. as we saw after 9/11, the strength of america has always been the character and compassion of our people. so as we mark this solemn anniversary, let’s summon that spirit once more. and let’s show that the sense of common purpose that we need in america doesn’t have to be a fleeting(飛逝的) moment; it can be a lasting virtue—not just on one day, but every day.

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barack obama’s inaugural address

my fellow citizens:

i stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. i thank president bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.

forty-four americans have now taken the presidential oath. the words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. at these moments, america has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because we the people have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents.

so it has been. so it must be with this generation of americans.

that we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.

these are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land - a nagging fear that america’s decline is inevitable, and that the ne_t generation must lower its sights.

today i say to you that the challenges we face are real. they are serious and they are many. they will not be met easily or in a short span of time. but know this, america - they will be met.


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remarks by the president on general motors restructuring

grand foyer

june 1, 2024

just over two months ago, i spoke with you in this same spot about the challenges facing our auto industry, and i laid out what needed to be done to save two of america"s most storied automakers ——general motors and chrysler. these companies were facing a crisis decades in the making, and having relied on loans from the previous administration, were asking for more。

from the beginning, i made it clear that i would not put any more ta_ dollars on the line if it meant perpetuating the bad business decisions that had led these companies to seek help in the first place. i refused to let these companies become permanent wards of the state, kept afloat on an endless supply of ta_payer money. in other words, i refused to kick the can down the road。

but i also recognized the importance of a viable auto industry to the well-being of families and communities across our industrial midwest and across the united states. in the midst of a deep recession and financial crisis, the collapse of these companies would have been devastating for countless americans, and done enormous damage to our economy —— beyond the auto industry. it was also clear that if gm and chrysler remade and retooled themselves for the 21st century, it would be good for american workers, good for american manufacturing, and good for america"s economy。

i decided, then, that if gm and chrysler and their stakeholders were willing to sacrifice for their companies survival and success; if they were willing to take the difficult, but necessary steps to restructure, and make themselves stronger, leaner, and more competitive, then the united states government would stand behind them。

the original restructuring plans submitted by gm and chrysler earlier this year did not call for the sweeping changes these companies needed to survive —— and i couldn"t in good conscience proceed on that basis. so we gave them a chance to develop a stronger plan that would put them on a path toward long-term viability. the 60 days gm had to submit its revised plans have now elapsed, and i want to say a few words about where we are and what steps will be taken going forward. but before i do, i want to give you an update on where things stand with chrysler。

when my administration took office and began going over chrysler"s books, the future of this great american car company was uncertain. in fact, it was not clear whether it had any future at all. but after consulting with my auto task force, industry e_perts, and financial advisors, and after asking many tough questions, i became convinced that if chrysler were willing to undergo a restructuring and if it were able to form a partnership with a viable global car company, then chrysler could get a new lease on life。

well, that more promising scenario has now come to pass. today, after taking a number of painful steps, and moving through a quick, efficient, and fair bankruptcy process, a new, stronger chrysler is poised to complete its alliance with fiat. just 31 days after chrysler"s chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, a court has approved the chrysler-fiat alliance, paving the way for a new chrysler to emerge from bankruptcy in the ne_t few days。

what happens ne_t is in the hands of their e_ecutives, managers, and workers ——as it is for any private company. but what the completion of this alliance means is that tens of thousands of jobs that would have been lost if chrysler had liquidated will now be saved, and that consumers have no reason at all to worry about a restructuring—— even one as painful as what chrysler underwent。

and keep in mind —— many e_perts said that a quick, surgical bankruptcy was impossible. they were wrong. others predicted that chrysler"s decision to enter bankruptcy would lead to an immediate collapse in consumer confidence that would send car sales over a cliff. they were wrong, as well. in fact, chrysler sold more cars in may than it did in april, in part because consumers were comforted by our e_traordinary commitment to stand behind a quick bankruptcy process. all in all, it"s a dramatic —— an outcome dramatically better than what appeared likely when this process began。













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the president: hello everybody, and happy holidays.

the first lady: we know how busy this time of year is for everyone, so we’re not going totake much of your time.

but we did want to take a moment to wish you all a merry christmas, from our family to yours.

the president: this is a season for millions of americans to be together with family, tocontinue long-held holiday traditions, and to show our gratitude to those we love. and alongthe way, some of us might even watch a little basketball or eat some christmas cookies, too.

the first lady: here at the white house, over the past few weeks, we’ve had about 70,000people from all across the country come visit us and look at our holiday decorations.

this year’s theme was “gather around: stories of the season.”

and in every room of the house, we tried to tell a story about who we are as americans and howwe celebrate the holidays together.

and we made certain to highlight some of the most powerful stories we know—the stories ofour outstanding troops, veterans, and military families and their service and sacrifice for ourcountry.

the president: our e_traordinary men and women in uniform are serving so that therest of us can enjoy the blessings we cherish during the holidays. but that means many of ourtroops are far from home and far from family. they’re spending some e_tra time on the phonewith their loved ones back home. or they’re setting up video chats so they can watch as thepresents are opened. so today, we want all of our troops to know that you’re in our thoughtsand prayers this holiday season.

and here’s the good news: for many of our troops and newest veterans, this might be the firsttime in years that they’ve been with their families on christmas. in fact, with the iraq war overand the transition in afghanistan, fewer of our men and women in uniform are deployed inharm’s way than at any time in the last decade.

the first lady: and that’s something we all can be thankful for.

and with more and more of our troops back here at home, now it’s our turn to serve—it’s ourturn to step up and show our gratitude for the military families who have given us so much.

and that’s why jill biden and i started our joining forces initiative—to rally all americans tosupport our military families in ways large and small.

and again and again, we have been overwhelmed by the response we’ve gotten as folks fromacross the country have found new ways to give back to these families through their schools,businesses, and houses of worship.

the president: that’s the same spirit of giving that connects all of us during the holidays.so many people all across the country are helping out at soup kitchens, buying gifts for childrenin need, or organizing food or clothing drives for their neighbors. for families like ours, thatservice is a chance to celebrate the birth of christ and live out what he taught us – to love ourneighbors as we would ourselves; to feed the hungry and look after the sick; to be our brother’skeeper and our sister’s keeper. and for all of us as americans, regardless of our faith, those arevalues that can drive us to be better parents and friends, better neighbors and better citizens.

the first lady: so as we look to the new year, let’s pledge ourselves to living out thosevalues by reaching out and lifting up those in our communities who could use a hand up.

the president: so merry christmas, everyone. and from the two of us, as well as malia,sasha, grandma, bo…

the first lady: and sunny, the newest obama.

the president: we wish you all a blessed and safe holiday season.

the first lady: happy holidays everybody, and god bless.

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president hollande, mr. secretary general, fellow leaders,

we have come to paris to show our resolve.

we offer our condolences to the people of france for the barbaric attacks on this beautiful city. we stand united in solidarity not only to deliver justice to the terrorist network responsible for those attacks but to protect our people and uphold the enduring values that keep us strong and keep us free. and we salute the people of paris for insisting this crucial conference go on – an act of defiance that proves nothing will deter us from building the future we want for our children. what greater rejection of those who would tear down our world than marshaling our best efforts to save it?

nearly 200 nations have assembled here this week – a declaration that for all the challenges we face, the growing threat of climate change could define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other. what should give us hope that this is a turning point, that this is the moment we finally determined we would save our planet, is the fact that our nations share a sense of urgency about this challenge and a growing realization that it is within our power to do something about it.

our understanding of the ways human beings disrupt the climate advances by the day. fourteen of the fifteen warmest years on record have occurred since the year 2024 – and 2024 is on pace to be the warmest year of all. no nation – large or small, wealthy or poor – is immune to what this means.

this summer, i saw the effects of climate change firsthand in our northernmost state, alaska, where the sea is already swallowing villages and eroding shorelines; where permafrost thaws and the tundra burns; where glaciers are melting at a pace unprecedented in modern times. and it was a preview of one possible future – a glimpse of our children"s fate if the climate keeps changing faster than our efforts to address it. submerged countries. abandoned cities. fields that no longer grow. political disruptions that trigger new conflict, and even more floods of desperate peoples seeking the sanctuary of nations not their own.

that future is not one of strong economies, nor is it one where fragile states can find their footing. that future is one that we have the power to change. right here. right now. but only if we rise to this moment. as one of america"s governors has said, “we are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change, and the last generation that can do something about it.”

i"ve come here personally, as the leader of the world"s largest economy and the second-largest emitter, to say that the united states of america not only recognizes our role in creating this problem, we embrace our responsibility to do something about it.

over the last seven years, we"ve made ambitious investments in clean energy, and ambitious reductions in our carbon emissions. we"ve multiplied wind power threefold, and solar power more than twentyfold, helping create parts of america where these clean power sources are finally cheaper than dirtier, conventional power. we"ve invested in energy efficiency in every way imaginable. we"ve said no to infrastructure that would pull high-carbon fossil fuels from the ground, and we"ve said yes to the first-ever set of national standards limiting the amount of carbon pollution our power plants can release into the sky.

the advances we"ve made have helped drive our economic output to all-time highs, and driveour carbon pollution to its lowest levels in nearly two decades.

but the good news is this is not an american trend alone. last year, the global economy grewwhile global carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels stayed flat. and what this means can"tbe overstated. we have broken the old arguments for inaction. we have proved that strongeconomic growth and a safer environment no longer have to conflict with one another; theycan work in concert with one another.

and that should give us hope. one of the enemies that we"ll be fighting at this conference iscynicism, the notion we can"t do anything about climate change. our progress should give ushope during these two weeks – hope that is rooted in collective action.

earlier this month in dubai, after years of delay, the world agreed to work together to cut thesuper-pollutants known as hfcs. that"s progress. already, prior to paris, more than 180countries representing nearly 95 percent of global emissions have put forward their ownclimate targets. that is progress. for our part, america is on track to reach the emissionstargets that i set si_ years ago in copenhagen – we will reduce our carbon emissions in therange of 17 percent below 2024 levels by 2024. and that"s why, last year, i set a new target:america will reduce our emissions 26 to 28 percent below 2024 levels within 10 years from now.

so our task here in paris is to turn these achievements into an enduring framework forhuman progress – not a stopgap solution, but a long-term strategy that gives the worldconfidence in a low-carbon future.

here, in paris, let"s secure an agreement that builds in ambition, where progress paves theway for regularly updated targets – targets that are not set for each of us but by each of us,taking into account the differences that each nation is facing.

here in paris, let"s agree to a strong system of transparency that gives each of us theconfidence that all of us are meeting our commitments. and let"s make sure that the countrieswho don"t yet have the full capacity to report on their targets receive the support that theyneed.

here in paris, let"s reaffirm our commitment that resources will be there for countries willingto do their part to skip the dirty phase of development. and i recognize this will not be easy.it will take a commitment to innovation and the capital to continue driving down the cost ofclean energy. and that"s why, this afternoon, i"ll join many of you to announce an historicjoint effort to accelerate public and private clean energy innovation on a global scale.

here in paris, let"s also make sure that these resources flow to the countries that need helppreparing for the impacts of climate change that we can no longer avoid. we know the truththat many nations have contributed little to climate change but will be the first to feel its mostdestructive effects. for some, particularly island nations – whose leaders i"ll meet withtomorrow – climate change is a threat to their very e_istence. and that"s why today, in concertwith other nations, america confirms our strong and ongoing commitment to the leastdeveloped countries fund. and tomorrow, we"ll pledge new contributions to risk insuranceinitiatives that help vulnerable populations rebuild stronger after climate-related disasters.

and finally, here in paris, let"s show businesses and investors that the global economy is on afirm path towards a low-carbon future. if we put the right rules and incentives in place, we"llunleash the creative power of our best scientists and engineers and entrepreneurs to deployclean energy technologies and the new jobs and new opportunities that they create all aroundthe world. there are hundreds of billions of dollars ready to deploy to countries around theworld if they get the signal that we mean business this time. let"s send that signal.

that"s what we seek in these ne_t two weeks. not simply an agreement to roll back thepollution we put into our skies, but an agreement that helps us lift people from povertywithout condemning the ne_t generation to a planet that"s beyond its capacity to repair. here,in paris, we can show the world what is possible when we come together, united in commoneffort and by a common purpose.

and let there be no doubt, the ne_t generation is watching what we do. just over a week ago, iwas in malaysia, where i held a town hall with young people, and the first question i receivedwas from a young indonesian woman. and it wasn"t about terrorism, it wasn"t about theeconomy, it wasn"t about human rights. it was about climate change. and she asked whether iwas optimistic about what we can achieve here in paris, and what young people like her coulddo to help.

i want our actions to show her that we"re listening. i want our actions to be big enough to drawon the talents of all our people – men and women, rich and poor – i want to show herpassionate, idealistic young generation that we care about their future.

for i believe, in the words of dr. martin luther king, jr., that there is such a thing as being toolate. and when it comes to climate change, that hour is almost upon us. but if we act here, ifwe act now, if we place our own short-term interests behind the air that our young people willbreathe, and the food that they will eat, and the water that they will drink, and the hopes anddreams that sustain their lives, then we won"t be too late for them.

and, my fellow leaders, accepting this challenge will not reward us with moments of victorythat are clear or quick. our progress will be measured differently – in the suffering that isaverted, and a planet that"s preserved. and that"s what"s always made this so hard. ourgeneration may not even live to see the full realization of what we do here. but the knowledgethat the ne_t generation will be better off for what we do here – can we imagine a more worthyreward than that? passing that on to our children and our grandchildren, so that when they lookback and they see what we did here in paris, they can take pride in our achievement.

let that be the common purpose here in paris. a world that is worthy of our children. a worldthat is marked not by conflict, but by cooperation; and not by human suffering, but byhuman progress. a world that"s safer, and more prosperous, and more secure, and more freethan the one that we inherited.

let"s get to work. thank you very much.

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hi! how are you all doing? are you sure?well, let me just tell you, it is beyond a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you today.

i want to start by thanking president krislov for that very kind introduction, as well as all of thetrustees, the faculty, the staff here at oberlin. i also want to tell you how proud and how movedi am to receive this honorary degree from this particular school – the first college in americato officially embrace the admission of black students, and the first co-ed school to grantbachelor"s degrees to women. (applause.)

i should be here today. oberlin is likely the only college in america that i could have attendednearly two centuries ago, and i am honored to be part of the e_traordinary legacy of thisgreat institution. (applause.)

i also want to take a moment on this memorial day to pay tribute to all of the brave men andwomen who have sacrificed their lives so that we could sit here today, at peace, with rights andfreedoms that others around the world can only dream of. i am so proud to honor theseamerican heroes today – and every day – for their e_traordinary service to our nation. (applause.)

and i"m also a little giddy to be joined on stage by another one of my heroes, marian wrightedelman. (applause.) her moral leadership on behalf of children in this country has inspiredme throughout my career, as well as my husband, the president of the united states. (applause.)

and, graduates, i think we should give another shout-out to your families, of course, all thefamilies. (applause.) these are the folks who pushed you and supported you. they answeredyour late-night phone calls even when you were just calling for money. (laughter.) so on behalfof your students, i just want to show you all some love today, as well. thank you for creatingthese fabulous individuals. well done. (applause.)

and finally, most of all, i want to congratulate the oberlin class of __! (applause.) look atyou! you made it! you"re here! you"re looking good! (applause.) and i know you worked hard tomake it to this moment, didn"t you? (laughter.) staying up late writing those papers, studyingfor e_ams. spent hours practicing and performing. you went to countless happy hours, andhappy-happy hours at the feve i hear – (laughter) – i"m going to try one of those burgers forlunch today; that"s all i"m going to have – (laughter) – where of course, parents, that"s wherethey studied some more.

and on top of all of that, you spent thousands of hours giving back to this community –tutoring kids, playing music for seniors, serving food to folks in need, and of course, mentoringthe local young people back there – i see you all – through the ninde scholars program. soproud of you all back there.

and that"s, as the president said, why i"m here today. (applause.) as he mentioned, my officedid this wonderful competition to highlight colleges that are helping underserved youngpeople graduate from high school and then go on to higher education. so by providing tutoringand act prep classes, financial aid workshops, and so much more, your ninde scholars programstood out as a shining e_ample of how schools like oberlin can lift first-generation students intocollege.

so i"m here today because i"m proud of you all. i really am. i"m inspired by yourcommitment to service and social justice. and i"m impressed by the community that youall have created here – a warm, supportive, inclusive community that embodies the valuesthat define this school.

and even amidst the joy and e_citement of graduation, i know that you may be feeling somereal sadness about leaving this community behind. you may also be feeling some real an_ietyabout venturing out into the world beyond these walls. and i"m not going to lie to you – formany of you, this is going to be a pretty big transition. in fact, i think dr. martin luther kingdescribed it well in his commencement address in "65 when he declared, “today you bidfarewell to the safe security of the academic environment. you prepare to continue yourjourney on the clamorous highways of life.”

and the truth is, graduates, after four years of thoughtful, respectful discussion and debatehere at oberlin – those seminars where you e_plored new ideas together, those late-nightconversations where you challenged each other and learned from each other – after all of that,you might find yourself a little dismayed by the clamor outside these walls – the name-calling,the negative ads, the folks yelling at each other on tv. after being surrounded by people whoare so dedicated to serving others and making the world a better place, you might feel a littlediscouraged by the polarization and gridlock that too often characterize our politics and civiclife.

and in the face of all of that clamor, you might have an overwhelming instinct to just runthe other way as fast as you can. you might be tempted to just recreate what you had here atoberlin – to find a community of like-minded folks and work with them on causes you careabout, and just tune out all of the noise. and that"s completely understandable. in fact, isometimes have that instinct myself – run! (laughter.)

but today, graduates, i want to urge you to do just the opposite. today, i want to suggest thatif you truly wish to carry on the oberlin legacy of service and social justice, then you need torun to, and not away from, the noise. (applause.) today, i want to urge you to actively seekout the most contentious, polarized, gridlocked places you can find. because so often,throughout our history, those have been the places where progress really happens – the placeswhere minds are changed, lives transformed, where our great american story unfolds.

for e_ample, think back to the struggle for women"s suffrage and the story of a leadingsuffragist and oberlin alum named lucy stone. (applause.) people screamed at her. they spaton her. they even threw prayer books at her as she tried to speak. her opponents declaredthat letting women vote was “unnatural,” would lead to child neglect and all kinds of social ills.so i"d say that debate was pretty polarized, wouldn"t you?

and think about president roosevelt"s struggle to pass the new deal a few decades later. fdr"splan for social security was called “socialist,” a “fraud on the workingman.” one opponenteven stated that it would “end the progress of a great country.” so that debate was prettycontentious, too.

and in the years before dr. king addressed those oberlin graduates in ‘65, he and hiscolleagues faced fire hoses and dogs in montgomery, beatings on a bridge in selma, insults andassaults as they sat quietly at lunch counters and marched peacefully down public streets.

and if you think today"s gridlock is bad, let me remind you that it was a good century betweenthe signing of the emancipation proclamation and the passage of the civil rights legislation ofthe 1960s. and of all the women at the seneca falls women"s suffrage convention in 1848,just one lived to see women cast their votes. just one.

but these folks didn"t let the ugliness and the obstacles deter them. they didn"t just give upand retreat to the comfortable company of like-minded folks, because they understood that thisis how democracy operates. it is loud and messy, and it"s not particularly warm and fuzzy. andbelieve me, i know this from personal e_perience. (laughter.) over the years, i"ve occasionallyrun into the noise myself. but i"ve come to realize that most of that clamor is really comingfrom just a handful of very loud folks out on the fringes.

see, the truth is that the overwhelming majority of people in this country are open-mindedand big-hearted. they are smart enough to see through that noise, and they are so hungry forvoices that rise above it – smart, compassionate, thoughtful voices like yours.

now, the process of democracy might not always be as fast or as smooth as we"d like. but thefact is, it works. generation after generation, this country has become more equal, moreinclusive, more fair, more free. my life and so many of your lives are a testament of that truth.but that has only happened because folks like all of you left their comfort zones and madetheir voices heard.

just look at the story of oberlin college. the founders of this school didn"t just decide to admitwomen and african american students and then pat themselves on the back and say “job welldone.” no, even in those early days, folks here at oberlin were attending anti-slavery meetings,shivering on rough wooden benches in unheated, unfinished buildings. they were joining theequal suffrage league and speaking out for women"s right to vote.

they were leading civil rights marches and sit-ins, organizing e_change programs withhistorically black colleges and universities, and so much more. because they knew it wasn"tenough to welcome women and african american students to oberlin if they would onlygraduate in four years to be second-class citizens in their own country. they knew that ourpolicies matter. they knew that our laws matter. and i know, as president krislov understands,that electing the right folks matters – it matters a lot.

now, i don"t know whether your president knows what i was going to say today, but i know thathe had some kind words for you all about this issue. but it"s no coincidence that we"re bothurging you to get involved in civic life. because we both know that you cannot fully achieveyour goals of service and social justice if you turn away from politics and public policy.

you see, it"s wonderful to volunteer at your local homeless shelter – please do that – but youalso need to attend the city council meetings and make sure the zoning laws don"t shut thatshelter down. (applause.) are you thinking of teaching in an under-served school? if so, i"mglad to hear that. so many kids need you. but you"ve also got to elect good people to yourschool board and state legislature, because they decide whether you have the resources youneed to inspire and empower your students. (applause.)

are you planning to rally for marriage equality on the steps of the supreme court? i certainlyhope so. (applause.) but i also hope you will knock on doors and make some calls to elect apresident who shares your values. because that president will ultimately choose the justiceswho decide those cases in the first place. (applause.)

and finally, while peaceful protest can be powerful, if we truly want to reform our criminaljustice system, then we need to come together and do the hard work of changing our laws andpolicies to reflect our values. (applause.)

now, will this be easy? no, of course not. it will be hard. it will be stressful and frustrating,and you"ll probably have to make some painful compromises along the way. after all, lucystone spent years speaking out for partial suffrage – for allowing women to vote only onthings like school issues and local issues – because she realized that full suffrage was just toocontroversial.

and fdr? well, after facing all kinds of opposition, he eventually agreed to a social securityplan that covered only 60 percent of workers. was he thrilled about that? probably not. but inthe end, fdr realized that 60 percent was a whole lot better than zero percent.

now, did these compromises make these leaders sellouts? traitors to their cause? i don"t thinkso. instead, i think they knew that if they could just get everyone to take that first step, thenfolks would keep on moving in the right direction. and they also understood that often, thebiggest, most dramatic change happens incrementally, little by little, through compromisesand adjustments over years and decades.

and i know that these days, that can seem counterintuitive, because we live in such aninstantaneous age. we want everything right away – whether it"s an uber or your favorite tvshow – and we want it tailored to our e_act preferences and beliefs. we fill our twitter feed withvoices that confirm, rather than challenge, our views. if we dislike someone"s facebook post,we just un-follow them, we un-friend them.

and even here at oberlin, most of the time you"re probably surrounded by folks who share yourbeliefs. but out in the real world, there are plenty of people who think very differently than youdo, and they hold their opinions just as passionately. so if you want to change their minds, ifyou want to work with them to move this country forward, you can"t just shut them out. youhave to persuade them, and you have to compromise with them. that is what so many of ourheroes of history have done.

folks like lucy stone and fdr, they didn"t get caught up in their egos or their ideology. theydidn"t say “it"s my way or the highway.” instead, they knew where they wanted to go, and theywere strategic and pragmatic about getting there. because in the end, they understood, asthe political scientist joseph nye once said, that “the absolutist may avoid the problem of dirtyhands, but often at the cost of having no hands at all.”

and, graduates, with a degree from this amazing school, and all the status and connectionsthat degree confers, you don"t get to have no hands. no, you don"t get to be precious orcautious or cynical. no, not when the earth is warming and the oceans are rising. you don"tget to be cynical. not when too many young people still languish in communities ripped apartby violence and despair. not when women still make less than men for the same work. notwhen millions of girls across the globe never set foot inside a school. (applause.) no, not whenmany young people just like you – the men and women we honor this memorial day – havesacrificed their lives for your freedom to make your voice heard. you don"t get to have no hands.

you see, in his speech to those oberlin graduates 50 years ago, dr. king urged them, as juliasaid, not to sleep through the civil rights revolution that was raging across this country. and,graduates, climate change, economic inequality, human rights, criminal justice – these arethe revolutions of your time. and you have as much responsibility and just as much power towake up and play your part in our great american story. because it is absolutely still possibleto make a difference. the great moments of our history are not decades in our past; they"rehappening right now, today, in our lifetimes.

just think about the folks who are winning those battles state by state, city by city to ensurethat everyone in this country can marry the person they love. (applause.) think about how just10 years ago, gay marriage was legal in just one state in this country – just one – and today, itis legal in 37 states and washington, d.c. (applause.)

think about those elections in __ and __ when idealistic young people like all of youworked long hours for little money and less sleep, pounding the pavement for months, talkingto folks about what was at stake. think about the millions of folks who got out to vote onelection day, waiting in the cold and rain in lines that stretched for hours, refusing to leaveuntil they made their voices heard.

and finally, think about how even with all the gridlock and polarization in washington, we havemade so much change these past si_ years: 12 million new jobs. si_teen million people whofinally have health insurance. historic agreements to fight climate change. epic increases incollege financial aid. more progress on lgbt rights than any time in our history. (applause.)and today, it is no longer remarkable to see two beautiful black girls walking their dogs on thesouth lawn of the white house lawn. that"s just the way things are now. (applause.)

see, graduates, this is what happens when you turn your attention outward and decide to bravethe noise and engage yourself in the struggles of our time. and that"s why, in his remarks 50years ago, dr. king urged the class of ‘65 to “stand up” and “be a concerned generation.” and,graduates, that call to action applies just as much to all of you today.

and i want to be very clear: every city ordinance, every ballot measure, every law on the booksin this country – that is your concern. what happens at every school board meeting, everylegislative session – that is your concern. every elected official who represents you, from dogcatcher all the way to president of the united states – they are your concern.

so get out there and volunteer on campaigns, and then hold the folks you elect accountable.follow what"s happening in your city hall, your statehouse, washington, d.c. better yet, run foroffice yourself. get in there. shake things up. don"t be afraid. (applause.) and get out and votein every election – not just the big national ones that get all the attention, but every singleelection. make sure the folks who represent you share your values and aspirations.

see, that is how you will rise above the noise and shape the revolutions of your time. that ishow you will have a meaningful journey on those clamorous highways of life. and, graduates,that is how you will carry on the proud legacy of this great institution for generations to come.

so, again, i"m proud of you all. i am confident in your ability to do amazing things. and i"mhonored to be here to share the beginning of the ne_t phase of that journey with you. we willbe there with you every step of the way. so go out there and make it happen.

thank you all. i wish you the best of luck. god bless. (applause.)

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hello, cbc! (applause.) thank you so much. everybody, have a seat. it is good to be with you here tonight. if it wasn’t black tie i would have worn my tan suit. (laughter.) i thought it looked good. (laughter.)

thank you, chaka, for that introduction. thanks to all of you for having me here this evening. iwant to acknowledge the members of the congressional black caucus and chairwoman marciafudge for their outstanding work. (applause.) thank you, shuanise washington, and the cbcfoundation for doing so much to help our young people aim high and reach their potential.

tonight, i want to begin by paying special tribute to a man with whom all of you have workedclosely with; someone who served his country for nearly 40 years as a prosecutor, as a judge,and as attorney general of the united states: mr. eric holder. (applause.) throughout his longcareer in public service, eric has built a powerful legacy of making sure that equal justice underthe law actually means something; that it applies to everybody -- regardless of race, or gender,or religion, or color, creed, disability, se_ual orientation. he has been a great friend of mine.he has been a faithful servant of the american people. we will miss him badly. (applause.)

this year, we’ve been marking the 50th anniversary of the civil rights act. we honor giants likejohn lewis -- (applause); unsung heroines like evelyn lowery. we honor the countlessamericans, some who are in this room -- black, white, students, scholars, preachers,housekeepers, patriots all, who, with their bare hands, reached into the well of our nation’sfounding ideals and helped to nurture a more perfect union. we’ve reminded ourselves thatprogress is not just absorbing what has been done -- it’s advancing what’s left undone.

even before president johnson signed the civil rights act into law, even as the debate draggedon in the senate, he was already challenging america to do more and march further, to builda great society -- one, johnson said, “where no child will go unfed, and no youngster will gounschooled. where no man who wants work will fail to find it. where no citizen will be barredfrom any door because of his birthplace or his color or his church. where peace and security iscommon among neighbors and possible among nations.” “this is the world that waits for you,”he said. “reach out for it now. join the fight to finish the unfinished work.” to finish theunfinished work.

america has made stunning progress since that time, over the past 50 years -- even over thepast five years. but it is the unfinished work that drives us forward.

some of our unfinished work lies beyond our borders. america is leading the effort to rally theworld against russian aggression in ukraine. america is leading the fight to contain andcombat ebola in africa. america is building and leading the coalition that will degrade andultimately destroy the terrorist group known as isil. as americans, we are leading, and wedon’t shy away from these responsibilities; we welcome them. (applause.) that’s what americadoes. and we are grateful to the men and women in uniform who put themselves in harm’sway in service of the country that we all love. (applause.)

so we’ve got unfinished work overseas, but we’ve got some unfinished work right here athome. (applause.) after the worst economic crisis since the great depression, our businesseshave now created 10 million new jobs over the last 54 months. this is the longest uninterruptedstretch of job growth in our history. (applause.) in our history. but we understand our work isnot done until we get the kind of job creation that means everybody who wants work can a findjob.

we’ve done some work on health care, too. i don’t know if you’ve noticed. thanks to theaffordable care act, we’ve seen a 26 percent decline in the uninsured rate in america. (applause.) african americans have seen a 30 percent decline. and, by the way, the cost ofhealth care isn’t going up as fast anymore either. everybody was predicting this was all going tobe so e_pensive. we’ve saved $800 billion -- (applause) -- in medicare because of the work thatwe’ve done -- slowing the cost, improving quality, and improving access. despite unyieldingopposition, this change has happened just in the last couple years.

but we know our work is not yet done until we get into more communities, help more uninsuredfolks get covered, especially in those states where the governors aren’t being quite ascooperative as we’d like them to be. (applause.) you know who you are. it always puzzles mewhen you decide to take a stand to make sure poor folks in your state can’t get healthinsurance even though it doesn’t cost you a dime. that doesn’t make much sense to me, but iwon’t go on on that topic. (applause.) we’ve got more work to do.

it’s easy to take a stand when you’ve got health insurance. (laughter and applause.) i’mgoing off script now, but -- (laughter) -- that’s what happens at the cbc.

our high school graduation rate is at a record high, the dropout rate is falling, more youngpeople are earning college degrees than ever before. last year, the number of children living inpoverty fell by 1.4 million -- the largest decline since 1966. (applause.) since i took office,the overall crime rate and the overall incarceration rate has gone down by about 10 percent.that’s the first time they’ve declined at the same time in more than 40 years. fewer folks injail. crime still going down. (applause.)

but our work is not done when too many children live in crumbling neighborhoods, cyclingthrough substandard schools, traumatized by daily violence. our work is not done whenworking americans of all races have seen their wages and incomes stagnate, even as corporateprofits soar; when african-american unemployment is still twice as high as whiteunemployment; when income inequality, on the rise for decades, continues to hold backhardworking communities, especially communities of color. we’ve got unfinished work. and weknow what to do. that’s the worst part -- we know what to do.

we know we’ve got to invest in infrastructure, and manufacturing, and research anddevelopment that creates new jobs. we’ve got to keep rebuilding a middle class economy withladders of opportunity, so that hard work pays off and you see higher wages and higherincomes, and fair pay for women doing the same work as men, and workplace fle_ibility forparents in case a child gets sick or a parent needs some help. (applause.) we’ve got to buildmore promise zones partnerships to support local revitalization of hard-hit communities. we’vegot to keep investing in early education. we want to bring preschool to every four-year-old inthis country. (applause.) and we want every child to have an e_cellent teacher. and we want toinvest in our community colleges and e_pand pell grants for more students. and i’m going tokeep working with you to make college more affordable. because every child in america, nomatter who she is, no matter where she’s born, no matter how much money her parents have,ought to be able to fulfill her god-given potential. that’s what we believe. (applause.)

so i just want everybody to understand -- we have made enormous progress. there’s almostno economic measure by which we are not better off than when i took office. (applause.)unemployment down. deficits down. uninsured down. poverty down. energy production up.manufacturing back. auto industry back. but -- and i just list these things just so if you have adiscussion with one of your friends -- (laughter) -- and they’re confused. stock market up.corporate balance sheet strong. in fact, the folks who are doing the best, they’re the ones whocomplain the most. (laughter and applause.) so you can just point these things out.

but we still have to close these opportunity gaps. and we have to close the justice gap -- howjustice is applied, but also how it is perceived, how it is e_perienced. (applause.) eric holderunderstands this. (applause.) that’s what we saw in ferguson this summer, when michaelbrown was killed and a community was divided. we know that the unrest continues. and ericspent some time with the residents and police of ferguson, and the department of justice hasindicated that its civil rights investigation is ongoing.

now, i won’t comment on the investigation. i know that michael’s family is here tonight. (applause.) i know that nothing any of us can say can ease the grief of losing a child so soon.but the anger and the emotion that followed his death awakened our nation once again to thereality that people in this room have long understood, which is, in too many communitiesaround the country, a gulf of mistrust e_ists between local residents and law enforcement.

too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement, guilty of walking while black,or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.we know that, statistically, in everything from enforcing drug policy to applying the deathpenalty to pulling people over, there are significant racial disparities. that’s just the statistics.one recent poll showed that the majority of americans think the criminal justice systemdoesn’t treat people of all races equally. think about that. that’s not just blacks, not justlatinos or asians or native americans saying things may not be unfair. that’s most americans.

and that has a corrosive effect -- not just on the black community; it has a corrosive effect onamerica. it harms the communities that need law enforcement the most. it makes folks whoare victimized by crime and need strong policing reluctant to go to the police because theymay not trust them. and the worst part of it is it scars the hearts of our children. it scars thehearts of the white kids who grow unnecessarily fearful of somebody who doesn’t look likethem. it stains the heart of black children who feel as if no matter what he does, he will alwaysbe under suspicion. that is not the society we want. it’s not the society that our childrendeserve. (applause.) whether you’re black or white, you don’t want that for america.

it was interesting -- ferguson was used by some of america’s enemies and critics to deflectattention from their shortcomings overseas; to undermine our efforts to promote justicearound the world. they said, well, look at what’s happened to you back home.

but as i said this week at the united nations, america is special not because we’re perfect;america is special because we work to address our problems, to make our union more perfect.we fight for more justice. (applause.) we fight to cure what ails us. we fight for our ideals, andwe’re willing to criticize ourselves when we fall short. and we address our differences in theopen space of democracy -- with respect for the rule of law; with a place for people of everyrace and religion; and with an unyielding belief that people who love their country can changeit. that’s what makes us special -- not because we don’t have problems, but because we work tofi_ them. and we will continue to work to fi_ this.

and to that end, we need to help communities and law enforcement build trust, buildunderstanding, so that our neighborhoods stay safe and our young people stay on track. andunder the leadership of attorney general eric holder, the justice department has launched anational effort to do just that. he’s also been working to make the criminal justice systemsmarter and more effective by addressing unfair sentencing disparities, changing departmentpolicies on charging mandatory minimums, promoting stronger reentry programs for thosewho have paid their debt to society. (applause.)

and we need to address the unique challenges that make it hard for some of our young peopleto thrive. for all the success stories that e_ist in a room like this one, we all know relatives,classmates, neighbors who were just as smart as we were, just as capable as we were, bornwith the same light behind their eyes, the same joy, the same curiosity about the world -- butsomehow they didn’t get the support they needed, or the encouragement they needed, orthey made a mistake, or they missed an opportunity; they weren’t able to overcome theobstacles that they faced.

and so, in february, we launched my brother’s keeper. (applause.) and i was the first one toacknowledge government can’t play the only, or even the primary, role in the lives of ourchildren. but what we can do is bring folks together, and that’s what we’re doing --philanthropies, business leaders, entrepreneurs, faith leaders, mayors, educators, athletes, andthe youth themselves -- to e_amine how can we ensure that our young men have the tools theyneed to achieve their full potential.

and ne_t week, i’m launching my brother’s keeper community challenge, asking everycommunity in the country -- big cities and small towns, rural counties, tribal nations -- topublicly commit to implementing strategies that will ensure all young people can succeed,starting from the cradle, all the way to college and a career. it’s a challenge to local leaders tofollow the evidence and use the resources on what works for our kids. and we’ve already got100 mayors, county officials, tribal leaders, democrats, republicans signed on. and we’re goingto keep on signing them up in the coming weeks and months. (applause.) but they’re going toneed you -- elected leaders, business leaders, community leaders -- to make this effortsuccessful. we need all of us to come together to help all of our young people address thevariety of challenges they face.

and we’re not forgetting about the girls, by the way. i got two daughters -- i don’t know if younoticed. (laughter.) african american girls are more likely than their white peers also to besuspended, incarcerated, physically harassed. black women struggle every day with biases thatperpetuate oppressive standards for how they’re supposed to look and how they’re supposedto act. too often, they’re either left under the hard light of scrutiny, or cloaked in a kind ofinvisibility.

so in addition to the new efforts on my brother’s keeper, the white house council for womenand girls has for years been working on issues affecting women and girls of color, fromviolence against women, to pay equity, to access to health care. and you know michelle hasbeen working on that. (applause.) because she doesn’t think our daughters should be treateddifferently than anybody else’s son. i’ve got a vested interest in making sure that our daughtershave the same opportunities as boys do. (applause.)

so that’s the world we’ve got to reach for -- the world where every single one of our childrenhas the opportunity to pursue their measure of happiness. that’s our unfinished work. andwe’re going to have to fight for it. we’ve got to stand up for it. and we have to vote for it. wehave to vote for it. (applause.)

all around the country, wherever i see folks, they always say, oh, barack, we’re praying for you-- boy, you’re so great; look, you got all gray hair, you looking tired. (laughter.) we’re prayingfor you. which i appreciate. (laughter.) but i tell them, after president johnson signed thecivil rights act, he immediately moved on to what he called “the meat in the coconut” -- avoting rights act bill. and some of his administration argued that’s too much, it’s too soon.but the movement knew that if we rested after the civil rights act, then all we could do waspray that somebody would enforce those rights. (applause.)

so whenever i hear somebody say they’re praying for me, i say “thank you.” thank you -- ibelieve in the power of prayer. but we know more than prayer. we need to vote. (applause.)we need to vote. that will be helpful. it will not relieve me of my gray hair, but it will help mepass some bills. (laughter.)

because people refused to give in when it was hard, we get to celebrate the 50th anniversaryof the voting rights act ne_t year. until then, we’ve got to protect it. we can’t just celebrateit; we’ve got to protect it. because there are people still trying to pass voter id laws to makeit harder for folks to vote. and we’ve got to get back to our schools and our offices and ourchurches, our beauty shops, barber shops, and make sure folks know there’s an electioncoming up, they need to know how to register, and they need to know how and when to vote.

we’ve got to tell them to push back against the cynics; prove everybody wrong who says thatchange isn’t possible. cynicism does not fi_ anything. cynicism is very popular in americasometimes. it’s propagated in the media. but cynicism didn’t put anybody on the moon.cynicism didn’t pass the voting rights act. hope is what packed buses full of freedom riders.hope is what led thousands of black folks and white folks to march from selma to montgomery.hope is what got john lewis off his back after being beaten within an inch of his life, and choseto keep on going. (applause.)

cynicism is a choice, but hope is a better choice. and our job right now is to convince thepeople who are privileged to represent to join us in finishing that fight that folks like johnstarted. get those souls to the polls. e_ercise their right to vote. and if we do, then iguarantee you we’ve got a brighter future ahead.

thank you, god bless you. keep praying. but go out there and vote. god bless america. (applause.)

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the president: hey! hello, phoeni_! (applause.) hello, arizona! (applause.) it is --

audience member: we love you, obama!

the president: i love you back. it is good to be here. (applause.)

i want to say thank you to the thunder for hosting us here today. (applause.) well, we are soglad to be here. i want you to give it up for somebody who"s been fighting for homeowners andworking families every single day, who"s with me today -- secretary shaun donovan, secretaryof hud. there he is right there. give him a big round of applause. (applause.) we"ve gotcongressman ed pastor who"s here as well. (applause.) we"ve got your mayor, greg stanton,here. (applause.) doing an outstanding job. and to all the mayors and state legislators andtribal leaders who are here today, thank you. (applause.)

give jorge a big round of applause for his introduction. (applause.) to your superintendent,dr. kenneth baca. (applause.) your principal, dr. anna battle. (applause.) and i appreciateeverybody at desert vista for having me here today. (applause.) it is good to see the studentsare pretty enthusiastic about being back in school. (laughter.) i"m not sure i would have beenthat enthusiastic starting on the 6th. (laughter.)

and i know this isn"t your typical school -- second day of school. so i want to give a specialshout-out to the new seniors, class of 2024. (applause.) you are aware that you"re not finishedyet. (laughter.) senior year, that"s sometimes tempting. i want you all to stay focused.

over the past couple weeks, i have been --

audience member: happy birthday, mr. president!

the president: thank you very much. thank you. (applause.) it was my birthday two daysago. (laughter.) got some singers here.

audience: happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, mr. president. (applause.)

the president: thank you. thank you. thank you. (applause.) i am now 52, and michellesays that i don"t look a day over 51. (laughter.)

so over the last few weeks, i"ve been visiting towns all across the country, talking about whatwe need to do to secure a better bargain for the middle class -- a national strategy to makesure that everybody who works hard has a chance to succeed in the 21st century economy.

and i think people in arizona especially understand the challenges that are out there, becausefor the past four and a half years, together, we fought our way back from a devastatingrecession that cost millions of jobs for americans. a lot of folks lost their homes; a lot of folkslost their savings. and what the recession showed was the long erosion of middle-classsecurity that had been taking place for decades.

but we fought back. we took on a broken health care system. we took on a housing market thatwas in free fall. we invested in new technologies to reverse our addiction to foreign oil. wechanged a ta_ code that had become tilted a little bit too much in favor of the wealthiestamericans at the e_pense of working families. (applause.) we saved the auto industry. we"venow got gm that plans to hire a thousand new workers right ne_t door in chandler to make surewe"re building some of the best cars in the world right here in the united states of america. (applause.)

our businesses have created 7.3 million new jobs over the past 41 months. we now sell moreproducts made in america to the rest of the world than ever before. our e_ports are way up. weproduce more renewable energy than ever before, more natural gas than anybody else. healthcare costs have been growing at the slowest rate in 50 years. and our deficits are coming downat the fastest rate in 60 years. so we"re making progress. (applause.)

so thanks to the efforts of a lot of people like you, we"ve cleared away the rubble of the financialcrisis. we"re starting to lay the foundation for more stable, more durable economic growth.but as any middle-class family will tell you, we"re not yet where we need to be. because evenbefore the crisis hit, we had lived through a decade where a few at the top were doing betterand better, but most families were working harder and harder just to get by.

and reversing this trend should be -- must be -- washington"s highest priority. it"s myhighest priority. (applause.) i want to make sure that in america, it doesn"t matter what youlook like, where you come from, who you love -- you should be able to make it when you try.you should be able to make it. (applause.)

now, unfortunately, for the last year or so, we"ve had an endless parade of distractions andpolitical posturing and phony scandals that shift focus away from what do we need to do toshore up middle-class families and create ladders of opportunity for folks to get into themiddle class. and as washington heads towards another budget debate, the stakes could notbe higher.

and that"s why i"m traveling around, laying out my ideas for how we have to build thecornerstones of what it means to be middle class: a good job with good wages; a home to callyour own; a good education; affordable health care that"s there for you when you get sick; asecure retirement even if you"re not rich; the opportunity -- the ladders of opportunity forpeople to earn their way into the middle class, to work their way out of poverty. those are theelements that i think all of us believe in, but right now we"re not delivering as much as weshould on those promises.

now, last tuesday, i went to tennessee to talk about the first cornerstone, which is how do wemake sure that we"re creating good middle-class jobs here in the united states of america.today i"ve come to phoeni_ to talk about the second component, which is the most tangiblecornerstone that lies at the heart of the american dream, at the heart of middle-class life -- andthat"s the chance to own your own home. (applause.) the chance to own your own home.

we"ve got a lot of young people here who are thinking about college, they"re going to get ahigher education, they"re going to find a job, they"re going to find somebody they love, they"regoing to want to own a home. and the reason they will is because a home is the ultimateevidence that here in america, hard work pays off, that responsibility is rewarded.

i think about my grandparents" generation. when my grandfather served in world war ii, hefought in patton"s army -- when he got back, this country gave him a chance to go to college onthe g.i. bill, but it also gave him the chance to buy his first home with a loan from the fha. tohim, and to generations of americans before and since, a home was more than just a house. itwas a source of pride and a source of security. it was a place to raise kids, to put downroots; a place where you could build up savings for college, or to start a business, or to retirewith some security.

and buying a home required responsibility on everybody"s part. you had to save up to buy ahome. and then banks were supposed to give you a fair deal, with terms you couldunderstand, and buyers were supposed to live within their means and make sure that theycould make their payments. so in that earlier generation, houses weren"t for flipping around,they weren"t for speculation -- houses were to live in, and to build a life with.

and unfortunately, over time, responsibility too often gave way to recklessness. you hadreckless lenders who sold loans to people they knew couldn"t afford them. and let"s face it, wealso had some reckless buyers who knew they couldn"t afford them and still took out loans.and all this created a housing bubble. and especially in some places like arizona, it wasdevastating when that bubble finally burst -- triggered a recession. millions of americans whohad done everything right were hurt badly by the actions of other people. housing pricesplummeted.

by the time i took office, home values had fallen almost 20 percent from the year before. newhousing starts had fallen nearly 80 percent from their peak. hundreds of thousands ofconstruction workers had lost their jobs. a record number of people were behind on theirmortgage payments. and a lot of people here in phoeni_, they saw that devastation. this waspart of ground zero for the housing bubble bursting.

so less than a month after i took office, i came here to arizona and i laid out steps to stabilizethe housing market and help responsible homeowners get back on their feet. and the truth isit"s been a long, slow process. the housing market is so big that it was going to take some timeto heal when it got hurt that badly. it"s taken longer than any of us would like. but during thattime, we helped millions of americans save an average of $3,000 each year by refinancing atlower rates. we helped millions of responsible homeowners stay in their homes, which was goodfor their neighbors because you don"t want a bunch of foreclosure signs in your neighborhood.

where congress wouldn"t act, we went ahead and acted, so over the past few years, we had thedepartment of justice stand up for buyers who had been discriminated against or conned bypredatory lending. and we won a settlement that gave more money to victims ofdiscrimination in one year than in the previous 23 years combined. (applause.)

we worked with states to force big banks to repay more than $50 billion to more than 1.5million families -- largest lending settlement in history. (applause.) we e_tended the time thatfolks who had lost their jobs could delay their payment on their mortgages while they keptlooking for work. we cracked down on the bad practices that led to the crisis in the first place. imean, you had some loans back there in the bubble that were called “liar"s loan.” now,something that"s called a liar"s loan is probably a bad idea. (laughter.)

so because of all these actions we"ve been taking, our housing market is beginning to heal.home prices are rising at the fastest pace in seven years. sales are up nearly 50 percent.construction is up nearly 75 percent. new foreclosures are down by nearly two-thirds. millions offamilies have been able to come up for air -- they"re no longer underwater on their mortgages. (applause.)

and just like the crisis hit phoeni_ very hard, thanks to some great leadership here locally,phoeni_ has also led one of the biggest comebacks in the country. (applause.) so you should beproud of what you"ve done here. home prices in phoeni_ have risen by nearly 20 percent overthe last year. new home sales are up by more than 25 percent.

this morning, right before i came here, i visited erickson construction -- (applause.) we"vegot some erickson folks here. and they were e_plaining how right when the bubble hit,erickson shrank to less than a hundred workers. today they"re employing 580 people -- andthey"re hiring even more people -- (applause) -- because the housing market is bouncing back.

so that"s one of the things about housing. it"s not just important for the person who owns thehouse; our economy is so impacted by everything that happens in housing. consumers feelbetter when their home values are in a better place, so they"re more willing to spend. a lot ofpeople who want to start a business, their savings may be locked up in their house.construction workers, contractors, suppliers, carpet makers, all these folks are impacted by thehousing industry.

so we"ve made progress, and that"s helped to move the economy forward. but we"ve got tobuild on this progress. we"re not where we need to be yet. we"ve got to give more hardworkingamericans the chance to buy their first home. (applause.) we have to help more responsiblehomeowners refinance their mortgages, because a lot of them still have a spread between therates they"re paying right now on their mortgage and what they could be getting if they wereable to refinance.

and we"ve got to turn the page on this kind of bubble-and-bust mentality that helped tocreate this mess in the first place. (applause.) we got to build a housing system that isdurable and fair and rewards responsibility for generations to come. that"s what we"ve got todo. (applause.)

so i"ve already put forward a bunch of ideas that will help accomplish that. and, look, the factof the matter is congress hasn"t enacted all of them, so i"d like you to encourage members ofcongress to take some of these actions. (applause.)

but like the other actions that we"ve taken, these will not help the neighbors down the streetwho bought a house that they couldn"t afford, and then walked away from it and left aforeclosed home behind. we don"t want to help speculators who bought multiple homes just tomake a quick buck.

what we want to do is put forward ideas that will help millions of responsible, middle-classhomeowners who still need relief. and we want to help hardworking americans who dream ofowning their own home fair and square, have a down payment, are willing to make thosepayments, understand that owning a home requires responsibility. and there are someimmediate actions we could take right now that would help on that front, that would make adifference. so let me just list a couple of them.

number one: congress should pass a good, bipartisan idea to allow every homeowner thechance to save thousands of dollars a year by refinancing their mortgage at today"s rates. (applause.) we need to get that done. we"ve been talking about it for a year and a half, twoyears, three years. there"s no reason not to do it. (applause.)

step number two: now that we"ve made it harder for reckless buyers to buy homes that theycan"t afford, let"s make it a little bit easier for qualified buyers to buy the homes that they canafford. (applause.) so shaun donovan has been working with the finance industry to make surewe"re simplifying overlapping regulations; we"re cutting red tape for responsible families whowant to get a mortgage but keep getting rejected by the banks. we need to give well-qualified americans who lost their jobs during the crisis a fair chance to get a loan if they"veworked hard to repair their credit.

and step three is something that you don"t always hear about when it comes to the housingmarket, and that is fi_ing our broken immigration system. it would actually help our housingmarket. (applause.)

it"s pretty simple: when more people buy homes and play by the rules, home values go up foreverybody. and according to one recent study, the average homeowner has already seen thevalue of their home boosted by thousands of dollars just because of immigration. and the goodnews is, with the help of your senators, john mccain and jeff flake, the senate has alreadypassed a bipartisan immigration bill. it"s got the support of ceos and labor and lawenforcement. (applause.) this could help homeownership here.

so i want you to encourage republicans in the house of representatives to stop draggingtheir feet. let"s go ahead and get this done.

step number four: we should address the uneven recovery by rebuilding the communities hitthe hardest by the housing crisis, including many right here in arizona. let"s put constructionback -- construction workers back to work repairing rundown homes, tearing down vacantproperties so that the value of homes in those surrounding areas start picking up. we can putpeople to work right now and improve the remaining housing stock that"s out there. (applause.) places that are facing a longer road back from the crisis should have their country"shelp to get back on their feet.

step five: we should make sure families that don"t want to buy a home or can"t yet afford tobuy one still have a decent place to rent. (applause.) it"s important for us to encouragehomeownership, but a lot of people rent and there"s nothing wrong with renting. and we got tomake sure that we are creating affordable opportunities when it comes to rental properties.

in the run-up to the crisis, banks and governments too often made everybody feel like they hadto own a home, even if they weren"t ready and didn"t have the payments. that"s a mistake weshould not repeat. instead, let"s invest in affordable rental housing. let"s bring together citiesand states to address local barriers that drive up rents for working families. (applause.)

so if we help more americans refinance their homes, if we help qualified families get amortgage, we reform our immigration system, we rebuild the hardest-hit communities, wemake sure that folks have a decent place to rent if they"re not yet able to buy -- all these stepswill give more middle-class families the chance to either buy their own home now or eventuallybuy their own home. it"s going to give more relief to responsible homeowners. it gives moreoptions to families who aren"t yet ready to buy. all that is going to improve the housing marketand will improve the economy.

but -- and this is the last key point i want to make -- as home prices rise, we can"t just re-inflate another housing bubble. i hope everybody here in arizona learned some hard lessonsfrom what happened. housing prices generally don"t just keep on going up forever at the kindof pace it was going up. it was crazy. so what we want to do is something stable and steady.and that"s why i want to lay a rock-solid foundation to make sure the kind of crisis we wentthrough never happens again. we"ve got to make sure it doesn"t happen again. (applause.)

and one of the key things to make sure it doesn"t happen again is to wind down thesecompanies that are not really government, but not really private sector -- they"re known asfreddie mac and fannie mae. for too long, these companies were allowed to make huge profitsbuying mortgages, knowing that if their bets went bad, ta_payers would be left holding thebag. it was “heads we win, tails you lose.” and it was wrong. and along with what happened onwall street, it helped to inflate this bubble in a way that ultimately killed main street.

so the good news is, right now there"s a bipartisan group of senators working to end fannie andfreddie as we know them. and i support these kinds of reform efforts. and they"re followingfour core principles for what i believe this reform should look like.

first, private capital should take a bigger role in the mortgage market. i know that soundsconfusing to folks who call me a socialist -- i think i saw some posters there on the way in. (laughter.) but i actually believe in the free market. and just like the health care law that weput in place, obamacare -- (applause) -- which, by the way, if you don"t have healthinsurance or you"re buying it at e_orbitant rates on the individual market, starting on october1st, you can join a marketplace and be part of a pool that gives you much lower premiums,saves you a lot of money. (applause.)

but in the same way that what we did with health care was to set up clear rules for insurancecompanies to protect consumers, make it more affordable, but still built on the privatemarketplace, i believe that our housing system should operate where there"s a limitedgovernment role and private lending should be the backbone of the housing market. and thatincludes, by the way, community-based lenders who view their borrowers not as a number, butas a neighbor. so that"s one principle.

a second principle is we can"t leave ta_payers on the hook for irresponsibility or baddecisions by some of these lenders or fannie mae or freddie mac. (applause.) we"ve got toencourage the pursuit of profit, but the era of e_pecting a bailout after you pursue your profitand you don"t manage your risk well -- well, that puts the whole country at risk. and we"reending those days. we"re not going to do that anymore. (applause.)

the third principle is we should preserve access to safe and simple mortgage products likethe 30-year, fi_ed-rate mortgage. that"s something families should be able to rely on whenthey"re making the most important purchase of their lives. (applause.)

number four, we"ve got to keep housing affordable for first-time homebuyers -- like all theseyoung people. when they"re ready to buy a house, we"ve got to make sure it"s affordable.families who are working to climb their way into the middle class, we"ve got to do what we canto make housing affordable. and that means we"ve got to strengthen the fha so it givestoday"s families the same kind of chance it gave my grandparents to buy a home, and itpreserves those rungs on the ladder of opportunity.

and we"ve got to support, as i said, affordable rental housing. and, by the way, we"ve also gotto keep up our fight against homelessness. (applause.) the mayor of phoeni_ has been doing agreat job here in phoeni_ on that front. we"ve got to continue to improve it. (applause.)

since i took office, we helped bring one in four homeless veterans off the streets. (applause.)we should be proud of that. here in phoeni_, thanks to the hard work of everyone from mayorstanton to the local united way to us airways, you"re on track to end chronic homelessnessfor veterans, period, by 2024. (applause.)

but we"ve got to keep going, because nobody in america, and certainly no veteran, should beleft to live on the streets. (applause.)

so here"s the bottom line: put all these principles together, that"s going to protect our entireeconomy and it will improve the housing market not just here in phoeni_, but throughout thestate and throughout the country.

we"re also going to need to make sure, though, that we"re protecting individual homeowners.we"ve got to give them the tools that they can protect themselves. so we"ve got a consumerfinance protection bureau that we created. (applause.) and it"s laying down new rules of theroad that everybody can count on when they"re shopping for a mortgage. they"re designing anew, simple mortgage form that will be in plain english, so you can actually read it without alawyer -- (applause) -- although, you may still want a lawyer obviously. i"m not saying youdon"t. i"m just saying you"ll be able to read it. (laughter.) there won"t be a lot of fine print.that way you know before you owe. (laughter and applause.)

and the senate finally confirmed richard cordray as the head of this -- head watchdog for thecfpb. (applause.) so he"s out there aggressively protecting consumers and homeowners.

when it comes to some of the other leaders we need to look out for the american people, thesenate still has a job to do. months ago, i nominated a man named mel watt to be our nation"stop housing regulator. he is an outstanding member of congress. and during that time, hewas on the housing committee -- worked with banks, worked with borrowers to protectconsumers, to help responsible lenders provide credit. he is the right person for the job.congress and the senate should give his nomination an up or down vote without any moreobstruction or delay. we don"t have time for those kinds of games. (applause.)

so i want to be honest with you. no program or policy is going to solve all the problems in amulti-trillion dollar housing market. the housing bubble went up so high, the heights itreached before it burst were so unsustainable, that we knew it was going to take some time forus to fully recover. but if we take the steps that i talked about today, then i know we willrestore not just our home values, but also our common values. we"ll make owning a home asymbol of responsibility, not speculation -- a source of security for generations to come,just like it was for my grandparents. i want it to be just like that for all the young people whoare here today and their children and their grandchildren. (applause.)

and if we stay focused on middle-class security and opportunities to get into the middle class,if we take the strategy that i"m laying out for the entire economy -- for jobs and housing andeducation, health care, retirement, creating ladders of opportunity -- then we will secure thatbetter bargain for all americans, where hard work is once again rewarded with a shot at amiddle-class life, which means more americans will know the pride of that first paycheck. moreamericans will know the satisfaction of flipping the sign to “open” on their own business. moreamericans will know the joy of scratching the child"s height on the door of their new home --with pencil, of course. (laughter.)

we can do all this if we work together. and it won"t be easy. but if we take just a few boldsteps -- and if washington will just end the gridlock, set aside the slash-and-burn partisanship-- (applause) -- actually try to solve problems instead of scoring political points, our economywill grow stronger a year from now, five years from now, 10 years from now. (applause.)

and as long as i"ve got the privilege to serve as your president, that"s what i"m going to befighting for.

thank you very much, everybody. god bless you. (applause.)

奧巴馬英語演講稿 模板14


hi, everybody. this week, america came together tosalute our veterans – to e_press our appreciationto all who served so that we might live free. but ourgratitude should e_tend beyond what our veteranshave done for us in the past. it should remind us ofour responsibilities to serve them as well as theyhave served us. it should compel us to keep ourveterans central to the ongoing work of this nation.

in recent years, we"ve made historic investments toboost the va budget, e_pand veterans" benefits,and improve care for our wounded warriors. we"ve now slashed the disability claims backlog bynearly 90 percent from its peak. we"re reducing the outrage of veterans" homelessness andwe"ve helped tens of thousands of veterans get off the streets. the veterans" unemploymentrate is down to 3.9 percent – even lower than the national average.

of course, we"re not satisfied. we"ve still got more work to do – and i"ve directed myadministration to keep doing everything it can to fulfill our promise to our veterans. but thisisn"t just a job for government alone. we all have a role to play. less than one percent ofamericans are serving in uniform. so it"s true most americans don"t always see andappreciate the incredible skills and assets that our veterans can offer. but every americanshould know that our veterans are some of the most talented, capable people in the world.they"ve mastered skills and technologies and leadership roles that are impossible to teach offthe battlefield. they know how to get stuff done.

and as our veterans will tell you themselves, they"re not finished serving their country. they"reteachers and doctors, engineers and entrepreneurs, social workers and community leaders.they serve in statehouses across the country and in congress. as i tell small business ownersand ceos on a regular basis, if you want to get the job done, hire a vet. every sector, everyindustry, every community in this country can benefit from the incredible talents of ourveterans.

our troops and veterans give us their very best. that"s what a soldier named captain florentgroberg proved. three years ago, on patrol in afghanistan, flo saw a suicide bomber comingtoward his unit. without hesitating, flo grabbed him by his vest and helped push him to theground. when the bomb went off, flo was badly injured, and four of his comrades were killed.but many more were saved because of flo"s sacrifice. flo represents the very best of america –and this week, i was proud to present him with the medal of honor for his actions.

veterans like flo, they deserve our undying gratitude. they deserve the chance to keepserving the country they risked everything to defend. and so we must come together to keepgiving them that chance, not just on veterans day, but on every single day of the year. maygod bless all those who serve and all who have given their lives for our country. and may godbless the united states of america.

奧巴馬英語演講稿 模板15



i remember 14 years ago,when i first came to hannover,i try to rent a small booth to sell the chinese products to the west and to the europe ,that’s been a long time to looking for the booth,and at that time hannover was not that prosperious,but the fair was very successful.


its difficult to find the booth ,finally,we got a small booth,but very few people found us.


eight years ago,we came back again,we try to help off the booth to move them online ,help them to sell on the alibaba ,it didnt work,it goes that time ,people think ,the trade fair and online are conflict to each other.


today i come back again ,the reason that i come back again,is trying to find the important missing part of the internet business,internet in the past 20 years,was pretty successful,but one thing that is very strange that i found that very few internet companies can survive peacefully and healthily for more than 3 years.


that means most of the internet companies can only have honey days,honey weeks;they don’t even have honey months,what is the problem?where is the missing part?i strongly believe that the missing part is in europe.


what is that ?whether we like it or not,in the past 20 years,the internet has larged a huge impact to the human lives,everybody believe that internet has done great things to the work,and also lot of the traditional business hate the internet,because they destroyed their business.


but what the rest is why internet companies always worry 、worry?you see whether google,facebook,amazon,ebay and alibaba,all of us worry everyday. so we think that there must be a problem ,and the problem is that we have to find a solution,that how we can be a company can live long and healthy like mercedes-benze,siemens.


if any industry cant live more than 3 years,if all the companies cannot live happily for 3years,this industry will never become the mainstream,this industry can never become the deep economy,so,what we want to do is that how we can find the solution.


the world is changing so fast,most people dont realize what is it,what is internet,we’re moving very very fast today to technology.


it technology and digital technology,is not the technology difference,is the differences of the way people think,the way people due with the world.


we dont know the world will look like in 30 years,and we dont know what the data will look like ,but we are sure that the whole world in ne_t30 years will be changed.


if the first and the second innovation and technology revolution releaf all liberatethe human strength,the physical strength,this revolution release a liberate the strength of human brain,the brain in innovation.


the future world,we believe we’ll be connected not by oil,notby other things,but by datas. the future world,the business will be c2b notb2c,c2b is consumer to business not business to consumer. because we willhave a large amount of data,manufacturer must do customerlized things,otherwise manufacturer will be very difficult.


in the future ,all the manufacturers,they make machine,the machines can not only produce products,the machine must talk,the machine must think ,the machine will not be driven by oil and by electricity,the machine is going to be supported by datas. the future world,the business will no longer focus on the size,business will no longer focus on standardization and power,they will focus on thefle_ibility,nimbleness(agility),personalized and user friendly.


and i also strongly believe the future world,we are going to have a lot of women leaders ,because in the future people will not only focus on muscle strength,and they focus on wisdom,they focus on careless and responsibility.


and i think internet must find the missing part. this missing part is how the clicker and motors can work together,and how we can make sure in the ne_t 30 years the mouse and cement can work together,find a way to make the internet economy and the real economy to combine ,the internet company will survive happily for ne_t 30 years.


if that income ,that is what we called d-economy,is not just the digital economy,which i called data economy,and everthing is going to be changed.


and i also believe that the world will become very beautiful,but also very challenging.


apple may not be the future,but apple tells us what the futurewill look like ,that is something in the machine is moving,that is data.


we are at a great time of innovation,inspiration,invention and creativity,andi think everyone is working hard,try to realize their dreams.


today you see here ,a real world of workers,truck drivers and game players,and also all these senior people,everybody in the ancient time,nobody can use technology torealize their dreams ,but today,because of datas ,everything becomes true.


but i strongly believe ,it’s not the technology changed the world,it’s the dreams behind the technology that changed the world. if the technology changed the world,ill never be here,i’m not be trained to be a science and technology e_perts,i know nothing about computer,and i know very little about the internet,but i have a strong dream that we want to help small business.


so,14 years ago so we come here to sell chinese products toeurope,that didn’t work.

14 years later ,we try to help the european small businessto china ,to the world by using the internet,it’s the dreams that drives theworld ,it’s not only the technology.


so ladies and gentlemen,lets work hard together,it is a fantasticworld,it is a world belongs to young people,it is a world belongs to the future.


and thank you very very much for listening!


英文演講稿 | 奧巴馬最后一次國情咨文

mr. speaker, mr. vice president, members of congress, my fellow americans:

tonight marks the eighth year i’ve come here to report on the state of the union. and for this final one, i’m going to try to make it shorter. i know some of you are antsy to get back to iowa.

i also understand that because it’s an election season, e_pectations for what we’ll achieve this year are low. still, mr. speaker, i appreciate the constructive approach you and the other leaders took at the end of last year to pass a budget and make ta_ cuts permanent for working families. so i hope we can work together this year on bipartisan priorities like criminal justice reform, and helping people who are battling prescription drug abuse. we just might surprise the cynics again.

but tonight, i want to go easy on the traditional list of proposals for the year ahead. don’t worry, i’ve got plenty, from helping students learn to write computer code to personalizing medical treatments for patients. and i’ll keep pushing for progress on the work that still needs doing. fi_ing a broken immigration system. protecting our kids from gun violence. equal pay for equal work, paid leave, raising the minimum wage. all these things still matter to hardworking families; they are still the right thing to do; and i will not let up until they get done.

but for my final address to this chamber, i don’t want to talk just about the ne_t year. i want to focus on the ne_t five years, ten years, and beyond.

i want to focus on our future.

we live in a time of e_traordinary change – change that’s reshaping the way we live, the way we work, our planet and our place in the world. it’s change that promises amazing medical breakthroughs, but also economic disruptions that strain working families. it promises education for girls in the most remote villages, but also connects terrorists plotting an ocean away. it’s change that can broaden opportunity, or widen inequality. and whether we like it or not, the pace of this change will only accelerate.

america has been through big changes before – wars and depression, the influ_ of immigrants, workers fighting for a fair deal, and movements to e_pand civil rights. each time, there have been those who told us to fear the future; who claimed we could slam the brakes on change, promising to restore past glory if we just got some group or idea that was threatening america under control. and each time, we overcame those fears. we did not, in the words of lincoln, adhere to the “dogmas of the quiet past.” instead we thought anew, and acted anew. we made change work for us, always e_tending america’s promise outward, to the ne_t frontier, to more and more people. and because we did – because we saw opportunity where others saw only peril – we emerged stronger and better than before.

what was true then can be true now. our unique strengths as a nation – our optimism and work ethic, our spirit of discovery and innovation, our diversity and commitment to the rule of law – these things give us everything we need to ensure prosperity and security for generations to come.

in fact, it’s that spirit that made the progress of these past seven years possible. it’s how we recovered from the worst economic crisis in generations. it’s how we reformed our health care system, and reinvented our energy sector; how we delivered more care and benefits to our troops and veterans, and how we secured the freedom in every state to marry the person we love.

but such progress is not inevitable. it is the result of choices we make together. and we face such choices right now. will we respond to the changes of our time with fear, turning inward as a nation, and turning against each other as a people? or will we face the future with confidence in who we are, what we stand for, and the incredible things we can do together?

so let’s talk about the future, and four big questions that we as a country have to answer – regardless of who the ne_t president is, or who controls the ne_t congress.

first, how do we give everyone a fair shot at opportunity and security in this new economy?

second, how do we make technology work for us, and not against us – especially when it comes to solving urgent challenges like climate change?

third, how do we keep america safe and lead the world without becoming its policeman?

and finally, how can we make our politics reflect what’s best in us, and not what’s worst?

let me start with the economy, and a basic fact: the united states of america, right now, has the strongest, most durable economy in the world. we’re in the middle of the longest streak of private-sector job creation in history. more than 14 million new jobs; the strongest two years of job growth since the ‘90s; an unemployment rate cut in half. our auto industry just had its best year ever. manufacturing has created nearly 900,000 new jobs in the past si_ years. and we’ve done all this while cutting our deficits by almost three-quarters.

anyone claiming that america’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction. what is true – and the reason that a lot of americans feel an_ious – is that the economy has been changing in profound ways, changes that started long before the great recession hit and haven’t let up. today, technology doesn’t just replace jobs on the assembly line, but any job where work can be automated. companies in a global economy can locate anywhere, and face tougher competition. as a result, workers have less leverage for a raise. companies have less loyalty to their communities. and more and more wealth and income is concentrated at the very top.

all these trends have squeezed workers, even when they have jobs; even when the economy is growing. it’s made it harder for a hardworking family to pull itself out of poverty, harder for young people to start on their careers, and tougher for workers to retire when they want to. and although none of these trends are unique to america, they do offend our uniquely american belief that everybody who works hard should get a fair shot.

for the past seven years, our goal has been a growing economy that works better for everybody. we’ve made progress. but we need to make more. and despite all the political arguments we’ve had these past few years, there are some areas where americans broadly agree.

we agree that real opportunity requires every american to get the education and training they need to land a good-paying job. the bipartisan reform of no child left behind was an important start, and together, we’ve increased early childhood education, lifted high school graduation rates to new highs, and boosted graduates in fields like engineering. in the coming years, we should build on that progress, by providing pre-k for all, offering every student the hands-on computer science and math classes that make them job-ready on day one, and we should recruit and support more great teachers for our kids.

and we have to make college affordable for every american. because no hardworking student should be stuck in the red. we’ve already reduced student loan payments to ten percent of a borrower’s income. now, we’ve actually got to cut the cost of college. providing two years of community college at no cost for every responsible student is one of the best ways to do that, and i’m going to keep fighting to get that started this year.

of course, a great education isn’t all we need in this new economy. we also need benefits and protections that provide a basic measure of security. after all, it’s not much of a stretch to say that some of the only people in america who are going to work the same job, in the same place, with a health and retirement package, for 30 years, are sitting in this chamber. for everyone else, especially folks in their forties and fifties, saving for retirement or bouncing back from job loss has gotten a lot tougher. americans understand that at some point in their careers, they may have to retool and retrain. but they shouldn’t lose what they’ve already worked so hard to build.

that’s why social security and medicare are more important than ever; we shouldn’t weaken them, we should strengthen them. and for americans short of retirement, basic benefits should be just as mobile as everything else is today. that’s what the affordable care act is all about. it’s about filling the gaps in employer-based care so that when we lose a job, or go back to school, or start that new business, we’ll still have coverage. nearly eighteen million have gained coverage so far. health care inflation has slowed. and our businesses have created jobs every single month since it became law.

now, i’m guessing we won’t agree on health care anytime soon. but there should be other ways both parties can improve economic security. say a hardworking american loses his job – we shouldn’t just make sure he can get unemployment insurance; we should make sure that program encourages him to retrain for a business that’s ready to hire him. if that new job doesn’t pay as much, there should be a system of wage insurance in place so that he can still pay his bills. and even if he’s going from job to job, he should still be able to save for retirement and take his savings with him. that’s the way we make the new economy work better for everyone.

i also know speaker ryan has talked about his interest in tackling poverty. america is about giving everybody willing to work a hand up, and i’d welcome a serious discussion about strategies we can all support, like e_panding ta_ cuts for low-income workers without kids.

but there are other areas where it’s been more difficult to find agreement over the last seven years – namely what role the government should play in making sure the system’s not rigged in favor of the wealthiest and biggest corporations. and here, the american people have a choice to make.

i believe a thriving private sector is the lifeblood of our economy. i think there are outdated regulations that need to be changed, and there’s red tape that needs to be cut. but after years of record corporate profits, working families won’t get more opportunity or bigger paychecks by letting big banks or big oil or hedge funds make their own rules at the e_pense of everyone else; or by allowing attacks on collective bargaining to go unanswered. food stamp recipients didn’t cause the financial crisis; recklessness on wall street did. immigrants aren’t the reason wages haven’t gone up enough; those decisions are made in the boardrooms that too often put quarterly earnings over long-term returns. it’s sure not the average family watching tonight that avoids paying ta_es through offshore accounts. in this new economy, workers and start-ups and small businesses need more of a voice, not less. the rules should work for them. and this year i plan to lift up the many businesses who’ve figured out that doing right by their workers ends up being good for their shareholders, their customers, and their communities, so that we can spread those best practices across america.

in fact, many of our best corporate citizens are also our most creative. this brings me to the second big question we have to answer as a country: how do we reignite that spirit of innovation to meet our biggest challenges?

si_ty years ago, when the russians beat us into space, we didn’t deny sputnik was up there. we didn’t argue about the science, or shrink our research and development budget. we built a space program almost overnight, and twelve years later, we were walking on the moon.

that spirit of discovery is in our dna. we’re thomas edison and the wright brothers and george washington carver. we’re grace hopper and katherine johnson and sally ride. we’re every immigrant and entrepreneur from boston to austin to silicon valley racing to shape a better world. and over the past seven years, we’ve nurtured that spirit.

we’ve protected an open internet, and taken bold new steps to get more students and low-income americans online. we’ve launched ne_t-generation manufacturing hubs, and online tools that give an entrepreneur everything he or she needs to start a business in a single day.

but we can do so much more. last year, vice president biden said that with a new moonshot, america can cure cancer. last month, he worked with this congress to give scientists at the national institutes of health the strongest resources they’ve had in over a decade. tonight, i’m announcing a new national effort to get it done. and because he’s gone to the mat for all of us, on so many issues over the past forty years, i’m putting joe in charge of mission control. for the loved ones we’ve all lost, for the family we can still save, let’s make america the country that cures cancer once and for all.

medical research is critical. we need the same level of commitment when it comes to developing clean energy sources.

look, if anybody still wants to dispute the science around climate change, have at it. you’ll be pretty lonely, because you’ll be debating our military, most of america’s business leaders, the majority of the american people, almost the entire scientific community, and 200 nations around the world who agree it’s a problem and intend to solve it.

but even if the planet wasn’t at stake; even if 20__ wasn’t the warmest year on record – until 20__ turned out even hotter – why would we want to pass up the chance for american businesses to produce and sell the energy of the future?

seven years ago, we made the single biggest investment in clean energy in our history. here are the results. in fields from iowa to te_as, wind power is now cheaper than dirtier, conventional power. on rooftops from arizona to new york, solar is saving americans tens of millions of dollars a year on their energy bills, and employs more americans than coal – in jobs that pay better than average. we’re taking steps to give homeowners the freedom to generate and store their own energy – something environmentalists and tea partiers have teamed up to support. meanwhile, we’ve cut our imports of foreign oil by nearly si_ty percent, and cut carbon pollution more than any other country on earth.

gas under two bucks a gallon ain’t bad, either.

now we’ve got to accelerate the transition away from dirty energy. rather than subsidize the past, we should invest in the future – especially in communities that rely on fossil fuels. that’s why i’m going to push to change the way we manage our oil and coal resources, so that they better reflect the costs they impose on ta_payers and our planet. that way, we put money back into those communities and put tens of thousands of americans to work building a 21st century transportation system.

none of this will happen overnight, and yes, there are plenty of entrenched interests who want to protect the status quo. but the jobs we’ll create, the money we’ll save, and the planet we’ll preserve – that’s the kind of future our kids and grandkids deserve.

climate change is just one of many issues where our security is linked to the rest of the world. and that’s why the third big question we have to answer is how to keep america safe and strong without either isolating ourselves or trying to nation-build everywhere there’s a problem.

i told you earlier all the talk of america’s economic decline is political hot air. well, so is all the rhetoric you hear about our enemies getting stronger and america getting weaker. the united states of america is the most powerful nation on earth. period. it’s not even close. we spend more on our military than the ne_t eight nations combined. our troops are the finest fighting force in the history of the world. no nation dares to attack us or our allies because they know that’s the path to ruin. surveys show our standing around the world is higher than when i was elected to this office, and when it comes to every important international issue, people of the world do not look to beijing or moscow to lead – they call us.

as someone who begins every day with an intelligence briefing, i know this is a dangerous time. but that’s not because of diminished american strength or some looming superpower. in today’s world, we’re threatened less by evil empires and more by failing states. the middle east is going through a transformation that will play out for a generation, rooted in conflicts that date back millennia. economic headwinds blow from a chinese economy in transition. even as their economy contracts, russia is pouring resources to prop up ukraine and syria – states they see slipping away from their orbit. and the international system we built after world war ii is now struggling to keep pace with this new reality.

it’s up to us to help remake that system. and that means we have to set priorities.

priority number one is protecting the american people and going after terrorist networks. both al qaeda and now isil pose a direct threat to our people, because in today’s world, even a handful of terrorists who place no value on human life, including their own, can do a lot of damage. they use the internet to poison the minds of individuals inside our country; they undermine our allies.

but as we focus on destroying isil, over-the-top claims that this is world war iii just play into their hands. masses of fighters on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages pose an enormous danger to civilians and must be stopped. but they do not threaten our national e_istence. that’s the story isil wants to tell; that’s the kind of propaganda they use to recruit. we don’t need to build them up to show that we’re serious, nor do we need to push away vital allies in this fight by echoing the lie that isil is representative of one of the world’s largest religions. we just need to call them what they are – killers and fanatics who have to be rooted out, hunted down, and destroyed.

that’s e_actly what we are doing. for more than a year, america has led a coalition of more than 60 countries to cut off isil’s financing, disrupt their plots, stop the flow of terrorist fighters, and stamp out their vicious ideology. with nearly 10,000 air strikes, we are taking out their leadership, their oil, their training camps, and their weapons. we are training, arming, and supporting forces who are steadily reclaiming territory in iraq and syria.

if this congress is serious about winning this war, and wants to send a message to our troops and the world, you should finally authorize the use of military force against isil. take a vote. but the american people should know that with or without congressional action, isil will learn the same lessons as terrorists before them. if you doubt america’s commitment – or mine – to see that justice is done, ask osama bin laden. ask the leader of al qaeda in yemen, who was taken out last year, or the perpetrator of the benghazi attacks, who sits in a prison cell. when you come after americans, we go after you. it may take time, but we have long memories, and our reach has no limit.

奧巴馬英語演講稿 模板16


the president: hello, milwaukee! (applause.) thank you! oh, it’s good to be back inmilwaukee. give chris a big round of applause for that great introduction. (applause.)

happy labor day, everybody. happy labor day. (applause.) today is a day that belongs to you–- the working men and women who make america the greatest country on earth. so thank youto the working folks who are here today, and the unions who’ve always had your back. (applause.) thank you to the milwaukee area labor council, to the wisconsin afl-cio. (applause.)

it’s good to be back at laborfest. i hope you don’t mind, i brought a friend with me, somebodywho is fighting for american workers every day -- america’s secretary of labor, tom perez, is inthe house. (applause.) and i just found out tom’s wife is from milwaukee, so his father-in-law ishere. so i just told his father-in-law he’s doing a really good job, because you always want tomake a guy look good in front of his father-in-law. (laughter.)

we’ve got some other friends i want to acknowledge. first of all, your congresswoman, gwenmoore, is here. (applause.) your mayor, tom barrett, is in the house. (applause.) we’ve got oneof my favorites, mary kay henry from the seiu. (applause.) newly elected lily garcia from nea. (applause.) my pal -- not a packers fan, he’s a steelers fan, but he’s a good guy anyway -- leogerard from usw, steelworkers. (applause.) billy hite from ua; joe hansen from ufcw. (applause.)

to all the other labor leaders who are here, we are so glad to have you. and we’re here becauseof the things all too often we take for granted. anybody who’s got a seat, feel free to sit down. idon’t want anybody fainting; it’s all hot out here. i might get you back up on your feet at somepoint.

but we’re here to celebrate something that sometimes the american people take for granted --the 40-hour workweek, overtime pay, a minimum wage, weekends like this one. all that didn’thappen by accident. it happened because america’s workers organized for it, fought for it.history shows that working families can get a fair shot in this country, but only if we’re willingto fight for it.

now, the first time i came to laborfest was -- i was still a candidate back in 2024. (applause.)and during that campaign, i promised if you sent me to the white house, i’d stand with youin that fight. (applause.) now, two weeks later, our financial system collapsed. a recessionalmost became a depression. and in the years since, our country has faced a choice. there aresome folks who wanted to place an even bigger bet on top-down economics, the kind ofeconomics that helped cause the crisis in the first place -– more ta_ cuts for those at the top,fewer rules for big banks and corporations, this blind faith that maybe prosperity would finallytrickle down on the rest of us if folks up at the top just kept on doing better and better.

but, you know what, milwaukee, i didn’t run for president to double down on top-downeconomics. i ran for president because i believed in bottom-up economics. i believed in middle-out economics. i placed a bet on you. i placed a bet on america’s workers. (applause.) i put mymoney on american workers and the belief that our economy grows best when everybody hasgot a shot -- when folks who are willing to work hard can get into the middle class and stay inthe middle class. and i’ve come back to laborfest to say that because of your hard work,because of what we’ve been through together, that bet is starting to pay off.

america is stronger because of the decisions we made to rescue our economy and rebuild it ona new foundation asking the simple question, is this good for ordinary americans, is this goodfor working people -- not just a few, but for everybody. and over the past 53 months, ourbusiness have created nearly 10 million new jobs. (applause.) we’re on a streak where, the lastsi_ months, we’ve created more than 200,000 jobs each month -– that’s the first time that’shappened since 1997. (applause.)

construction is rebounding. energy and technology are booming. american manufacturing issteadily creating jobs for the first time since the 1990s. our businesses e_port more goodsmade right here in america to the rest of the world than ever before. (applause.)

america is stronger because we saved the american auto industry and more than one millionjobs that depend on the auto industry. (applause.) today, our workers are building more carsthan any time since 2024 -- and, by the way, they’re really good cars. the auto industry isadding jobs at the strongest rate since the 1990s.

america is stronger because we invested in homegrown energy. the world’s number-one oil andgas producer -- it’s not russia, it’s not saudi arabia -- it’s the u.s. of a. we are the largestproducer. (applause.) and for the first time in nearly 20 years, america now produces more oilthan we buy from other countries. but we’re also producing more clean energy, putting folksback to work. we’ve tripled the amount of wind power that creates energy. we’ve increased by10 times the amount of solar power we create. and all of that is creating tens of thousands ofgood jobs all across the country. (applause.)

america is stronger because we set our schools on a race to the top. we helped more middle-class families afford college. today, thanks to outstanding teachers, our high school graduationrate is at a record high. (applause.) more young people are earning their college degrees thanever before. (applause.)

america is stronger because we helped millions of responsible homeowners stay in their homes,and we got some of biggest banks who sold deceptive mortgages to help make things right --they’re ponying up billions of dollars to do right by folks who got cheated. we changed a ta_code that was skewed too much to the wealthy at the e_pense of working families. we madesure, you know what, you guys have got to pay a little more. and as a consequence, we cutour deficits by more than half. (applause.)

and yes, milwaukee, america is stronger because millions more americans have the peace ofmind of quality, affordable health insurance that they can count on. yes, we did that. (applause.)

so i just want everybody to understand -- because you wouldn’t always know it from watchingthe news -- (laughter) -- by almost every measure, the american economy and americanworkers are better off than when i took office. (applause.) we’re better off by almost everymeasure. but, look, none of this progress has come easy. every inch of it we have had to fightfor. every inch of it we’ve had to work against a lockstep opposition that is opposed toeverything we do.

but it was worth it. every gray hair is worth it. (applause.) every gray hair is worth it -- and atleast i’ve still got some hair. (applause.)

audience member: and you look good!

the president: oh, i look good -- see, i like that. thank you. (applause.) whenever folkssay -- whenever they see me they say, you know what, you look okay -- like they’re surprised. (laughter.) and then sometimes they say i look taller than i do on tv. (laughter.) i say, yes, ilook -- that’s because the tv is small. it makes me look smaller. (laughter.)

look, it is thanks to the grit, to the resilience of working americans that this country we love,it’s recovered faster, it’s come farther than almost any other advanced economy. for the firsttime in more than a decade, business leaders around the world, when you ask them, where doyou want to invest, what’s the number-one place to invest, they don’t say china, they don’t saygermany -- they say the united states of america. and our lead is growing. (applause.) u.s.a!

audience: u.s.a! u.s.a! u.s.a!

the president: so, look, i’m saying all this just because sometimes, if you’re watching tvor something, it’s just kind of a whole downer. (laughter.) we’ve got struggles. we’ve got workto do. but there are a lot of reasons to be optimistic about america.

more folks are working. the economy’s growing stronger. the engines are revving a little louder.and the question now is, are we going to make the right decisions to accelerate this progress?are we going to continue to focus on working families? are we going to continue to make surethat a growing economy gives everybody rising incomes and wages? are we going to make surethat we’re helping the middle class and everybody who is trying to get into the middle class?

it’s a good thing that corporate profits are high; i want american businesses to succeed. it’s agood thing that the stock market is booming; a lot of folks have 401ks in there, i want them tofeel good. but i also want to see the guy who’s breaking his back on two eight-hour shifts sohe’s got enough money to send his kids to college, i want to make sure that guy is getting abreak. i want to make sure he’s getting some help. (applause.) i want to see that woman who’sworked for 40 years be able to retire with some dignity and some respect. (applause.) that’show i measure progress -- not just by how well the economy is doing overall but how it’sdoing for folks who are working so hard doing everything right, just want a fair shot, and didn’thave anything handed to them in their lives, weren’t born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

and the reason that’s who i’m thinking about is because that’s the family i grew up in. that’sthe family michelle’s family grew up in. this country gave me a chance. it gave michelle achance. i believe in the american dream because i have lived it. (applause.) and i ran for thisoffice to restore it for everybody so no matter what you look like, and no matter where youcame from, no matter how you started, you can make it in america if you try. (applause.)

so that’s what’s at stake right now. that’s what’s at stake: making sure the economy works foreverybody. i’ve got a vision of an economy where opportunity is open to everybody who’swilling to work hard. i want an economy where new, long-term investments in americanenergy and american infrastructure and american manufacturing and american innovation areunleashing new jobs in new industries right here in wisconsin, right here in milwaukee; aneconomy where our workers have the chance to earn new skills that lead to that good job;where children graduate from school fully prepared for the global competition they’re goingto face.

i want an economy where your hard work pays off with higher wages, and higher incomes, andfairer pay for women, and workplace fle_ibility for parents, and affordable health insurance,and decent retirement benefits. (applause.) i’m not asking for the moon, i just want a gooddeal for american workers. (applause.)

sometimes when i talk about this stuff to some of my folks on the other side of the aisle,they’re all like, well, why are you stirring up class resentments? i’m not stirring up classresentment.

let me tell you something, working families, they’re fine that folks are rich. the average person,they’re not looking for a yacht. they’re not looking for their own plane. they’re not looking fora mansion. they don’t need to be vacationing in st. bart’s. all they’re looking for is that if theywork hard, they can pay the bills; that they can send their kids to school; they can retire withsome dignity, maybe take a vacation once in a while -- go to wisconsin dells or something.they ain’t looking for nothing fancy. (applause.) that’s where michelle and i used to take maliaand sasha. we’d be in that water so long, fingers all pruned up. and there were a lot of littlekids in there, which made you a little suspicious about the water. (laughter.) i’m just saying.that was not in the prepared remarks. (laughter.)

now, most of the policies i’m talking about have two things in common: they’re going to helpmore working families get ahead, and the republicans who run our congress oppose almost allof them.

audience: booo --

the president: don’t boo, vote. (applause.) don’t boo, vote. it’s easy to boo -- i want youto vote. don’t boo, vote. they oppose almost everything. i’m not making that up; i’m justtelling the truth. it’s just the facts.

in fact, they oppose stuff they used to be for. no, it’s true. i mean, they used to be forbuilding roads and bridges and all that -- now, suddenly, no, we can’t build roads. well, whynot? because you oppose -- because you proposed it. i am just telling the truth. the sky isblue today. milwaukee brats are delicious. the brewers are tied for first place. (applause.) andrepublicans in congress love to say no. those are just facts, they’re facts of life. they say no toeverything.

if we had a congress that cared about policies that actually helped working people, i promiseyou we could get everything done that we’ve talked about doing. but until we have thatcongress, it’s up to us to fight for these policies.

so wherever i can, i’ve acted on my own. i acted on my own to make sure more women had theprotections they needed to fight for fair pay on the workplace -- because i think when womensucceed, america succeeds. (applause.) i was raised by a single mom, so know how hard it isfor a lot of women out there. and, by the way, men, you should want your wife to get paid fair.she’s bringing that money home. that’s not a women’s issue, that’s your issue. (applause.)that’s money out of your family’s pocket.

that’s why i took action on my own to give millions of americans the chance to cap theirstudent loan payments at 10 percent of their incomes. (applause.) i don’t want young peoplesaddled with debt when they’re just starting out in life. that’s why i acted on my own to makesure companies that receive federal contracts, that they pay their workers a fair wage of at least$10.10 an hour. if you work full time in america, you shouldn’t be living in poverty, youshouldn’t be trying to support a family in poverty. (applause.)

and in the year and a half since i first asked congress to raise the minimum wage -- of course,the republicans in congress have blocked it -- but more and more americans are doing theirpart to make it happen. this is why i stay optimistic, even with some of the nonsense thatgoes on in washington. you’ve seen business leaders at companies like the gap that raisedbase wages for tens of thousands of workers because they knew it was good for business.you’ve seen mayors across the country doing their part, and today, on labor day, the mayor oflos angeles is announcing a plan to raise his city’s minimum wage.

you’ve seen -- here’s a good story. last month, the president of kentucky state university, hegave himself a $90,000 pay cut so that he could raise wages for his lowest-paid employees. (applause.) thirteen states, district of columbia -- they’ve raised their minimum wages. fourmore states are putting minimum wage initiatives on the ballot in november.

and you know what, here’s the best part -- you’ll hear opponents, they’ll say, well, minimumwage, they’re going to kill jobs. e_cept it turns out, the states where the minimum wage hasgone up this year had higher job growth than the states that didn’t raise the minimum wage.that’s the facts. (applause.)

all across the country right now, there’s a national movement going on made up of fast foodworkers organizing to lift wages so they can provide for their families with pride and dignity.there is no denying a simple truth: america deserves a raise. folks are doing very well on wallstreet, they’re doing very well in the corporate board rooms -- give america a raise. (applause.)

and i think, eventually, congress is going to hear them. we’ll break those folks down. we’lljust stay on them. we’ll just keep at it. that’s how i got michelle to marry me -- i just wore herdown. (laughter.) persistence -- you just stay at it. because the only thing more powerful thanan idea whose time has come is when millions of people are organizing around an idea whosetime has come. millions of people are voting for an idea whose time has come. (applause.)

i know it gets frustrating, though, when it feels like your voices aren’t heard in washington. ipromise you i share that frustration. after all that unions have done to build and protectworking americans, i know it’s frustrating when people have the gall to blame you for theproblems facing working americans. i know you’ve got some e_perience with that around here. (applause.)

but you know what, if i were looking for a good job that lets me build some security for myfamily, i’d join a union. (applause.) if i were busting my butt in the service industry andwanted an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work, i’d join a union. if i were a firefighter orpolice officer risking my life and helping to keep my community safe, and wanted to make surei came home safely to my family, i’d join a union. (applause.) i’d want a union looking out forme.

and if i cared about these things, i’d also want more democrats looking out for me. i’m justsaying. (applause.) because when the rest of the country is working to raise wages, butrepublicans in congress won’t, it ain’t right. not only is it not right, it ain’t right. (laughter.)when the rest of the country is working to open up more businesses, but republicans incongress block investments that would help more businesses grow, it ain’t right. when unionsand ceos, when law enforcement and the evangelical community, when folks who usuallydon’t agree on anything agree that we should be fi_ing our broken immigration system, but therepublicans in the house of representatives have been sitting on a bill for more than a year, itain’t right.

so that’s why we have to keep fighting. at the beginning of the last century, people foughtagainst the idea of a 40-hour workweek, they fought against weekends, they fought againstworkplace safety laws. 80 years ago, people fought against the idea of social security. 50 yearsago, people fought against the idea of medicare. but guess what? we won those fights. (applause.)

and just like in the past, today, you’ve still got people fighting against the right for health carefor everybody, or the right to fair wages, or they even fight against equal pay for equal work.but we will win those fights, too. i promise. and i know that because america is the story ofprogress. it can be slow, yes. it can be frustrating. sometimes you get half a loaf where youwanted the whole loaf -- sometimes you might just get a quarter of a loaf.

but if you look at our history, the story is progress. and that’s because there have always beenamericans who have had the courage to march and to organize and to fight for themselves,but then also to fight for each other. and i’m asking you to do the same thing. i asked you thesame thing back in 2024.

i’m asking you to believe not just in my ability to bring about the change we need, i’m askingyou to believe in yours. i’m asking you to believe in you. because even when our politics justain’t right, there’s a whole lot that is right with america.

america is that dad who punches in every morning to put food on the table. america is themom who’s working the graveyard shift to provide for her kids. america is the child whodreams of being the first in his family to go to college. america is the teacher who stays afterwork and dips into her own pocket for supplies to help that child get there. america is theautoworker who thought she’d never make another car again, and now she can’t make themfast enough. america is the construction worker who’s helping build more homes andbusinesses to get solar panels on the top. america is on the move. america is on the move. (applause.)

america is not the party we belong to, but the values we share. america is hard work. americais responsibility. america is sacrifice. america is looking out for one another. let’s embracesome economic patriotism that says we rise or fall together as one nation, as one people.

don’t reward companies that ship jobs and profits overseas; reward companies that areinvesting right here in milwaukee. (applause.) let’s make sure our fellow citizens have access togood childcare and preschool and college and health care. let’s make sure women get fair pay.let’s make sure working moms and dads can get a day off if their child is sick or their parentsare having a tough time. let’s make sure nobody who is working full time is raising their familyin poverty. (applause.) these ideas are not un-american, they’re how we built america --together.

i’ll tell you, milwaukee, the hardest thing in life is changing a stubborn status quo. and it’seven harder when it seems like some of the folks in power, all they care about is keeping power.but there are plenty of folks who count on you to get cynical and not vote because you don’tthink you can make a difference. that’s how they’re going to stay in power. they believe youwon’t get involved. they believe you won’t organize. they believe you won’t vote. and thatway, the special interests stay in power. and they will try to divide us, and they’ll try todistract you, and they’ll try to run the okey-doke on you, and bamboozle you, and hoodwinkyou -- don’t buy it. don’t buy it.

because despite the cynics, america is on the move. it’s making progress. despite all theopposition, there are workers who have jobs now who didn’t have them before. there arefamilies with health insurance who didn’t have them before. there are students going tocollege who couldn’t afford it before. there are troops who were in afghanistan who are cominghome. (applause.)

cynicism is fashionable these days, but cynicism didn’t put anybody on the moon. cynicismnever won a war, it never cured a disease, it never started a business, it never fed a youngmind, it never built a road or a bridge.

cynicism is a bad choice. hope is the better choice. hope is what gives us courage. hope is whatgave soldiers courage to storm a beach. hope is what gives young people the strength to marchfor women’s rights, and worker’s rights, and civil rights, and voting rights, and gay rights, andimmigration rights. (applause.)

hope, the belief that there are better days ahead; the belief that together, we can build up ourmiddle class and hand down something better to our kids -- that’s what built america. andamerica’s best days are still ahead. i believe it. you need to believe it, too. let’s get to work.

thank you. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. (applause.)

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if there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

it"s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference.

it"s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, democrat and republican, black, white, latino, asian, native american, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled - americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of red states and blue states: we are, and always will be, the united states of america.

it"s the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

it"s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to america.

i just received a very gracious call from senator mccain. he fought long and hard in this campaign, and he"s fought even longer and harder for the country he loves. he has endured sacrifices for america that most of us cannot begin to imagine, and we are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. i congratulate him and governor palin for all they have achieved, and i look forward to working with them to renew this nation"s promise in the months ahead.

i want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of scranton and rode with on that train home to delaware, the vice president-elect of the united states, joe biden.

i would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last si_teen years, the rock of our family and the love of my life, our nation"s ne_t first lady, michelle obama. sasha and malia, i love you both so much, and you have earned the new puppy that"s coming with us to the white house. and while she"s no longer with us, i know my grandmother is watching, along with the family that made me who i am. i miss them tonight, and know that my debt to them is beyond measure.

to my campaign manager david plouffe, my chief strategist david a_elrod, and the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics - you made this happen, and i am forever grateful for what you"ve sacrificed to get it done. but above all, i will never forget who this victory truly belongs to - it belongs to you.

i was never the likeliest candidate for this office. we didn"t start with much money or many endorsements. our campaign was not hatched in the halls of washington - it began in the backyards of des moines and the living rooms of concord and the front porches of charleston.

it was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give five dollars and ten dollars and twenty dollars to this cause. it grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation"s apathy; who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on the doors of perfect strangers; from the millions of americans who volunteered, and organized, and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perished from this earth. this is your victory.

i know you didn"t do this just to win an election and i know you didn"t do it for me. you did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. for even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime - two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century. even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave americans waking up in the deserts of iraq and the mountains of afghanistan to risk their lives for us. there are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after their children fall asleep and wonder how they"ll make the mortgage, or pay their doctor"s bills, or save enough for college. there is new energy to harness and new jobs to be created; new schools to build and threats to meet and alliances to repair.

the road ahead will be long. our climb will be steep. we may not get there in one year or even one term, but america - i have never been more hopeful than i am tonight that we will get there. i promise you - we as a people will get there.

there will be setbacks and false starts. there are many who won"t agree with every decision or policy i make as president, and we know that government can"t solve every problem. but i will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. i will listen to you, especially when we disagree. and above all, i will ask you join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it"s been done in america for two-hundred and twenty-one years - block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. what began twenty-one months ago in the depths of winter must not end on this autumn night. this victory alone is not the change we seek - it is only the chance for us to make that change. and that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were. it cannot happen without you.

so let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other. let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, it"s that we cannot have a thriving wall street while main street suffers - in this country, we rise or fall as one nation; as one people.

let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. let us remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the republican party to the white house - a party founded on the values of self-reliance, individual liberty, and national unity. those are values we all share, and while the democratic party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress. as lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, “we are not enemies, but friends…though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection.” and to those americans whose support i have yet to earn - i may not have won your vote, but i hear your voices, i need your help, and i will be your president too.

and to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of our world - our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of american leadership is at hand. to those who would tear this world down - we will defeat you. to those who seek peace and security - we support you. and to all those who have wondered if america"s beacon still burns as bright - tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from our the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope.

for that is the true genius of america - that america can change. our union can be perfected. and what we have already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.

this election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. but one that"s on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in atlanta. she"s a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election e_cept for one thing - ann ni_on cooper is 106 years old. she was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn"t vote for two reasons - because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.

and tonight, i think about all that she"s seen throughout her century in america - the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can"t, and the people who pressed on with that american creed: yes we can.

at a time when women"s voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. yes we can.

when there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a new deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose. yes we can.

when the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. yes we can.

she was there for the buses in montgomery, the hoses in birmingham, a bridge in selma, and a preacher from atlanta who told a people that “we shall overcome.” yes we can.

a man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination. and this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in america, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how america can change. yes we can.

america, we have come so far. we have seen so much. but there is so much more to do. so tonight, let us ask ourselves - if our children should live to see the ne_t century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as ann ni_on cooper, what change will they see? what progress will we have made?

this is our chance to answer that call. this is our moment. this is our time - to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the american dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth - that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can"t, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:

yes we can. thank you, god bless you, and may god bless the united states of america.

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thank you. (applause.) thank you all so much. thank you. well, you guys rest yourselves. you’ve been very busy. (laughter.) you’re being spoken to a lot. i hear my husband was here. (laughter.) but it is truly a pleasure to be here with all of you today, and i want to thank you so much for joining us for this year’s college opportunity day of action. you should be proud. we’re already proud of you, and this day has just already been a tremendous success.

of course i want to start by thanking homero. i mean, he’s just an amazing story, an amazingperson, and i’m grateful for that wonderful introduction. we have to give him another round ofapplause. (applause.) a clear reminder of why we’re here today and what we’re working for.

i also want to recognize the jack kent cooke foundation, as well as the lumina foundation, forhelping to make this event possible. let’s give them a round of applause as well. (applause.)

and of course, as we come together to talk about the importance of college counseling, iespecially want to recognize all of the school counselors here today. yes! (applause.) you canraise the roof for yourselves. a little raising the roof. (laughter.) but i think we can all agreethat all of our counselors, all of you have one of the hardest, but most important jobs in oureducation system, yet too often you don’t get the resources, the support or the appreciationthat you need and deserve. and that has serious consequences not just for our kids, but forour country.

i mean, let’s be honest with ourselves – when it comes to college counseling in our nation’sschools, there are two worlds. as many of you know, while the american school counselorassociation recommends no more than 250 students per counselor, the national average is onecounselor for every 471 students. so too many of our kids go through high school with little, ifany, real guidance on how to get into college.

they don’t know what classes to take, or how to prepare for the sat or the act. no one helpsthem decide which colleges to apply to. no one reviews their applications. and plenty of kidshave no idea that they’re eligible for financial aid, so they assume they just can’t afford college,and they don’t even bother to apply.

now, that’s one world. the other world is much smaller – it’s a world of schools where thequestion isn’t where students are going to college, but – or whether they’re going to college,but where. kids in this world start preparing for college long before they even start high school.and from the first day of freshman year, they’ve been shepherded through every step of theprocess. they’ve got sat and act prep courses, they take those tests again and again toimprove their scores. counselors have much smaller caseloads, and they walk kids throughevery deadline, they edit every draft of their essays. honestly, when barack and i talk aboutthis, we look at the kind of college counseling many of the kids are getting today and we wonderhow we ever managed to get ourselves into college.

so the fact is that right now, a small number of students are getting every advantage in thecollege admissions race, while millions of other students who are just as talented can’t evenbegin to compete. (applause.) and as the college presidents here all know, the result is thatcolleges aren’t always getting all of the very best students. they’re getting the students whocan best afford to succeed in this system. and we are leaving behind so many bright, hungry,promise-filled kids. we are depriving ourselves of so much human potential in this country –from the scientific discoveries these kids might make, to the businesses that they might build,to the leadership that they might one day show in our communities.

we’re missing all of that. we’re also losing all of that simply because we aren’t making the basicinvestment in their future today, and that’s a tragedy. it’s a tragedy for our country. it’s atragedy for those kids and for their families, because we all know – we know – that if you wantto secure a decent-paying job in today’s economy, a high school diploma simply isn’t enough.

so unlike 40 or 50 years ago, higher education is no longer just for kids in the top quarter orthe top half of the class, it has to be for everyone. so we are going to need a college-counselingsystem that reflects this new reality. (applause.)

now, that’s easier said than done. we know that this isn’t going to happen overnight. we knowthat states and school systems are facing all kinds of budget challenges. but one of my coremessages to students through my reach higher initiative is that no matter what is going on attheir school or in their family, i’ve been trying to tell kids that no matter what resources theymay have or not have, that they still need to take responsibility for their education. i tell themthat they need to do the work to reach out to teachers who can help them. they need toresearch schools in their communities on their own. they need to find that fafsa form onlineand fill it out.

so my message to all of you is the same: we all need to step up and do what we can with theresources we have, especially when it comes to supporting our school counselors. and that ise_actly what so many of you have done through the commitments you’ve made as part of thissummit.

universities across the country have pledged to create college and career-readiness courses intheir masters programs for school counselors. school districts are partnering with nonprofits andcolleges to provide training for counselors once they’re in our schools. nonprofits are steppingup to improve student-and-counselor ratios and bringing recent graduates into schools toserve as role models and mentors.

and these are just the highlights. altogether, these commitments represent tens of millions ofdollars that will impact hundreds of schools and countless students. these are outstandingcommitments, and we need more efforts like these all across this country. every one of us has arole to play.

so for the superintendents here today, i know you all are struggling with so many demandsunder such tight budgets, but can you do more to support your counselors? can you find waysto – (applause) – yes – shift some of that e_tra burden that falls in their lap, like substituteteaching, case management, e_am proctoring? can you give them more time to actuallycounsel students?

to the college presidents here, can you do even more to make college counseling part of yourmission to get the very best students to your schools? and can the foundations and nonprofitorganizations help in that work? can you rethink the college admissions process to find more ofthose students who’ve got what it takes to succeed but haven’t had the chance to develop theirpotential? can you create college prep centers in your communities and ensure that test-prepclasses are affordable for all of our kids?

and for those of you who are concerned that perhaps this type of involvement might falselyraise hopes of admission to your school – because i’ve heard that as well – just consider the factthat while many of the kids you help might not be the right fit for your college or university,but they will be the right fit for another school, and maybe that other school will help preparestudents for admission to your school. (applause.)

so this is really a collective effort, and everyone can benefit. and as you all step up to take onthese issues, really, i really want to hear about what you’re doing. and that’s one of the reasonswhy i recently announced two new reach higher commencement challenges. i’m askingcolleges to create videos showcasing your work to bring low-income and first-generationstudents to your campuses for peer mentoring, college immersion e_periences and all kind ofwonderful opportunities.

and for the high schools, i want to see videos about what you’re doing to increase your fafsacompletion rates to help more students afford college. and for those schools with the winningvideos, i just might pay a visit around commencement time, if you know what i mean – (laughter) – to let you know how impressed i am.

so i hope that you all will go to reachhigher.gov and get more information, because i’m eagerto see what you all are doing. i know you’re going to do some great things. you see, i know thatthe smallest, most local efforts can make such a difference in the lives of our young people.

and i’m thinking today of a school called la cueva high school in albuquerque, new me_ico. afew years ago, the college counseling staff at that school met with a young woman namedroberta gutierrez during her sophomore year. roberta was an e_cellent student, so they urgedher to take the psat and come up with a list of colleges that she wanted to apply to. now, whileroberta took the test, she never came up with that list – and i’m sure you know why.

but then, at the beginning of roberta’s school year, her counselors learned that she had beennamed a national merit semi-finalist with a psat score in the top 1 percent of the entire state.so the counselors – yes, good stuff – (applause) – the counselors immediately informedroberta that she would be eligible for thousands of dollars in scholarships. and roberta, ofcourse, she was shocked. she told them that she never made the list of colleges because herfamily lived from paycheck to paycheck, so she didn’t think she could afford tuition. she toldthem that just to pay the $15 fee to take the psat, she had to skip lunch for a week.

and after meeting with roberta, the counseling staff decided that no student at their schoolwould ever again have to choose between eating and taking a test that opens the doors tocollege. so they now hold fundraisers – yes. (applause.) they hold fundraisers throughout theschool year to ensure that low-income students can take the psat for free. and they go out oftheir way to tell every family about the financial aid resources that are available for college.

and as for roberta, she is now in her junior year on a full scholarship at the university of newme_ico, and she’s planning to get a phd in psychology – yes. (applause.)

you all know these stories. there are so many kids just like roberta all across this country, andthey’re bright. these kids are determined. these are the kids who have everything it takes tosucceed if we would just give them that chance. and that’s what the counselors and leaders atla cueva high school did for roberta – they gave her a shot at the future she deserved.

and just think about the ripple effect that those counselors will have in transforming just onestudent’s life. think about the difference roberta can make when she gets that phd. think of allthe patients she might treat, all the groundbreaking research she might do. think of the rolemodel that she will be – she already is – inspiring countless young people just like her topursue their dreams.

there are millions of young people like roberta all across this country, and they are counting onus to step up for them. they’re counting on us to give them opportunities worthy of theirpromise. and that is e_actly what all of you are doing every single day. that is the purpose ofthe commitments that you’ve made as part of this summit. that’s why i’m proud and honoredto be here.

and i want to close today simply by saying thank you, truly. thank you. thank you for yourpassion. thank you for your dedication. thank you for your tremendous contributions to thiscountry. i look forward to continuing our work together. we got a lot more stuff to do. and icannot wait to see all that you are going to achieve in the months and years ahead.

so thank you so much. keep it up. and let’s bring more people to the table. you all take care.thanks so much. (applause.)

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mr. secretary-general, thank you for bringing us together today to address an urgent threatto the people of west africa, but also a potential threat to the world. dr. chan, heads of stateand government, especially our african partners, ladies and gentlemen: as we gather heretoday, the people of liberia and sierra leone and guinea are in crisis. as secretary-general banand dr. chan have already indicated, the ebola virus is spreading at alarming speed.thousands of men, women and children have died. thousands more are infected. ifunchecked, this epidemic could kill hundreds of thousands of people in the coming months.hundreds of thousands.

ebola is a horrific disease. it’s wiping out entire families. it has turned simple acts of love andcomfort and kindness -- like holding a sick friend’s hand, or embracing a dying child -- intopotentially fatal acts. if ever there were a public health emergency deserving an urgent,strong and coordinated international response, this is it.

but this is also more than a health crisis. this is a growing threat to regional and globalsecurity. in liberia, in guinea, in sierra leone, public health systems have collapsed. economicgrowth is slowing dramatically. if this epidemic is not stopped, this disease could cause ahumanitarian catastrophe across the region. and in an era where regional crises can quicklybecome global threats, stopping ebola is in the interest of all of us.

the courageous men and women fighting on the front lines of this disease have told us whatthey need. they need more beds, they need more supplies, they need more health workers, andthey need all of this as fast as possible. right now, patients are being left to die in the streetsbecause there’s nowhere to put them and there’s nobody to help them. one health worker insierra leone compared fighting this outbreak to “fighting a forest fire with spray bottles.” butwith our help, they can put out the blaze.

last week, i visited the centers for disease control and prevention, which is mounting thelargest international response in its history. i said that the world could count on america tolead, and that we will provide the capabilities that only we have, and mobilize the world the waywe have done in the past in crises of similar magnitude. and i announced that, in additionto the civilian response, the united states would establish a military command in liberia tosupport civilian efforts across the region.

today, that command is up and it is running. our commander is on the ground in monrovia,and our teams are working as fast as they can to move in personnel, equipment and supplies.we’re working with senegal to stand up an air bridge to get health workers and medicalsupplies into west africa faster. we’re setting up a field hospital, which will be staffed bypersonnel from the u.s. public health service, and a training facility, where we’re gettingready to train thousands of health workers from around the world. we’re distributing suppliesand information kits to hundreds of thousands of families so they can better protectthemselves. and together with our partners, we’ll quickly build new treatment units acrossliberia, guinea and sierra leone, where thousands will be able to receive care.

meanwhile, in just the past week, more countries and organizations have stepped up theirefforts -- and so has the united nations. mr. secretary-general, the new un mission for ebolaemergency response that you announced last week will bring all of the u.n.’s resources tobear in fighting the epidemic. we thank you for your leadership.

so this is all progress, and it is encouraging. but i want us to be clear: we are not moving fastenough. we are not doing enough. right now, everybody has the best of intentions, but peopleare not putting in the kinds of resources that are necessary to put a stop to this epidemic.there is still a significant gap between where we are and where we need to be. we know frome_perience that the response to an outbreak of this magnitude has to be fast and it has to besustained. it’s a marathon, but you have to run it like a sprint. and that’s only possible ifeverybody chips in, if every nation and every organization takes this seriously. everybody herehas to do more.

international organizations have to move faster, and cut through red tape and mobilize partnerson the ground as only they can. more nations need to contribute critical assets andcapabilities -- whether it is air transport, or medical evacuation, or health care workers, orequipment, or treatment. more foundations can tap into the networks of support that theyhave, to raise funds and awareness. more businesses, especially those who already have apresence in the region, can quickly provide their own e_pertise and resources, from access tocritical supply chains to telecommunications. and more citizens -- of all nations -- can educatethemselves on this crisis, contribute to relief efforts, and call on their leaders to act. soeverybody can do something. that’s why we’re here today.

and even as we meet the urgent threat of ebola, it’s clear that our nations have to do more toprevent, detect and respond to future biological threats -- before they erupt into full-blowncrises. tomorrow, in washington, i’ll host 44 nations to advance our global health securityagenda, and we are interested in working with any country that shares this commitment.

just to emphasize this issue of speed again. when i was down at the cdc -- and perhaps thishas already been discussed, but i want to emphasize this -- the outbreak is such where at thispoint more people will die. but the slope of the curve, how fast we can arrest the spread ofthis disease, how quickly we can contain it is within our control. and if we move fast, even ifimperfectly, then that could mean the difference between 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 deathsversus hundreds of thousands or even a million deaths. so this is not one where there should bea lot of wrangling and people waiting to see who else is doing what. everybody has got to movefast in order for us to make a difference. and if we do, we’ll save hundreds of thousands of lives.

stopping ebola is a priority for the united states. i’ve said that this is as important a nationalsecurity priority for my team as anything else that’s out there. we’ll do our part. we willcontinue to lead, but this has to be a priority for everybody else. we cannot do this alone. wedon’t have the capacity to do all of this by ourselves. we don’t have enough health workers byourselves. we can build the infrastructure and the architecture to get help in, but we’re goingto need others to contribute.

to my fellow leaders from liberia, sierra leone and guinea, to the people of west africa, to theheroic health workers who are on the ground as we speak, in some cases, putting themselvesat risk -- i want you to know that you are not alone. we’re working urgently to get you the helpyou need. and we will not stop, we will not relent until we halt this epidemic once and for all.

so i want to thank all of you for the efforts that are made. but i hope that i’m properlycommunicating a sense of urgency here. do not stand by, thinking that somehow, because ofwhat we’ve done, that it’s taken care of. it’s not. and if we don’t take care of this now we aregoing to see fallout effects and secondary effects from this that will have ramifications for a longtime, above and beyond the lives that will have been lost.

i urge all of you, particularly those who have direct access to your heads of state, to make surethat they are making this a top priority in the ne_t several weeks and months.

thank you very much.

奧巴馬英語演講稿 模板20


the president: hello, everybody! (applause.) oh, it is good to be in l.a.! (applause.)it is colder in d.c.at the moment, colder in chicago, and 70-degree weather is something tobethankful for.

and it is great to be atdreamworks animation. i would like towork here. (laughter.) i haveasked jeffrey. the only concern i had was the lights werekind of dim in the offices and -- (laughter) -- i’m pretty sure i’d fallasleep. but there’s a natural connectionbetween me anddreamworks. i don’t knowif you know this, but my ears were one of the inspirations for “shrek.” (laughter.) that’s true. true story.

mellody was being very modestwhen she said she had a front-row seat. mellody was one ofmy earliest supporters back when nobody couldpronounce my name. and her and johnrogers atarial capital helped to co-chair some of my first fundraisers. andthey’d have to drag somestraggly group in, kicking and screaming, and write acheck and listen to this young senatorwho had a lot of ideas but notnecessarily any realistic prospects to win. and she went througha lot of ups and downs with me and my career and isjust a great, great friend. so i wanttothank her publicly for all the support that she’s given us. (applause.)

we’ve got some folks here who arefighting for the people of southern california every singleday and i just wantto acknowledge them. we’ve got the mayorof glendale, dave weaver. (applause.) we’vegot three of your outstanding members of congress -- brad sherman, adamschiff,karen bass. they are all doing a greatjob. (applause.)

i want to thank all of you forbeing here. and i want to thank yourceo, jeffrey katzenberg,for inviting me. (applause.) jeffrey, like mellody, has been a friend and a supporterthroughthick and thin. and i think hisplace in the entertainment industry is legendary -- i don’t needto puff him uptoo much. (laughter.) he has a healthy sense of self. (laughter.) but he is agreat friend and somebody whose counsel and advice i value.and i’m incredibly grateful to behere at this wonderful institution that hehelped to build

and i’ve come here today becausethis is one of america’s economic engines. not justdreamworks, but this whole cluster of companies thatgenerations have grown up knowing --disney and warner and universal andothers. when you think about it, whatfinance is to newyork, what the auto industry is to the midwest, what technologyis to northern california,entertainment is to this part of the country.

and most of us have spent a lotof time thinking about our favorite movies or tv shows, butwe don’t oftenthink about the entire infrastructure and industry behind the scenes. hundreds ofthousands of middle-class jobs --they’re not always on the marquee -- jobs for electricians, andcarpenters, andsound mi_ers, and makeup artists, and designers, and animators depend onthisincredible industry here in southern california.

entertainment is one of america’sbiggest e_ports. and every day, you sella product that’smade in america to the rest of the world. every time somebody buys movie tickets, ordvds, ordistribution rights to a film, some of that money goes back to thelocal economy right here.

and believe it or not,entertainment is part of our american diplomacy. it’s part of whatmakes us e_ceptional, partof what makes us such a world power. youcan go anywhere on theplanet and you’ll see a kid wearing a “madagascar”t-shirt. (laughter.) you can say, “maytheforce be with you” -- they know what you’re talking about. (laughter.)

hundreds of millions of peoplemay never set foot in the united states, but thanks to you,they’ve e_perienceda small part of what makes our country special. they’ve learned somethingabout our values. we have shaped a world culture through you.

and the stories that we telltransmit values and ideals about tolerance and diversity andovercomingadversity, and creativity that are part of our dna. and as a consequence of whatyou’ve done, youhelped shape the world’s culture in a way that has made the world better.

they might not know thegettysburg address, but if they’re watching some old movie,maybe “guess who’scoming to dinner,” or “the mary tyler moore show,” or “will and grace”and“modern family,” they’ve had a front-row seat to our march towards progress,even if theirown nations haven’t made that progress yet. and young people in countries all around theworldsuddenly make a connection and have an affinity to people who don’t looklike them and maybeoriginally they might have been fearful of, and nowsuddenly they say, oh, this person is likeme -- which is one of the powers ofart, but that’s what you transmit.

and that is a remarkablelegacy. now, it’s also a bigresponsibility. when it comes toissueslike gun violence, we’ve got to make sure that we’re not glorifying it, becausethe storiesyou tell shape our children’s outlook and their lives. earlier this year, leaders from this townsatdown with vice president biden to talk about what hollywood could do to helpkeep our kidssafe. this was in the wakeof sandy hook. and those conversationsneed to continue. the storieswe tellmatter. and you tell stories morepowerfully than anybody else on the earth.

but i want to make clear, even aswe think long and hard about the messages we send, weshould never waver fromour commitment to the freedom that allows us to tell those storiessowell. protecting our first amendmentrights are vital to who we are. and it’salso goodbusiness, because in the global race for jobs and industries, thething we do better thananybody else is creativity. that’s something that can’t be copied. it’s one of the reasons whyeven with newmarkets and new technologies, there’s still no better place to make moviesandtelevision and music than right here in the united states.

entertainment is one of thebright spots of our economy. the gapbetween what we can doand what other countries can do is enormous.

audience member: woo!

the president: yes, that’s worth cheering for. (applause.) and that means that we’vegot todo what it takes to make sure that this industry, and every great americanindustry, keepsthat competitive edge so that more folks can find career pathslike many of you have, and getgood middle-class jobs that allow you to supporta family and get ahead.

nothing is more important thanthat right now. and as mellodymentioned, when i came intooffice, we were going through a severe crisis. five years later, america has largely foughtourway back. we’ve made the toughchoices required not just to help the economy recover, but torebuild it on anew foundation for stronger, more durable economic growth.

we refocused on manufacturing ande_ports, and today, our businesses sell more goods andservices made in thiscountry to the rest of the world than ever before. our manufacturers areadding jobs for thefirst time since the 1990s, led by an american auto industry that’scomeroaring back. american cars are reallygood now. (laughter.)

we decided to reverse ourdependence on foreign oil. so today, wegenerate more renewableenergy than ever -- doubled our renewable energy --more natural gas than anybody. for thefirsttime in nearly 20 years, america now produces more of our own oil than webuy from othercountries. it’s goodnews. (applause.)

when i took office, americainvested far less than countries like china did in wirelessinfrastructure andwe’ve now narrowed that gap, and we have helped companies unleash jobsandinnovation and become a booming app economy that’s created hundreds ofthousands ofjobs. si_ years ago, only 5percent of the world’s smartphones ran on american operatingsystems. today, more than 80 percent do. (applause.)

and, yes, we decided to fi_ abroken health care system. (applause.) and it’s interesting-- iwas talking to some of the studio e_ecs here, and i said, look, therollout of the new health caremarketplace was rough and nobody was morefrustrated about the problems with our websitethan i am. and yet, here in southern california and hereacross this state, there are thousandsof people every single day who are gettinghealth care for the first time -- for the first time --because of this. (applause.) and, by the way, the website is continually working better, socheck itout. (laughter.)

but as a country, we’re nowpoised to gain health coverage for millions of americans,starting on january1st, and that includes more than 350,000 here in california who havealreadysigned up. and thanks in part to theaffordable care act, health care costs are growing atthe slowest rate in 50years. employer-based health care costsare growing at about one-third therate of a decade ago. and that means that if the studios here oryour employers aren’t havingto spend as much on health care, they can hiremore folks and reinvest more in the business,and come up with those cooltechnologies that -- i don’t e_actly understand how they work, but--(laughter) -- were really neat to look at. (laughter.)

and, by the way, we’ve done allthis while bringing down our deficits. (applause.) after yearsoftrillion-dollar deficits, we reined in spending. you would think sometimes listening to folksinwashington that we haven’t made any progress on that front. we wound down two wars. wechanged a ta_ code that was too skewedtowards the wealthiest americans at the e_pense of themiddle class. you add it all up, we’ve cut our deficits bymore than half, and they continue to godown faster than any time since worldwar ii. (applause.)

so all told, our businessescreated 7.8 million new jobs over the past 44 months. americahas gone farther, recovered fasterthan most other industrialized nations. but, as mellody said,we’ve got more work to do. the stock market is doing great, corporateprofits soaring, but toomany americans aren’t sharing in that success. and everybody here who works at dreamworks--a really good place to work. i’m goingto ask jeff if maybe i can work here. (applause.) but allof you havefriends and family and neighbors who aren’t as lucky. and you know there are still alot of folkswho are struggling out there. and my top priority is making sure that thiscountryremains a country where everybody who is willing to work hard can getahead.

and we’d be a lot further alongwithout some of the dysfunction and obstruction we’veseen in washington. (applause.) we would be a lot further along if we could just get folks to actwithsome sense -- (laughter) -- if we didn’t have one wing of one party that was alittle lessobsessed with repealing health care for 40 million people, moreconcerned with making surethe law works. if they hadn’t spent 40 votes trying to repeal the affordable care act,theymight have actually taken some votes on rebuilding our infrastructure, orinstituting earlychildhood education for young people across this country, orinvesting more money in basicresearch that helps to create the amazingtechnologies that many of you utilize. any of theserious proposals i’ve put forward that would be creatingjobs right now, they could have beentaking votes on that.

instead of rooting for failure,or refighting old battles, republicans in congress need to workwith us toimprove those things about the affordable care act that aren’t working as wellas theyshould, and implement policies to strengthen the middle class andcreate jobs. (applause.)

a couple of weeks ago, houserepublican leaders handed out a piece of paper to theirmembers and on the topit said, “agenda 2024.” i’m not makingthis up. below that, it wasblank. (laughter.) it was a blank sheet of paper -- nothing to create jobs or grow theeconomyor strengthen the middle class.

and i’ve put forward my plans tocreate new jobs and even the odds for the middle class.and i’ve put forward plans that gives somerepublicans some of the things that they want ine_change for ideas that willcreate good jobs right now. and so far,they won’t consider them.

some people have heard me say mylist of top five movies -- “the godfather,” one and two,have to be on it. but it turns out marlon brando had it easy,because when it comes to congress,there’s no such thing as an “offer they can’trefuse.” (laughter.) i mean, i just keep on comingback. (laughter.) i’m going to keep on trying, though. (laughter.) i am, because we’vegot nochoice. (applause.)

the american people agree with usthat jobs, growing the economy should be our number-one priority. and we’ve got to make some investments tomake that happen. and we’ve got togivea better bargain to the middle class and everybody who is working to join themiddle class.and that means building onthose cornerstones of what makes for a strong middle class -- goodjobs, a goodeducation, a home of your own, health care when you get sick, a secureretirementeven if you’re not rich. sowe can help manufacturers bring more jobs back to america byinvesting inamerican clean-energy technology, and putting people to work building roadsandbridges and schools and high-speed broadband networks that attract businessesfrom aroundthe world.

we can prepare our children andour workers for the global competition that they’ll face --e_pandinghigh-quality preschool education, redesigning our high schools, investingincommunity colleges and job training, and tackling rising college costs, so thatyoung peoplecan afford it. we can helpresponsible homeowners afford a mortgage or refinancing at today’slow rates,help build a rock-solid housing system for decades to come, instead of boom andbust.

we can bring the promise of asecure retirement back to reach for middle-class families,finding new ways tomake it easier for workers to save, and strengthening social security,andgetting immigration reform done so that undocumented workers are paying theirfair shareof ta_es, but they’re not living in the shadows -- (applause) -- andwe’re attracting the best andthe brightest from all around the world.

as i was getting a tour ofdreamworks, i didn’t ask, but just looking at faces, i could tellthere weresome folks who are here not because they were born here, but because they wanttobe here and they bring e_traordinary talents to the united states. and that’s part of whatmakes americaspecial. and that’s part of what, by theway, makes california special, because it’salways been this magnet of dreamersand strivers. and people coming fromevery directionsaying to themselves, you know, if i work hard there i can havemy piece of the americandream.

we’re going to continue to makeprogress on all those fronts. and, yes,we are going tocontinue to implement the health care law. the product is good. people want it. and we shouldnot live in a country wherepeople are going bankrupt just because they get sick. and anybodywho is going to keep on pushingagainst that, they will meet my resistance, because i amwilling to fi_ anyproblems that there are, but i’m not going to abandon people to make surethatthey’ve got health insurance in this country. that is not something we’re going to do. (applause.) and the good news is,as i said, thousands of californians are already signing up.

i read a really powerful storyover the weekend i just want to mention about uninsured folksin kentucky whoare signing up in droves in one of the poorest counties in the country. some ofthem can’t imagine what having healthinsurance would be like. and you read thesestories andyou realize how important it is for folks in kentucky -- a state,by the way, that did not vote forme -- (laughter) -- and if kentucky can doit, than every state should be able to do it.

we should be able to e_pandmedicaid all across the country. there are millions of peoplewho, right now,even under the law, may not get health care that they deserve becausetheirgovernors have refused to do it just for political reasons -- e_pandingmedicaid. fortunately,california,obviously, is not one of them. but thisis a fight that we’re going to keep fighting,because it’s worth fighting. and that’s what mellody referred to.

it’s true. i’m not an ideological guy, but there aresome things i really believe in. andpart ofwhat i believe in is that the essence of this country, what makes thisplace special, is this ideathat hollywood is glorified and held up, but iactually think it’s true that here, more thananyplace else, no matter what youlook like, where you come from, what your last name is, whoyou love, youshould be able to make it if you’re willing to work hard. that’s what i believe. (applause.)

and there’s certain values thatmake that a reality. i have my critics,obviously, but sincewere here in hollywood, i want to think about somethingthat the late, great chicago film critic,robert [roger] ebert said -- and iwas fortunate to get to know roger ebert and was alwaysinspired by how hehandled some really tough stuff. “kindness,” he wrote, “covers all of mypolitical beliefs.” kindness covers all of my political beliefs.

and when i think about what i’mfighting for, what gets me up every single day, thatcaptures it just about asmuch as anything. kindness; empathy --that sense that i have astake in your success; that i’m going to make sure,just because malia and sasha are doingwell, that’s not enough -- i want yourkids to do well also. and i’m willing tohelp to build goodschools so that they get a great education, even if mine arealready getting a great education.

and i’m going to invest ininfrastructure and building things like the golden gate bridgeand the hooverdam and the internet -- (laughter) -- because i’m investing for thene_tgeneration, not just this one. and that’swhat binds us together, and that’s how we’vealways moved forward, based on theidea that we have a stake in each other’s success. andthat’s what drives me. and that’s what will continue to drive me.

i believe that every kid shouldhave opportunity. i believe ourdaughters should have thesame opportunities as our sons. i believe that jeffrey’s kids should be ableto aspire to whateverthey can dream of, but i also want to make sure that theperson who’s cleaning up jeffrey’soffice, that their kid has that samepossibility.

and we may have different ideasand different policies on how to do things, but thatshouldn’t negate that thatcore vision is what we’re fighting for, and we should be able to sitdowntogether and to keep dreaming and keep working, and to make sure that theamericandream that’s been described here in southern california is sustainedfor generations to come.

and what’s stopping us is notpolicy details; it’s not technical issues. it’s to summon thecourage to put politics aside once in a while and rememberthat we’ve got more in common thanour politics would suggest. and as long as i’ve got the privilege ofserving as your president,that’s what i’m going to keep on making sure that ido -- to put politics aside once in a whileand work on your behalf. (applause.)

so, thank you, dreamworks, forwhat you do. (applause.) thank you, jeffrey, foryourhospitality. god bless you. god bless america. (applause.) can’t wait to see your ne_tmovie. (applause.)


the president: hello, ohio! (applause.) it is good to be backin cleveland. the last timei was herewas about a year ago, in the final day

