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一口氣英語演講稿 模板1


what is one breath english?

dear ladies and gentlemen:

thank you for the warm welcome.

it"s an honor to be here today.

i"m here on a mission.

i have an important message.

i"m convinced it will change your life.

english is everywhere.

english is a key to success.

we must learn and master it.

so many of us study english like hell.

so few of us can speak it well.

what do you think is the reason?

the problem is right here!(point to your brain)

the problem is remembering.

the problem is that we forget what we learn.

luckily,through years of research,

we"ve created a new way to learn.

with this specially designed material and method,

we can retain what we learn forever.

it"s called one breath english.

what is one breath english?

why should we learn it?

what"s it all about?

first,it"s a breakthrough technique.

it"s easy to remember.

it"s designed to be memorized.

repeat nine lines like crazy.

speak as fast as you can.

say it within five seconds.

it will become second natrue.

it will be ingrained in your memory.

you will remember it for the rest of your life.

second,the material is full of life.

it"s not boring book english.

it"s the core essence of daily american speech.

the content is uplifting.

it"s consideraate and polite.

people will like what you say.

you"ll gain confidence.

you"ll communicate better.

you"ll become a better person.

third,it"s fun to learn.

it"s a five second test.

it"s just like playing a game.

you challenge yourself.

you race against the clock.

you will improve every time you try.

speak english to yourself day and night.

speak english to everyone around you.

it"s fun to impress people.

fourth,one breath english is very healthy.

it"s a fountain of youth.

it will make you become younger.

what makes people grow old?

it"s an_iety,stress and loss of hope.

reciting english will cure these problems.

chant it over and over.

say it to yourself again and again.

your an_iety,depression,and loneliness will all go away.

the bottom line is that one breath english gets results.

it"s organized and systematic.

it"s efficient learning right away.

this is a great discovery.

it"s totally revolutionary.

it"s unprecedented in language learning history.

the english revolution is now!

one breath english is the way.

let"s open our books and begin.

一口氣英語演講稿 模板2


ladies and gentlemen:

welcome future millionaires!

i"m here to talk about money.

we all need money.

we all want to be rich.

we all want to make a fortune.

money doesn"t grow on trees.

money doesn"t come easily.

let me tell you how to save money.

first,you must be frugal.

you should be careful with your money.

you should be a conservative spender.

live within your means.

live within your budget.

never spend more than you make.

look before you leap.

manage money wisely.

don"t let money burn a hole in your pocket.

second,don"t be a borrower.

pay off your bills.

pay off what you owe.

out of debt,out of danger.

debt is like a bottomless pit.

once in it,you fall deeper and deeper.

be debt free.

never borrow from others.

keep away from debt.

tird,don"t be a lender.

never lend money to others.

lend your money and lose your friend.

lend only in case of emergency.

len only if the need is reasonable.

if your friend asks for one hundred,lend him twenty.

no borrowing.

no lending.

penny and penny laid up will be many.

fourth,buy things with cash.

avoid using credit cards.

avoid those interest pauments.

never spend your money before you have it.

never buy things you cannot afford.

try to do without credit cards.

buy only what you need.

don"t buy what you want.

know the difference to save money.

the above is my advice.

from saving comes having.

neither a borrower nor a lender be.

follow these rules.

the sky is limit.

your millions are waiting for you.

thanks for listening.

have a great day!

now,start saving for financial success.

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ladies and gentlemen.

thank you for being here.

my topic is "how to lose weight."

so many of us are overweight.

so few know how to slim down.

let me share some strategies that work!

forget so-called e_perts and crazy methods.

forget miracle pills,gadgets and gimmicks.

listen carefully and i"ll set you straight!

to lose weight you must start in your mind.

you must make a decision to change.

you must dig deep down and decide you"ll do it.

be very determined to work hard.

be disciplined enough to commit.

you must promise yourself not a quit.

write down the reasons you want to lose weight.

write down the goals you want to achieve.

truly convince yourself that you have the power to change.

we all know that dieting is the answer.

we know we are what we eat.

to lose weight we must alter our diet.

eat a low-fat,well-balanced diet.

eat lots of lean meat,fruit and raw vegetables.

most importantly,drink eight large glasses of water every day.

also,downsize your portions.

never snack late at night.

never skip meals or starve yourself!

also,you must e_ercise to lose weight.

e_ercise goes hand in hand with dieting.

e_ercise builds muscle that burns off calories and fat.

work out five times a week for thirty minutes.

work out intensively with interval training.

work out in the morning on an empty stomach for the best results.

do aerobics,like speed walking on one day.

do anaerobics,like weight lifting,the ne_t.

remember,don"t eat anything for one hour afterwards.

it is important to remember to be patient.

it takes time to lose weight.

it"s not a race but a process of growth.

focus on progress,not perfection.

focus on quality,not quantity.

try to be consistent and stay on track.

don"t let friends or family distract you.

don"t listen to well-intentioned but incorrect advice.

just follow my plan to succeed.

finally,remember you"re not just temporarily losing weight.

you"re creating a healthy new lifestyle.

you"re creating healthy habits for life.

you"re also lowering cholesterol.

you"re reducing risks of disease.

you"re gaining confidence as you add years to your life.

now,go lose weight and feel graet!

thank you all for listening.

god bless you and have a good day.

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good day ladies and gentlemen.let me atrat with a popular saying.you never get a second chance to make a first impression. my speech is titled,how to sell yourself.it means how to market your best features.it means how to present yourself in the best light. hrer are some tips.please listen and learn.learn how to sell yourself. most importantly,look like a winner.look like youre going to the top.project a professional appearance. dress in quality clothes.dress with a conservative style.be well-dressed from your head to your toes. be sincere and direct.be sure you make eye contact.try to rela_ and breathe naturally. mind your body language.stand up straint with good posture.look attentive but also at ease. also,you need a solid background.you should have a stable track record.have e_emplary credentials to back you up. present a professional resume.present all school transcripts.be prepared to e_plain everything in detail. in addition,have a positive attitude.be confident of your ability.be optimistic about your future potential. be polite and courteous.be punctual and considerate.e_ude enthusiasm and energy all the time. dont fake anything.dont be phony or smug.be humble and as modest as you can. finally,be assertive.be self-assured.be dynamic and aggressive. keep trying to improve.keep trying to get better.always give one hundred percent. youll win respect.youll win trust and acceptance.with this advice,you will go far.

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it"s really great to be here.

i"d like to talk about my favorite tv channels.

i enjoy watching tv.

i"m not embarrassed to admit it.

not all programs are a big waste of time.

some programs are educational and worthwhile.

some channels are rela_ing and entertaining.

let me introduce my four favorites to you.

first,i love action movies.

i thrive on the e_citement.

they make me feel so alive.

i pretend i"m the hero.

i always defeat the bad guys.

i usually end up having a beautiful girlfriend.

action movies are a blast.

action movie a nice escape.

i recommend the action movies on hbo.

second,i really like comedy.

i like humorous entertainment.

it always cheers me up.

laughter is so healthy.

it"s like food for the soul.

it"s like sunshine on a rainy day.

my comedy must have quality.

it must be wholesome and good-natured.

it can never be se_ist or humiliating.

third,i love adventure programs.

i"m nuts about traveling.

the travel channel is a favorite.

i also love to e_plore.

i"m into science and innovation.

the discovery channel always fascinates me.

besides,i"m crazy about animals.

i respect the animal kingdom.

i think animal planet is really cool.

finally,i love watching the news.

i"m a news freak.

i"m a politics junky.

i can"t get enough of politics.

i analyze and compare many news shows.

i seldom believe much of what i hear.

i know politics turns a lot of people off.

it turns me on.

it"s my duty as a citizen to stay informed.

in conclusion,i enjoy the tube.

it"s really not so bad.

it"s not all useless junk.

enjoy and beware.

enjoy quality programs.

beware of becoming a couch potato.

thank you for listening.

thanks for your attention.

i hope you always watch e_cellent tv programs.

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good day everyone!

let"s talk about love.

i am sure that would get your attention.

learn how to win love!

learn how to capture a heart!

make that person you love,love you back.

be a hunk or a fo_.

be a magnet for love.

let me tell you some secrets right now.

first,be "in the know."

be a detective of love.

collect all the information you can.

investigate your dreamboat.

knowledge is power.

know everything before you begin your courship.

meanwhile,get your body in shape.

look se_y and attractive.

look and feel good,both inside and out.

second,be honest about how you feel.

ask your love interest out!

break the ice a.s.a.p.!(as soon as possible)

say,"i really think you"re special.

i"d like to know you better.

would you like to go out on a date?"

being direct is the modern way.

this approach saves time and worry.

this approach will surprise and impress.

third,make your dates unforgettable.

make them creative and e_citing.

make that person wild about you.

talk about his or her hobbies.

do the things he or she likes to do.

make him or her love to be with you.

share your hopes and dreams.

share your passions and joys.

your enthusiasm should light up his or her heart.

fourth,be confident and caring.

be humorous and kind.

listen twice as much as you speak.

guys must be chivalrous and humble.

gals must be charming and vivacious.

both must be intelligent and polite.

be yourself and rela_.

be sure to compliment and praise.

make sure everything you say is true.

finally,be serious about love.

never compromise your standards.

never mislead or play foolish games.

be patient and selfless.

be mature and realistic.

never love for any reason but love.

good luck,romeos and juliets!

now,be a cupid with your arrow!

now go win the true love you deserve!

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ladies and gentlemen.

i"d like to welcome everyone.

i"m here to teach you how to say no.

i use to be a "yes person."

i thought it was impolite to say no.

i was a chronic "people-pleaser."

i finally came to my senses.

i found the courage to be honest!

let me tell you now what i learned.

first,you must face reality.

you can"t say yes to every request!

you must realize it"s impossible!

you can"t be everywhere at once!

you can"t do everything all the time.

you"ll fail or go crazy for sure.

you can"t do too much!

you can"t bite off more than you can chew!

sometimes you have to say no!

second,just tell the truth.

just be totally honest.

the truth will set you free!

always tell it like it is.

nobody is perfect.

nobody can please everyone every day.

show courage and character.

show wisdom and maturity.

don"t be afraid to say no.

third,just refuse politely.

just communicate clearly.

be sincere and sympathetic.

just look the person in the eye.

just slowly shake your head.

say,"i"d like to say yes but i can"t."

a true friend will understand.

a kind person can handle it ok.

only a selfish few will get upset.

fourth,don"t feel guilty.

don"t beat yourself up.

don"t let saying no upset you.

you"re dong the right thing.

you"re doing the smart thing.

you"re saving yourself lots of trouble.

sometimes you have to do it.

sometimes you have no choice.

refusing favors is part of life.

in conclusion,just do it!

just practice saying no.

memorize the following rejections.

i"m so sorry.

i have to say no.

i have no time today.

now,i have to go.

now,i must say no.

sorry,no more for today.(thank you.)

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i"m a big fan of teachers.

i"m here to praise teachers.

what makes a good teacher?

three qualities create e_cellence.

three traits make a teacher great.

good teachers have knowledge.

good teachers have commitment.

good teachers have patience and love.

first,academic knowledge is most important.

good teachers are info e_perts.

good teachers are masters in their field.

great teachers are great students.

they are aggressive learners.

they outwork even the best students.

besides,they are skilled instructors.

they know how to teach.

they know how to pass on knowledge.

second,good teachers are committed.

they are dedicated to their career.

they are enthusiastic about teaching.

good teachers are devoted to learning.

they are passionate about education.

they have high standards and e_pectations.

they put students first.

they inspire students to work hard.

they make students believe in themselves.

tird,good teachers are patient.

they are tolerant and understanding.

they are sensitive and sympathetic,too.

good teachers truly care.

they respect and trust their students.

their concern is a special kind of love.

they are kind,yet demanding.

they are fun,yet serious.

they all have hearts of gold.

finally.good teachers are role models.

they are fair and honest.

they have honor and integrity.

they praise you when you need it.

they encourage you when you"re down.

they try hard to improve themselves and e_pect you to do the same.

they"re like loyal friends.

they"re like foster parents at school.

they"re e_cellent mentors to follow.

good teachers can make you feel great.

they can light up your life.

they can change you forever.

thank god for good teachers.

god bless all great teachers.

without teachers we wouldn"t be here.

thank you for listening.

i invite you to be a teacher.

improve the world and make a difference!

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ladies and gentlemen:

i"m glad you could make it.

i"d like your attention,please.

i have five words of advice.

they"ll improve your life.

they are "prevention is better than cure."

this means plan ahead.

e_pect the une_pected.

anticipate trouble in advance.

a solution canbe costly.

a remedy can be too late.

avoid problems before they happen.

americans like to say,

"prepare for a rainy day."

"prepare for tough times and bad luck."

here are three prevention tips.

they are priceless suggestions.

they are worth their weight in gold.

first,get medically smart.

get physically fit.

you"ll add many years to your life.

learn about good health and nutrition.

learn basic first aid and c.p.r.

you might save a life someday!

get a yearly checkup.

e_ercise to stay young.

e_ercise to feel great and energetic.

second,be financially educated.

save money like crazy.

save and invest as wisely as you can.

be legally adept.

be a monetary e_pert.

be competent with ta_es and banking.

have comprehensive insurance policies.

have knowledge of your rights.

these are great assets in times of trouble.

third,become accident alert.

become environmentally aware.

always be on the lookout for danger.

avoid reckless people.

avoid dangerous situations.

be cautious and use common sense.

practice disaster drills at home.

practice emerency plans.

never be caught unprepared.

every life has some crises.

everyone e_periences hardship.

good prevention can pull you through.

life demands preparation.

life requires good planning.

never,ever rely on good luck.

thank you for listening.

remember that prevention beats a cure any day.

smooth sailing and have a great day.

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welcome everyone!

it"s great to see you.

i"m so glad you could make it.

my name is pat.

i am a big movie fun.

i really love to see movies.

i just saw a great one.

you must go and see it.

let me tell you a little about it.

firat,it"a a great story.

the plot is fantastic.

i"ve never seen a movie like this.

there"s no se_.

there"s little violence.

it"a a safe family movie.

i loved the beginning.

it was very e_citing.

it had me on the edge of my seat.

second,there"a a lot of action.

the fast pace will amaze you.

then,it"s over before you know it.

it"s not too serious.

it"s not hard to follow.

there are some funny parts,too.

it has comedy.

it gets a little silly.

it will make you laugh.

third,the actors are awesome.

they did a good job.

they are perfect for their roles.

the story line is fresh.

the dialogue is original.

it"s a very creative film.

the movie has some great shots.

the scenery is beautiful.

it was shot on location.

fourth,the directing is great.

it is well produced.

the movie is a top ten for sure.

the acting is e_cellent.

the special effects are neat.

the movie has it all.

the ending is fantastic.

please don"t ask me.

i don"t want to spoil it for you.

in conclusion,it"s a must-see.

it"s worth the money.

i promise you won"t regret it.

don"t miss it.

don"t pass it up.

you will be sorry.

the movie is a classic.

it will win some awards.

it"a a flick that you really should see.

一口氣英語演講稿 模板11


good day,everybody.

i"m e_cited to be here.

i have advice about frienship.

friendship is precious.

friendship makes life wonderful.

life is too short to lose a friend.

sometimes friends disagree.

sometimes argument happen.

here"s how to avoid a breakup.

first,apologize when you"re wrong.

apologize when you"re right.

it doesn"t matter who is to blame.

we all make mistakes.

we all have regrets.

say you"re sorry;forgive and forget.

be sincere in your apology.

really mean what you say.

chances are your friend will apologize,too.

second,always remain calm.

never lose your temper.

never say or do anything rash.

take a little break.

take time to cool off.

don"t say anything in the heat of the moment.

come back when you"re feeling calmer.

then talk about the problem.

if you"re calm,your friend will listen.

third,don"e avoid your friend.

don"t isolate yourself.

never disappear or run away.

try to make contact.

try to communicate.

try to patch things up.

all problems can be solved.

but it takes a little work.

be willing to work at it.

fourth,be ready to compromise.

be open to suggestions.

see things from your friend"s point of view.

don"t insist on your opinion.

after all,you could be wrong.

maybe your friend knows a better way.

be tolerant and understanding.

that"s the basis of friendship.

that"s the secret to friendship and love.

in conclusion,always clear up disagreements.

always cherish your friends.

friends are what make life worth living.

those are my words of wisdom.

tat"s my advice to you.

i hope you never need to use it!

i appreciate your attention.

thank you all so much.

thank god for the beauty of friends.

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ladies and gentlemen:

greetings and welcome.

i"m so glad you"re here today.

here"s some advice.

cherish your job.

appreciate it like a gift.

it"s your "bread and butter."

it"s your opportunity to shine.

hrer"s how to enjoy your "9 to 5."

first,master your job.

be fully qualified.

be an e_pert at every task.

try to increase your efficiency.

try to do more every day.

always push yourself to improve.

strive for perfection.

strive to be the best.

your sense of achievement will soar.

second,have faith in your job.

believe in what you"re doing.

believe it"s valuable and important.

view your job as a duty.

view your work as your mission.

be assured it"s a worthy cause.

know you"re being productive.

know you"re benefiting others.

that brings job satisfaction.

third,like what you"re doing.

be in love with your job.

be convinced it"s a terrific position.

focus on the advantages.

focus on the positive aspects.

take pride in your ability and effort.

thrive on the accomplishments.

thrive on your achievements.

thrive on feeling good.

fourth,make it fun every day.

make it like playing a game.

maintain a healthy sense of humor.

always look on the bright side.

try joking with colleagues.

try asking yourself funny questions.

ask yourself:why do i have to work?

dear god,please save me!

please help me win the lottery!

finally,realize your job is a privilege.

be grateful you have one.

be thankful you"re not unemployed.

remember to master your job.

make it fun and have faith.

make every task you undertake a piece of cake.

the secret is not in doing what you like.

the secret is in liking what you do.

god bless you and enjoy your job.

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good day ladies and gentlemen.

let me atrat with a popular saying.

"you never get a second chance to make a first impression."

my speech is titled,"how to sell yourself."

it means how to market your best features.

it means how to present yourself in the best light.

hrer are some tips.

please listen and learn.

learn how to sell yourself.

most importantly,look like a winner.

look like you"re going to the top.

project a professional appearance.

dress in quality clothes.

dress with a conservative style.

be well-dressed from your head to your toes.

don"t overdress.

dress well to impress and show respect.

dress your best and you"ll feel confident and comfortable.

ne_t,you must communicate clearly.

respond thoughtfully to each question.

respond slowly with total honesty.

be sincere and direct.

be sure you make eye contact.

try to rela_ and breathe naturally.

mind your body language.

stand up straint with good posture.

look attentive but also at ease.

also,you need a solid background.

you should have a stable track record.

have e_emplary credentials to back you up.

present a professional resume.

present all school transcripts.

be prepared to e_plain everything in detail.

offer letters of recommendation.

offer letters of reference.

list awards of honors you"ve recieved.

in addition,have a positive attitude.

be confident of your ability.

be optimistic about your future potential.

be polite and courteous.

be punctual and considerate.

e_ude enthusiasm and energy all the time.

don"t fake anything.

don"t be phony or smug.

be humble and as modest as you can.

finally,be assertive.

be self-assured.

be dynamic and aggressive.

keep trying to improve.

keep trying to get better.

always give one hundred percent.

you"ll win respect.

you"ll win trust and acceptance.

with this advice,you will go far.

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it"s time to begin.

i appreciate your attention.

i hope you"ll enjoy my speech.

i have important advice.

i have employment tips to share.

let me tell you how to find a good job.

dacide what makes you happy.

decide what you love to do.

then,find a way to e_cel in that career.

the first step is to lay the groundwork.

get a decent education.

get a solid foundation of knowledge.

be able to write and speak well.

be an e_cellent communicator.

be computer literate and technically up-to-date.

know what skills you possess.

know your strengths and weaknesses.

know who you are and where you want to go.

the ne_t step requires research.

research all the companies you like.

research every opportunity that e_ists.

bone up on each company.

become an e_pert on its business.

be able to sell yourself as an asset to them.

don"t forget to network.

you need friendships and connections.

you must build up a contact system.

now,perfect your resume.

get it updated and looking sharp.

ask professionals or teachers for advice on it.

also,rehearse for interviews.

practice and role play.

practice as much and with as many people as you can.

brush up on your interpersonal skills.

read the newspaper every day.

read up on all the latest books in your field.

the last step is to take action!

personally visit each company.

personally hand out your resume to every personnel director you can.

try to rela_ and enjoy interviews.

it"s an incredible learning e_perience.

it"s a great chance to impress and make friends.

always politely ask for feedback.

always follow up with a thank-you card.

it"s the little things that help you stand out.

in conclusion, do what you love.

love what you do.

happiness and money will follow you.

don"t sell out for money.

don"t give up a dream job for one with a higher salary.

never sacrifice or compromise your passion.

be true to yourself.

be honest in all that you say and do.

you"ll find a job that"s perfect for you.


good day,everybody.im e_cited to be here.i have advice about frienship.friendship is precious.friendship makes life wonderful.life is to

