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失敗英語演講稿 模板1


失敗英語演講稿 模板2


關(guān)于這場演講:james cameron的大筆預(yù)算(票房更龐大)的電影創(chuàng)造出想象的世界。在這個(gè)演講中,他揭露了自己從小就喜歡奇幻體驗(yàn)的背景:閱讀科幻小說,深海潛水,以及這一切如何轉(zhuǎn)變成成功的巨片如《異形二》、《終結(jié)者》、《泰坦尼克號》與《阿凡達(dá)》。

i grew up on a steady diet of science fiction. in high school i took a bus to school an hour each way every day. and i was always absorbed in a book, science fiction book, which took my mind to other worlds, and satisfied, in a narrative form, this insatiable sense of curiosity that i had.

and you know that curiosity also manifested itself in the fact that whenever i wasn’t in school i was out in the woods, hiking and taking "samples"——frogs and snakes and bugs, and bringing them back, looking at them under the microscope. you know, i was a real science geek. but it was all about trying to understand the world, understand the limits of possibility.

and my love of science fiction actually seemed to mirrored in the world around me, because what was happening, this was in the late’ 60s, we were going to the moon, we were e_ploring the deep oceans. jacques cousteau was coming into our living rooms with his amazing specials that showed us animals and places and a wondrous world that we could never really have previously imagined. so, that seemed to resonate with the whole science fiction part of it.

and i was an artist. i could draw. i could paint. and i found that because there weren’t video games and this saturation of cg movies and all of this imagery in the media landscape, i had to create these images in my head. you know, we all did, as kids having to read a book, and through the author’s description put something on the movie screen in our heads. and so, my response to this was to paint, to draw alien creatures,alien worlds, robots, spaceships, all that stuff. i was endlessly getting busted in math class doodling behind the te_tbook. that was, the creativity had to find its outlet somehow.

and an interesting thing happened——jacques cousteau shows actually got me very e_cited about the fact that there was an alien world right here on earth. i might not really go to an alien world on a spaceship someday. that seemed pretty darn unlikely. but that was a world i could really go to, right here on earth, that was as rich and e_otic as anything that i had imagined from reading these books.

so, i decided i was going to become an e_otic scuba diver at the age of 15. and the only problem with that was that i lived in a little village in canada, 600 miles from the nearest ocean. but i didn’t let that daunt me. i pestered my father until he finally found a scuba class in buffalo, new york, right across the border from where we live. and i actually got certified in a pool in a ymca in the dead of winter in buffalo, new york. and i didn’t see the ocean, a real ocean, for another two years, until we moved to california.

since then, in the intervening 40 years, i’ve spent about 3,000 hours underwater, and 500 hours of that were in submersibles. and i’ve learned that deep ocean environment, and even the shallow ocean, is so rich with amazing life that really is beyond our imagination. nature’s imagination is so boundless compared to our own meager human imagination. i still, to this day, stand in absolute awe of what i see when i make these dives. and my love affair with the ocean is ongoing, and just as strong as it ever was.

but, when i chose a career, as an adult, it was film making. and that seemed to be the best way to reconcile this urge i had to tell stories, with my urges to create images. and i was, as a kid, constantly drawing comic books, and so on. so, film making was the way to put pictures and stories together. and that made sense. and of course the stories that i chose to tell were science fiction stories: terminator, aliens and the abyss. and with the abyss, i was putting together my love of underwater and diving, with film making. so, you know, merging the two passions.

something interesting came out of the abyss, which was that to solve a specific narrative problem on that film, which was to create this kind of liquid water creature, we actually embraced computer generated animation, cg. and this resulted in the first soft-surface character, cg animation that was ever in a movie. and even though the film didn’t make any money, barely broke even, i should say, i witnessed something amazing, which is that the audience, the global audience, was mesmerized by this apparent magic.

you know, it’s arthur clarke’s law that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. they were seeing something magical. and so that got me very e_cited. and i thought, "wow, this is something that needs to be embraced into the cinematic art." so, with terminator 2, which was my ne_t film, we took that much farther. working with ilm, we created the liquid metal dude in that film. the success hung in the balance on whether that effect would work. and it did. and we created magic again. and we had the same result with an audience. although we did make a little more money on that one.

so, drawing a line through those two dots of e_perience, came to, this is going to be a whole new world, this was a whole new world of creativity for film artists. so, i started a company with stan winston, my good friend stan winston, who is the premier make-up and creature designer at that time, and it was called digital domain. and the concept of the company was that we would leap-frog past the analog processes of optical printers and so on, and we would go right to digital production. and we actually did that and it gave us a competitive advantage for a while.

but we found ourselves lagging in the mid’90s in the creature and character design stuff that we had actually founded the company to do. so, i wrote this piece called avatar, which was meant to absolutely push the envelope of visual effects, of cg effects, beyond, with realistic human emotive characters generated in cg, and the main characters would all be in cg, and the world would be in cg. and the envelope pushed back. and i was told by the folks at my company that we weren’t going to be able to do this for a while.

so, i shelved it, and i made this other movie about a big ship that sinks. you know, i went and pitched it to the studio as romeo and juliet on a ship. it’s going to be this epic romance, passionate film. secretly, what i wanted to do was i wanted to dive to the real wreck of "titanic". and that’s why i made the movie. and that’s the truth. now, the studio didn’t know that. but i convinced them. i said, "we’re going to dive to the wreck. we’re going to film it for real. we’ll be using it in the opening of the film. it will be really important. it will be a great marketing hook." and i talked them into funding an e_pedition.

sounds crazy. but this goes back to that theme about your imagination creating a reality. because we actually created a reality where si_ months later i find myself in a russian submersible two and a half miles down in the north atlantic, looking at the real "titanic" through a view port, not a movie, not hd, for real.

now, that blew my mind. and it took a lot of preparation, we had to build cameras and lights and all kinds of things. but, it struck me how much this dive, these deep dives was like a space mission. where it was highly technical, and it required enormous planning. you get in this capsule, you go down to this dark hostile environment where there is no hope of rescue if you can’t get back by yourself. and i thought like, "wow. i am like living in a science fiction movie. this is really cool."

and so, i really got bitten by the bug of deep ocean e_ploration. of course, the curiosity, the science component of it. it was everything. it was adventure. it was curiosity. it was imagination. and it was an e_perience that hollywood couldn’t give me. because, i could imagine a creature and we could create a visual effect for it. but i couldn’t imagine what i was seeing out that window. as we did some of our subsequent e_peditions i was seeing creatures at hydrothermal vents and sometimes things that i had never seen before, sometimes things that no one had seen before, that actually were not described by science at the time that we saw them and imaged them.

so, i was completely smitten by this, and had to do more. and so, i actually made a kind of curious decision. after the success of titanic, i said, "okay, i’m going to park my day job as a hollywood movie maker, and i’m going to go be a full time e_plorer for a while." and so, we started planning these e_peditions. and we wound up going to the bismark, and e_ploring it with robotic vehicles. we went back to the "titanic" wreck. we took little bots that we had created that spoolled a fiber optic. and the idea was to go in and do an interior survey of that ship, which had never been done. nobody had ever looked inside the wreck. they didn’t have the means to do it, so we created technology to do it.

so, you know, here i am now, on the deck of "titanic", sitting in a submersible, and looking out at planks that look much like this, where i knew that the band had played. and i’m flying a little robotic vehicle through the corridor of the ship. when i say, i’m operating it, but my mind is in the vehicle. i felt like i was physically present inside the shipwreck of "titanic". and it was the most surreal kind of deja vu e_perience i’ve ever had, because i would know before i turned a corner what was going to be there before the lights of the vehicle actually revealed it, because i had walked the set for months when we were making the movie. and the set was based as an e_act replica on the blueprints of the ship.

so, it was this absolutely remarkable e_perience. and it really made me realize that the telepresense e_perience that you actually can have these robotic avatars, then your consciousness is injected into the vehicle, into this other form of e_istence. it was really really quite profound. and may be a little bit of a glimpse as to what might be happening some decades out as we start to have cyborg bodies for e_ploration or for other means in many sort of post-human futures that i can imagine, as a science fiction fan.

so, having done these e_peditions, and really beginning to appreciate what was down there, such as at the deep ocean vents where we had these amazing animals. they are basically aliens right here on earth. they live in an environment of chemosynthesis. they don’t survive on sunlight based system the way we do. and so, you’re seeing animals that are living ne_t to a 500 degree centigrade water plumes. you think they can’t possibly e_ist.

at the same time i was getting very interested in space science as well, again, it’s the science fiction influence, as a kid. and i wound up getting involved with the space community, really involved with nasa, sitting on the nasa advisory board, planning actual space missions, going to russia, going to the pre-cosmonaut biomedical protocols, and all these sorts of things, to actually go and fly to the international space station with our 3d camera systems. and this was fascinating. but what i wound up doing was bringing space scientists with us into the deep. and taking them down so that they had access astrobiologists, planetary scientists, people who were interested in these e_treme environments, taking them down to the vents, and letting them see, and take samples and test instruments, and so on.

so, here we were making documentary films, but actually doing science, and actually doing space science. i’d completely closed the loop between being the science fiction fan, as a kid, and doing this stuff for real. and you know, along the way in this journey of discovery, i learned a lot. i learned a lot about science. but i also learned a lot about leadership. now you think director has got to be a leader, leader of, captain of the ship, and all that sort of thing.

i didn’t really learn about leadership until i did these e_peditions. because i had to, at a certain point, say, "what am i doing out here? why am i doing this? what do i get out of it?" we don’t make money at these damn shows. we barely break even. there is no fame in it. people sort of think i went away between titanic and avatar and was buffing my nails someplace, sitting at the beach. made all these films, made all these documentary films for a very limited audience.

no fame, no glory, no money. what are you doing? you’re doing it for the task itself, for the challenge —— and the ocean is the most challenging environment there is, for the thrill of discovery, and for that strange bond that happens when a small group of people form a tightly knit team. because we would do these things with 10-12 people working for years at a time. sometimes at sea for 2-3 months at a time.

and in that bond, you realize that the most important thing is the respect that you have for them and that they have for you, that you’ve done a task that you can’t e_plain to someone else. when you come back to the shore and you say, "we had to do this, and the fiber optic, and the attentuation, and the this and that, all the technology of it, and the difficulty, the human performance aspects of working at sea, you can’t e_plain it to people. it’s that thing that maybe cops have, or people in combat that have gone through something together and they know they can never e_plain it. creates a bond, creates a bond of respect.

so, when i came back to make my ne_t movie, which was avatar, i tried to apply that same principle of leadership which is that you respect your team, and you earn their respect in return. and it really changed the dynamic. so, here i was again with a small team, in uncharted territory doing avatar, coming up with new technology that didn’t e_ist before. tremendously e_citing. tremendously challenging. and we became a family, over a four and half year period. and it completely changed how i do movies. so, people have commented on how, well, you brought back the ocean organisms and put them on the planet of pandora. to me it was more of a fundamental way of doing business, the process itself, that changed as a result of that.

so, what can we synthesize out of all this? you know, what are the lessons learned? well, i think number one is curiosity. it’s the most powerful thing you own. imagination is a force that can actually manifest a reality. and the respect of your team is more important than all the laurels in the world. i have young film makers come up to me and say, "give me some advice for doing this." and i say, "don’t put limitations on yourself. other people will do that for you, don’t do it to yourself, and don’t bet against yourself. and take risks."

nasa has this phrase that they like: "failure is not an option." but failure has to be an option in art and in e_ploration, because it’s a leap of faith. and no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk. you have to be willing to take those risks. so, that’s the thought i would leave you with, is that in whatever you’re doing, failure is an option, but fear is not. thank you.












但成年后,我并沒有以潛水為職業(yè),而是選擇了電影攝制作為自己的事業(yè)。孩提時(shí),我就喜歡畫漫畫,畫很多東西。我喜歡講故事,畫圖畫,而要把它們結(jié)合起來,電影攝制是再合適不過的工作了。電影攝制將圖片和故事有機(jī)結(jié)合,并賦予它們更深刻的意義。當(dāng)然,我選來拍成電影的都是科幻故事,比如《終結(jié)者》、《異型》、《深淵》。 拍攝《深淵》時(shí),我把自己對水下世界的愛、對潛水活動(dòng)的愛融入其中,把對這兩件事的激情融合到了一起。




雖然我們確實(shí)已經(jīng)組建了公司進(jìn)行造型設(shè)計(jì),但在90年代中期,我發(fā)現(xiàn)我們有些落后了。 我寫了《阿凡達(dá)》這部電影,想要以此大力推動(dòng)視覺效果和cg效果,用cg生成具有真實(shí)人類情感的角色,完全用cg詮釋主要角色和世界。但這電影不得不延期拍攝,因?yàn)楣締T工告訴我,我們一時(shí)半會(huì)還沒有能力做到這點(diǎn)。

于是我把《阿凡達(dá)》擱到一邊,轉(zhuǎn)而制作了另一部電影,這部電影主要描述了一艘巨輪——"泰坦尼克號"——的沉沒。 我告訴電影制片方,我把它定位為巨輪上的《羅密歐與朱麗葉》,一部關(guān)于愛情的電影,就像羅密歐與朱麗葉的故事一樣凄美動(dòng)人。而實(shí)際是因?yàn)槲蚁霛撊牒5讓ふ艺嬲?泰坦尼克號"的殘骸,所以我才要做這部電影。但制片方并不知道這一真相。為說服他們,我說:"我們要潛入海底,尋找真正的"泰坦尼克號",這樣可以拍攝真實(shí)的畫面。如果把這個(gè)片段用在首映式上,會(huì)引起很大的轟動(dòng),也會(huì)有良好的市場反響的。"我真的說服了制片方組建了一支探險(xiǎn)隊(duì)呢。




這一切讓我感到非常震撼,我必須做的更多。為了滿足自己的好奇心,我做了一個(gè)決定。 在《泰坦尼克號》成功后,我決定暫別好萊塢導(dǎo)演這一主業(yè),做一段時(shí)間全職探險(xiǎn)家。于是我們開始計(jì)劃一些探險(xiǎn),一行人興致勃勃的去了俾斯麥海域,在自動(dòng)探測車幫助下,對這一海域展開了探索。然后我們重回"泰坦尼克號"的殘骸we took little bots that we had created that spooled a fiber optic.我們決定進(jìn)到"泰坦尼克號"內(nèi)部做一次內(nèi)部調(diào)查,這是史無前例的,從沒有人看過沉船內(nèi)部,因?yàn)樗麄儫o計(jì)可施,然而我們想出了辦法。





所以我們既是在拍紀(jì)錄片,也在研究科學(xué),更確切的說是在研究空間科學(xué)。i"d completely closed the loop between being the science fiction fan, as a kid, and doing this stuff for real.在探索發(fā)現(xiàn)的旅途中,我學(xué)到了很多,不僅僅是科學(xué)知識,還有領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力。很多人認(rèn)為導(dǎo)演就是領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,像船長或者其他領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者一樣。

沒進(jìn)行這些探險(xiǎn)以前,我并不真正了解領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力的內(nèi)涵。因?yàn)橛袝r(shí)我會(huì)問自己,我到底在這干什么呢?為什么要做這些節(jié)目? 我從中得到了什么? 我們并沒有從這些見鬼的節(jié)目中賺到錢,還差點(diǎn)破產(chǎn)。我也沒有賺到名聲。很多人以為我拍了《泰坦尼克號》、《阿凡達(dá)》后,就在沙灘上修磨著指甲,享受生活呢。 其實(shí),我拍了這些電影,這些記錄片,只換來了為數(shù)不多的觀眾。



所以,我開始拍攝接下來的電影《阿凡達(dá)》時(shí),試著運(yùn)用了這種領(lǐng)導(dǎo)原則,我尊重我的團(tuán)隊(duì),他們也很尊重我。這讓團(tuán)隊(duì)變得很有活力。所以,這次我也帶了一支小團(tuán)隊(duì),在未經(jīng)探索的地區(qū)拍攝《阿凡達(dá)》,創(chuàng)造前所未有的新技術(shù),這非常有意思,也頗具有挑戰(zhàn)性。在這四年半多的時(shí)間里,我們就像一家人一樣。這完全改變了我拍電影的方式。 有人評論說,卡梅隆只是把一些海洋生物放到了潘多拉星球上。但我來說,建立這種互相尊重的默契不僅僅是做商業(yè)電影的基本法則,而是過程本身改變了事情的結(jié)果。

我能從這些經(jīng)歷中總結(jié)出什么,又能學(xué)到什么?首先要有好奇心,這是你擁有的最強(qiáng)大的東西;其次要有想象力,這是你展現(xiàn)現(xiàn)實(shí)的力量;第三:尊重團(tuán)隊(duì),這是比世界上一切榮譽(yù)都更為重要。 有不少年輕電影導(dǎo)演向我討教成功經(jīng)驗(yàn),我告訴他們:"不要作繭自縛。別人會(huì)束縛你,但你自己不要作繭自縛。不要說自己不行,要敢于承擔(dān)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。"


失敗英語演講稿 模板3



failure is what often happens.it is everywhere in your life.students may fail in e_ams, science may fail in their researchwork,and athletes may fail in competitions.

although failure happens to everyone, attitudes towards failure are various. some people don't think their failure is a very important thing at all. so they pay no attention to it. as a result, they will have the same failure a previously later.they spend their thime and energy on useless things and they may really be fools as they have thought.

success is not easy to talk about because the word success it-self has hundreds of definitions. for some it means power, for some it means wealth, for others it is fame or great achieve-ments. but i have my own understanding of it.

success means to try your best.

many people believe that success means to win. in my opin-ion, it means to try your best when you do everything, no matter you will win or not. when you are taking part in a long-distance race, if you keep on running as fast as you can, you are successful, although you may be the last to pass the finishing-line. because you have showed your best to others, and you have made i your greatest effort to be the winner.

success means to work hard.

no one can succeed without any hard work. karl ma_ was successful, because he spent more than 30 years writing the book 'communist manifesto'; tomas edison succeeded, because he had e_perimented thousands of times to find the best material for lights. every success calls for hard work. if you want to suc-ceed, work hard first.

other people are quite different from the two kinds of people mentiond above. instend of being distressed and lost,they draw a lesson from every failure and become more e_perienced. after hard work, they will be successful in the end. it is said that failure is the mother of success. success will be gained after times of failures so long as we are good at drawong lesson from our failures.

in my opinion , failure is not a bad thing , the really bad thing is taking a failure as failure or even lose our heart after failure.

more importantly, today, the world is undergoing fast rhythm of changing, some issues occur in one way this time and reoccur in another way that time.such instability and inconstancy make many long-time-lasting conventions and traditions not valid any longer. people encounter pile of new conditions everyday in current society, it is hard to find adequate reference from the wisdom of conventions for all of these new thing, what can really lead people to success is rational mind and creative ways of thinking. to meet the requirement of new missions, only creative activities could give out adaptive strategies. without creative thinking ways, there would no such increasingly development of science and technology in the past two centuries, no new type america-style democracy in the world, no so many products making modern life so comfortable and convenient. creative practices and original idea are the engine of the fast development of modern life, and are most essential for people to accomplish successful achievement in all kinds of fields.

失敗英語演講稿 模板4


no winning or no losing

perhaps the sky is still blue, but i can see the black sky. perhaps the flowers are still beautiful, but i can see the ugly flowers. perhaps the sun still shines, but there’s no sun in my world. perhaps the world doesn’t change, but my world is changing. the e_am has been over, but i can’t wake up because i think i did very badly.

but i know, even if you didn’t do well this time, but you can do well ne_t time. time can’t run backwards, you can try your best to do something well in the future.

i think, there’s no winning or losing in the world. tomorrow, the sun rises again; we will have a new day!

失敗英語演講稿 模板5


a man with a friend is not failed!

演說者:tanya menon

i started teaching mba students 17 yearsago. sometimes i run into my students years later. and when i run into them, afunny thing happens. i don"t remember just their faces; i also remember wheree_actly in the classroom they were sitting. and i remember who they weresitting with as well. this is not because i have any special superpowers of memory. the reason i can remember them is because they are creatures of habit.they are sitting with their favorite people in their favorite seats. they findtheir twins, they stay with them for the whole year.


now, the danger of this for my students isthey"re at risk of leaving the university with just a few people who aree_actly like them. they"re going to squander their chance for an international,diverse network. how could this happen to them? my students are open-minded.they come to business school precisely so that they can get great networks.


now, all of us socially narrow in ourlives, in our school, in work, and so i want you to think about this one. howmany of you here brought a friend along for this talk? i want you to look atyour friend a little bit. are they of the same nationality as you? are they ofthe same gender as you? are they of the same race? really look at them closely.don"t they kind of look like you as well?


the muscle people are together, and thepeople with the same hairstyles and the checked shirts.


we all do this in life. we all do it inlife, and in fact, there"s nothing wrong with this. it makes us comfortable tobe around people who are similar. the problem is when we"re on a precipice,right? when we"re in trouble, when we need new ideas, when we need new jobs,when we need new resources -- this is when we really pay a price for living ina clique.


mark granovetter, the sociologist, had afamous paper "the strength of weak ties," and what he did in thispaper is he asked people how they got their jobs. and what he learned was thatmost people don"t get their jobs through their strong ties -- their father,their mother, their significant other. they instead get jobs through weak ties,people who they just met.


so if you think about what the problem is with yourstrong ties, think about your significant other, for e_ample. the network isredundant. everybody that they know, you know. or i hope you know them. right?your weak ties -- people you just met today -- they are your ticket to a wholenew social world.


the thing is that we have this amazingticket to travel our social worlds, but we don"t use it very well. sometimes westay awfully close to home. and today, what i want to talk about is: what arethose habits that keep human beings so close to home, and how can we be alittle bit more intentional about traveling our social universe?


so let"s look at the first strategy. thefirst strategy is to use a more imperfect social search engine. what i mean bya social search engine is how you are finding and filtering your friends. andso people always tell me, "i want to get lucky through the network. i wantto get a new job. i want to get a great opportunity."


and i say,"well, that"s really hard, because your networks are so fundamentallypredictable." map out your habitual daily footpath, and what you"llprobably discover is that you start at home, you go to your school or yourworkplace, you maybe go up the same staircase or elevator, you go to thebathroom -- the same bathroom -- and the same stall in that bathroom, you endup in the gym, then you come right back home.


it"s like stops on a trains chedule. it"s that predictable. it"s efficient, but the problem is, you"reseeing e_actly the same people. make your network slightly more inefficient. goto a bathroom on a different floor. you encounter a whole new network ofpeople.


the other side of it is how we are actuallyfiltering. and we do this automatically. the minute we meet someone, we arelooking at them, we meet them, we are initially seeing, "you"reinteresting." "you"re not interesting." "you"re relevant."we do this automatically. we can"t even help it. and what i want to encourageyou to do instead is to fight your filters. i want you to take a look aroundthis room, and i want you to identify the least interesting person that yousee, and i want you to connect with them over the ne_t coffee break. and i wantyou to go even further than that. what i want you to do is find the mostirritating person you see as well and connect with them.


what you are doing with this e_ercise isyou are forcing yourself to see what you don"t want to see, to connect with whoyou don"t want to connect with, to widen your social world. to truly widen,what we have to do is, we"ve got to fight our sense of choice. we"ve got tofight our choices. and my students hate this, but you know what i do?


i won"tlet them sit in their favorite seats. i move them around from seat to seat. iforce them to work with different people so there are more accidental bumps inthe network where people get a chance to connect with each other. and westudied e_actly this kind of an intervention at harvard university.


at harvard,when you look at the rooming groups, there"s freshman rooming groups, peopleare not choosing those roommates. they"re of all different races, all differentethnicities. maybe people are initially uncomfortable with those roommates, butthe amazing thing is, at the end of a year with those students, they"re able toovercome that initial discomfort. they"re able to find deep-level commonalitieswith people.


so the takeaway here is not just "takesomeone out to coffee." it"s a little more subtle. it"s "go to thecoffee room." when researchers talk about social hubs, what makes a socialhub so special is you can"t choose; you can"t predict who you"re going to meetin that place. and so with these social hubs, the parado_ is, interestinglyenough, to get randomness, it requires, actually, some planning.

這里要給各位的訊息不只是「找人出去喝杯咖啡」。還要更微妙一點(diǎn)。是「去咖啡廳」。當(dāng)研究者談?wù)撋缃恢行臅r(shí) ,社交中心之所以特別,就是因?yàn)槟銦o法選擇;你無法預(yù)測你在那個(gè)地方會(huì)遇見誰。關(guān)于這些社交中心,有趣的是一個(gè)矛盾:若要有隨機(jī)性,需要的其實(shí)是規(guī)劃。

in one university that i worked at, there was a mail room on every single floor. whatthat meant is that the only people who would bump into each other are those whoare actually on that floor and who are bumping into each other anyway. at another university i worked at, there was only one mail room, so all the faculty from all over that building would run into each other in that social hub.a simple change in planning, a huge difference in the traffic of people and theaccidental bumps in the network.


here"s my question for you: what are youdoing that breaks you from your social habits? where do you find yourself inplaces where you get injections of unpredictable diversity? and my studentsgive me some wonderful e_amples. they tell me when they"re doing pickupbasketball games, or my favorite e_ample is when they go to a dog park. theytell me it"s even better than online dating when they"re there.


so the real thing that i want you to thinkabout is we"ve got to fight our filters. we"ve got to make ourselves a littlemore inefficient, and by doing so, we are creating a more imprecise socialsearch engine. and you"re creating that randomness, that luck that is going tocause you to widen your travels, through your social universe.


but in fact, there"s more to it than that.sometimes we actually buy ourselves a second-class ticket to travel our socialuniverse. we are not courageous when we reach out to people. let me give you ane_ample of that. a few years ago, i had a very eventful year. that year, imanaged to lose a job, i managed to get a dream job overseas and accept it, ihad a baby the ne_t month, i got very sick, i was unable to take the dream job.


and so in a few weeks, what ended up happening was, i lost my identity as afaculty member, and i got a very stressful new identity as a mother. what ialso got was tons of advice from people. and the advice i despised more thanany other advice was, "you"ve got to go network with everybody." whenyour psychological world is breaking down, the hardest thing to do is to tryand reach out and build up your social world.


and so we studied e_actly this idea on amuch larger scale. what we did was we looked at high and low socioeconomicstatus people, and we looked at them in two situations. we looked at them firstin a baseline condition, when they were quite comfortable. and what we foundwas that our lower socioeconomic status people, when they were comfortable,were actually reaching out to more people. they thought of more people.


theywere also less constrained in how they were networking. they were thinking ofmore diverse people than the higher-status people. then we asked them to thinkabout maybe losing a job. we threatened them. and once they thought about that,the networks they generated completely differed. the lower socioeconomic statuspeople reached inwards.


they thought of fewer people. they thought ofless-diverse people. the higher socioeconomic status people thought of morepeople, they thought of a broader network, they were positioning themselves tobounce back from that setback.


let"s consider what this actually means.imagine that you were being spontaneously unfriended by everyone in yournetwork other than your mom, your dad and your dog.


this is essentially what we are doing atthese moments when we need our networks the most. imagine -- this is what we"redoing. we"re doing it to ourselves. we are mentally compressing our networkswhen we are being harassed, when we are being bullied, when we are threatenedabout losing a job, when we feel down and weak. we are closing ourselves off,isolating ourselves, creating a blind spot where we actually don"t see ourresources. we don"t see our allies, we don"t see our opportunities.


how can we overcome this? two simplestrategies. one strategy is simply to look at your list of facebook friends andlinkedin friends just so you remind yourself of people who are there beyondthose that automatically come to mind. and in our own research, one of thethings we did was, we considered claude steele"s research on self-affirmation:simply thinking about your own values, networking from a place of strength.what leigh thompson, hoon-seok choi and i were able to do is, we found thatpeople who had affirmed themselves first were able to take advice from peoplewho would otherwise be threatening to them.


here"s a last e_ercise. i want you to lookin your email in-bo_, and i want you to look at the last time you askedsomebody for a favor. and i want you to look at the language that you used. didyou say things like, "oh, you"re a great resource," or "i oweyou one," "i"m obligated to you." all of this languagerepresents a metaphor. it"s a metaphor of economics, of a balance sheet, ofaccounting, of transactions. and when we think about human relations in atransactional way, it is fundamentally uncomfortable to us as human beings. wemust think about human relations and reaching out to people in more humaneways.


here"s an idea as to how to do so. look atwords like "please," "thank you," "you"rewelcome" in other languages. look at the literal translation of thesewords. each of these words is a word that helps us impose upon other people inour social networks. and so, the word "thank you," if you look at itin spanish, italian, french, "gracias," "grazie,""merci" in french. each of them are "grace" and"mercy." they are godly words. there"s nothing economic or transactional about those words.


the word "you"re welcome" isinteresting.the great persuasion theorist robert cialdini says we"ve got toget our favors back. so we need to emphasize the transaction a little bit more.he says, "let"s not say "you"re welcome." instead say, "i know you"d dothe same for me."" but sometimes it may be helpful to not think intransactional ways, to eliminate the transaction, to make it a little bit moreinvisible.


and in fact, if you look in chinese, the word "bú kè qì"in chinese, "you"re welcome," means, "don"t be formal; we"refamily. we don"t need to go through those formalities." and "kembali"in indonesian is "come back to me." when you say "you"rewelcome" ne_t time, think about how you can maybe eliminate thetransaction and instead strengthen that social tie. maybe "it"s great tocollaborate," or "that"s what friends are for."


i want you to think about how you thinkabout this ticket that you have to travel your social universe. here"s onemetaphor. it"s a common metaphor: "life is a journey." right? it"s atrain ride, and you"re a passenger on the train, and there are certain peoplewith you. certain people get on this train, and some stay with you, some leaveat different stops, new ones may enter. i love this metaphor, it"s a beautifulone.


but i want you to consider a different metaphor. this one is passive,being a passenger on that train, and it"s quite linear. you"re off to someparticular destination. why not instead think of yourself as an atom, bumpingup against other atoms, maybe transferring energy with them, bonding with thema little and maybe creating something new on your travels through the socialuniverse.


thank you so much. and i hope we bump intoeach other again.(applause)


失敗英語演講稿 模板6



a man with a friend is not failed!演說者:tanya menoni started teaching mba students 17 yearsago. sometimes i run into my students years lat

