留學發(fā)言稿 模板1
留學發(fā)言稿 模板2
esteemed members of the faculty, parents and dear students,
大家上午好! 我是__的家長,也是夢沃第一屆家委會主席,非常高興能和孩子們一起經(jīng)歷畢業(yè)典禮。我想各位家長和我一樣,除了激動,還無比感恩!在此向各位校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、任課老師、后勤老師,包括我們的每一位門衛(wèi)師傅表示感謝,謝謝您們!
good morning! i am __’s mom and also the first chairwoman of the parent committee of montverde academy shanghai. it is a great pleasure to be here to witness your commencement. i think, today, all the parents here are very e_cited and also very grateful, just as i am. hereby, on behalf of all the parents, i’d love to e_tend my gratitude to all the mva leadership, teachers and support staff including our dedicated janitors. thank you! thank you all!
young men and young ladies, today is a day of celebration and a day of thanks. it marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life. soon, you will start your journey of studying abroad. apart from giving you my congratulations and best wishes, i’d like to ask you one question: are you ready for your dream?
now i want to share with you some of my stories studying in the united kingdom. at that time, my english was not good enough to get a pretty ielts score. i only got 5, unable to be enrolled in a graduate school, and had to study the language for one e_tra year. because of that e_tra year, i ran out of money and had to take on part-time jobs. incessant part-time jobs. by day, i had to pick up several part-time roles, waitress, cleaner, baby-sitter and so on, which was very e_hausting. by night, i had to study the language and try my best to memorize new words. there was a time when i felt very lonely and thought that life was difficult.
to better adapt myself to the new conditions, every day i got up at five o’clock for a morning jog to keep fit and closed my last part-time job around 11 o’clock at night. i became highly self-disciplined and rescheduled my work and study. gradually, i regained my positive attitude and became healthier.
looking back on that period of time, i’ve learned that whatever life puts you through, you can always choose joy and meaning by taking positive actions and starting from the present. later in life, i have inevitably encountered various difficulties and challenges, like unemployment and short of money at 34 years old when i came back to shanghai from abroad, and so on and so forth. it is because of that difficult time in the uk that i can actively handle these later challenges in my life in a composed way.
i’m sharing this with you not in the hopes that you can know the various inevitable difficulties ahead of you, but in the hopes that you can understand hope and strength are the light within us that can never be e_tinguished. i hope that you’ll live each day happily and fully. i hope that you are grateful for each breath you take and that you are grateful for life itself.
this year, we can’t wait to see how you all turn out. and all of us are very proud of what you have achieved.
in the meantime, i want you to remember that no matter how high you will fly, please do not forget that it is montverde academy that gives you wings. do come back from time to time to visit your alma mater.
2024 graduates, congratulations and fly high!
留學發(fā)言稿 模板3
我來自西部農(nóng)村,一個主要靠務(wù)農(nóng)與打工為生的山村。幸運的是,求學之路改變了我的人生軌跡。從初中到鎮(zhèn)上的求學開始,環(huán)境的改變使我漸漸意識到要想走出貧瘠的農(nóng)村,必須加倍的努力和付出。我是可愛的點點勤能補拙是良訓(xùn)我是可愛的點點?這種求學態(tài)度我一直堅持到現(xiàn)在,它使我實現(xiàn)一步步從小鎮(zhèn),到縣城,到首都北京,再到德國大學的跨度。并且我相信我是可愛的點點三人行必有我?guī)熚沂强蓯鄣狞c點 ? 懷抱一顆謙虛、求知的心,善于學習、觀察和總結(jié),總能獲益匪淺。
榮譽,既是終點,又是起點!一分耕耘,一分收獲,這份榮譽是對過去的肯定。同時也是人生下一個篇章的起點。絕大多數(shù)在座的學生面臨或者已經(jīng)從博士階段畢業(yè),即將帶著這份榮譽揚帆起航,步入正式工作階段。我是可愛的點點路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索我是可愛的點點? 這句話是我們求學生涯的寫照,很快也會是我們參加工作的寫照。
留學發(fā)言稿 模板4
good afternoon everybody.
it is such an honor to have been asked to speak at today’s ceremony. honestly, iwas just thrilled that i finished my thesis, but am so grateful to have theopportunity to stand up and share with you my thoughts on fudanuniversity. when thinking about whatfudan is and what it means to me, three words came to mind: continuity,opportunity, and community. these three words, despite their power of rhyme,are a strong representation of what fudan university is.
continuity is defined as the quality ofsomething that does not change as time passes: a continuous quality so tospeak. as we all know, this is fudanunviersity’s 110th anniversary. 110 years of continuous forefrontthinking. 110 years of continuous innovation, always seeking forimprovement. fudan’s quality and prestigeis no secret to us, as it’s probably one of the major reasons that you chose toattend; neither is the pride we feel when asked by internationals why we choseour institution and we get to say that not only is fudan one of the topuniversities in china, but that our school of international relations andpublic affairs is one of the top ranked in the world.
outside of academics, we all have our ownhobbies and passions that we like to pursue. for me, my passion has always beenis singing, ever since i was 3 years old. i have been overwhelmed by theopportunities presented to me in just my two short years here at fudan.overall, i have been able to give over 40 performances. i’ve done everythingfrom singing in competitions like the foreign song contest hosted by sirpa and fudan’sannual 十大歌手 to being a judge for other competitionsincluding our first mr. fitness. from hosting the 2024 international conferenceof student affairs to recording the fudan anthem and even breaking out in asing/dance flashmob on the east lawn, although admittedly, the dancing i am notso great at. my point is i have never seen a campus that lets you pursue yourpassions as openly as fudan, where academics and 愛好e_ist soharmoniously. whether your hobbies are singing, acting, piano, or parkour, thereis a place for you here. which brings me to my last point…
when ifirst set off from georgia to shanghai, i didn’t know how to feel. i knew itwas going to be the greatest adventure of my life thus far, but i didn’t knowyet what kind. coming here alone without classmates or acquaintances uponarrival, and what felt like zero chinese language skills, was a scary thought. truthfullyspeaking, i’m a pretty shy person, and knew this was going to be a challengefor me to start over, make new friends; but it was an opportunity for growththat i knew i would regret if i didn’t at least try. though i heard rumors thatmy family had started taking bets on how long i would last here beforerealizing that i was crazy and could not handle all of the stress, and emotionsthat came with my decision. once i arrived i just assumed that i would glidefairly invisibly through my two years here, receive my degree, and head back tothe states. after all, i was just one person, one student, in a sea of over 44,000. however, that’s not how it happened at all.shy or not, and slowly without me even noticing at first, fudan showedpresented a phenomenon that despite such a large number of students, therecould still e_ist a close knit community where you are not just a number. studentsand organizations here all made me feel like i was a part of a fudan family.the more i felt this way, the more and more i wanted to be involved in thatfamily. in fact, i like to say i’m theunofficial member of dia, and i am so proud to say that i am from thisuniversity.
inregard to future plans after graduation—before coming to fudan i knew thatafter graduation i wanted to return home and pursue a career in diplomaticwork, specifically in building even stronger relations between the u.s. andchina; however, after coming here, i fell in love with this community. lastspring i jokingly said that if the students here don’t stop being so sweet andsupportive, i’ll never leave. and in part that has turned out to be true, becausei have been offered a scholarship to stay here at fudan as a language studentfor one more year as i set out to improve my chinese language skills to help mein my future career path. so you can’t get rid of me just yet! i know thatafter this week, we will all be setting out on different paths. some havedecided to stay and pursue higher degrees or certification programs here, somewill join the work force, and others will pursue different passions. so whilemany of us are here together today, i just want to say thank you to everyonethat i have encountered in my 2 years here, for being a part of a very largeand life changing e_perience for me. it has pushed me so much further than myown e_pectations, helped me to realize potential that i didn’t know i had, andhas shown me that love and acceptance are universal. and for that i ameternally grateful. i have said itbefore and will say it again. 因為有你復(fù)旦更美。
留學發(fā)言稿 模板5
kahula kondwani christabel
speech presented by kondi to welcome new students
to all the teachers, both old and new students i say good morning.
it is my honour to stand before you and deliver this speech of welcoming remarks to our newly enrowed students of the 2024 chongqing university of posts and telecommunications academic year.
i welcome you all to cqupt and chongqing at large. am sure you will all at some point get lost or confused more than once as it is inevitable being in a new environment. but, am equally sure we will all enjoy this new beginning together.
many of you are wondering how life will be like in a world and living environment so different from high school, former college, or that of your family home.
well to be honest my first months here 3 years ago, i wondered why i was here and even after i wondered why everyone else was here……… learning in a foreign language everything seemed not to make any sense. i shared these thoughts with a senior student who i met here and all he had to say was that i would either way fail my entire courses in the first year. these words did not heal my wounded thoughts but left me with unsettled thoughts of how i was going to make it through. am glad to stand here today and testify that i have not once failed a course since my sophomore year. this did not however happen by luck but through hard work, discipline and persistence.
everyone here belongs and each and every one of you newly enrolled students will find your place. there will be many things, many traditions that you will come to know. but you will come to understand what i believe is most important about this place—that it is the centre of new and original thought and ideas. and it is ideas that are ultimately most important in this world.
cqupt provides an environment good to both learn and grow as an individual and as a part of a community. do not wait to be told or pushed to join an e_tracurricular activity e.g sports meetings, school organised competitions etc, all these activities are organised for us students and it is up to us to organise ourselves and enjoy these activities together. as the saying goes all work not play makes jack a dull boy.
one question you should keep asking yourself whilst here is, how do i make the most of my time here. it is ok keep refining your answer as time goes by putting into mind that you are only here for some time and not forever, and what you want to make is the very best and the best of memories out it.
with that said i welcome you all once again and wish you nothing but the very best cqupt has to offer.
thank you.