大學(xué)畢業(yè)典禮演講稿 模板1
尊敬的校長、親愛的老師、可愛的同學(xué)們: 大家下午好!
讓我們用力擁抱睡了四年的兄弟姐妹們,擁抱每一個(gè)我們喜歡、我們欣賞或曾經(jīng)幫助過我們的人,因?yàn)楹芏嗳耍松鷮⒑茈y再重逢! 讓我們對(duì)曾經(jīng)起過爭(zhēng)執(zhí)沖突的人說聲"對(duì)不起",不再追究誰對(duì)誰錯(cuò),因?yàn)槲覀儾幌氚延亚榈娜焙稁虢窈蟮纳睢?/p>
在即將踏上新的人生旅途的時(shí)候,我們所有人都將記?。赫\、樸、勤、仁。在以后漫長的人生旅程中,找準(zhǔn)自己的方向,做的自我!這樣的人生也就完整了! 謝謝!!
大學(xué)畢業(yè)典禮演講稿 模板2
president powers, provost fenves, deans, members of the faculty, family and friends and mostimportantly, the class of 2024. congratulations on your achievement.
it"s been almost 37 years to the day that i graduated from ut.
i remember a lot of things about that day.
i remember i had throbbing headache from a party the night before. i remember i had aserious girlfriend, whom i later married-that"s important to remember by the way-and iremember that i was getting commissioned in the navy that day.
but of all the things i remember, i don"t have a clue who the commencement speaker wasthat evening and i certainly don"t remember anything they said.
so…acknowledging that fact-if i can"t make this commencement speech memorable-i will atleast try to make it short.
the university"s slogan is,
"what starts here changes the world."
i have to admit-i kinda like it.
"what starts here changes the world."
tonight there are almost 8,000 students graduating from ut.
that great paragon of analytical rigor, ask.com says that the average american will meet10,000 people in their life time.
that"s a lot of folks.
but, if every one of you changed the lives of just ten people-and each one of those folkschanged the lives of another ten people-just ten-then in five generations-125 years-the class of2024 will have changed the lives of 800 million people.
800 million people-think of it-over twice the population of the united states. go one moregeneration and you can change the entire population of the world-8 billion people.
if you think it"s hard to change the lives of ten people-change their lives forever-you"re wrong.
i saw it happen every day in iraq and afghanistan.
a young army officer makes a decision to go left instead of right down a road in baghdad andthe ten soldiers in his squad are saved from close-in ambush.
in kandahar province, afghanistan, a non-commissioned officer from the female engagementteam senses something isn"t right and directs the infantry platoon away from a 500 poundied, saving the lives of a dozen soldiers.
but, if you think about it, not only were these soldiers saved by the decisions of one person, buttheir children yet unborn-were also saved. and their children"s children-were saved.
generations were saved by one decision-by one person.
but changing the world can happen anywhere and anyone can do it.
so, what starts here can indeed change the world, but the question is…what will the world looklike after you change it?
well, i am confident that it will look much, much better, but if you will humor this old sailorfor just a moment, i have a few suggestions that may help you on your way to a better a world.
and while these lessons were learned during my time in the military, i can assure you that itmatters not whether you ever served a day in uniform.
it matters not your gender, your ethnic or religious background, your orientation, or yoursocial status.
our struggles in this world are similar and the lessons to overcome those struggles and tomove forward-changing ourselves and the world around us-will apply equally to all.
i have been a navy seal for 36 years. but it all began when i left ut for basic seal training incoronado, california.
basic seal training is si_ months of long torturous runs in the soft sand, midnight swims in thecold water off san diego, obstacles courses, unending calisthenics, days without sleep andalways being cold, wet and miserable.
it is si_ months of being constantly harassed by professionally trained warriors who seek tofind the weak of mind and body and eliminate them from ever becoming a navy seal.
but, the training also seeks to find those students who can lead in an environment ofconstant stress, chaos, failure and hardships.
to me basic seal training was a life time of challenges crammed into si_ months.
so, here are the ten lesson"s i learned from basic seal training that hopefully will be of value toyou as you move forward in life.
every morning in basic seal training, my instructors, who at the time were all vietnamveterans, would show up in my barracks room and the first thing they would inspect was yourbed.
if you did it right, the corners would be square, the covers pulled tight, the pillow centered justunder the headboard and the e_tra blanket folded neatly at the foot of the rack-rack-that"snavy talk for bed.
it was a simple task-mundane at best. but every morning we were required to make our bedto perfection. it seemed a little ridiculous at the time, particularly in light of the fact thatwere aspiring to be real warriors, tough battle hardened seals-but the wisdom of this simpleact has been proven to me many times over.
if you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. itwill give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and anotherand another.
by the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.
if you can"t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right.
and, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made-thatyou made-and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.
if you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.
during seal training the students are broken down into boat crews. each crew is sevenstudents-three on each side of a small rubber boat and one co_swain to help guide the dingy.
every day your boat crew forms up on the beach and is instructed to get through the surfzoneand paddle several miles down the coast.
in the winter, the surf off san diego can get to be 8 to 10 feet high and it is e_ceedinglydifficult to paddle through the plunging surf unless everyone digs in.
every paddle must be synchronized to the stroke count of the co_swain. everyone must e_ertequal effort or the boat will turn against the wave and be unceremoniously tossed back on thebeach.
for the boat to make it to its destination, everyone must paddle.
you can"t change the world alone-you will need some help- and to truly get from your startingpoint to your destination takes friends, colleagues, the good will of strangers and a strongco_swain to guide them.
if you want to change the world, find someone to help you paddle.
over a few weeks of difficult training my seal class which started with 150 men was down tojust 35. there were now si_ boat crews of seven men each.
i was in the boat with the tall guys, but the best boat crew we had was made up of the thelittle guys-the munchkin crew we called them-no one was over about 5-foot five.
the munchkin boat crew had one american indian, one african american, one polish american,one greek american, one italian american, and two tough kids from the mid-west.
they out paddled, out-ran, and out swam all the other boat crews.
the big men in the other boat crews would always make good natured fun of the tiny littleflippers the munchkins put on their tiny little feet prior to every swim.
but somehow these little guys, from every corner of the nation and the world, always had thelast laugh- swimming faster than everyone and reaching the shore long before the rest of us.
seal training was a great equalizer. nothing mattered but your will to succeed. not your color,not your ethnic background, not your education and not your social status.
if you want to change the world, measure a person by the size of their heart, not the size oftheir flippers.
several times a week, the instructors would line up the class and do a uniform inspection. itwas e_ceptionally thorough.
your hat had to be perfectly starched, your uniform immaculately pressed and your belt buckleshiny and void of any smudges.
but it seemed that no matter how much effort you put into starching your hat, or pressingyour uniform or polishing your belt buckle-- it just wasn"t good enough.
the instructors would fine "something" wrong.
for failing the uniform inspection, the student had to run, fully clothed into the surfzone andthen, wet from head to toe, roll around on the beach until every part of your body was coveredwith sand.
the effect was known as a "sugar cookie." you stayed in that uniform the rest of the day-cold,wet and sandy.
there were many a student who just couldn"t accept the fact that all their effort was in vain.that no matter how hard they tried to get the uniform right-it was unappreciated.
those students didn"t make it through training.
those students didn"t understand the purpose of the drill. you were never going to succeed.you were never going to have a perfect uniform.
sometimes no matter how well you prepare or how well you perform you still end up as asugar cookie.
it"s just the way life is sometimes.
if you want to change the world get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward.
every day during training you were challenged with multiple physical events-long runs, longswims, obstacle courses, hours of calisthenics-something designed to test your mettle.
every event had standards-times you had to meet. if you failed to meet those standards yourname was posted on a list and at the end of the day those on the list were invited to-a "circus."
a circus was two hours of additional calisthenics-designed to wear you down, to break yourspirit, to force you to quit.
no one wanted a circus.
a circus meant that for that day you didn"t measure up. a circus meant more fatigue-andmore fatigue meant that the following day would be more difficult-and more circuses werelikely.
but at some time during seal training, everyone-everyone-made the circus list.
but an interesting thing happened to those who were constantly on the list. overtime thosestudents--who did two hours of e_tra calisthenics-got stronger and stronger.
the pain of the circuses built inner strength-built physical resiliency.
life is filled with circuses.
you will fail. you will likely fail often. it will be painful. it will be discouraging. at times it willtest you to your very core.
but if you want to change the world, don"t be afraid of the circuses.
at least twice a week, the trainees were required to run the obstacle course. the obstaclecourse contained 25 obstacles including a 10-foot high wall, a 30-foot cargo net, and a barbedwire crawl to name a few.
but the most challenging obstacle was the slide for life. it had a three level 30 foot tower atone end and a one level tower at the other. in between was a 200-foot long rope.
you had to climb the three tiered tower and once at the top, you grabbed the rope, swungunderneath the rope and pulled yourself hand over hand until you got to the other end.
the record for the obstacle course had stood for years when my class began training in 1977.
the record seemed unbeatable, until one day, a student decided to go down the slide for life-head first.
instead of swinging his body underneath the rope and inching his way down, he bravelymounted the top of the rope and thrust himself forward.
it was a dangerous move-seemingly foolish, and fraught with risk. failure could mean injuryand being dropped from the training.
without hesitation-the student slid down the rope-perilously fast, instead of several minutes,it only took him half that time and by the end of the course he had broken the record.
if you want to change the world sometimes you have to slide down the obstacle head first.
during the land warfare phase of training, the students are flown out to san clemente islandwhich lies off the coast of san diego.
the waters off san clemente are a breeding ground for the great white sharks. to pass sealtraining there are a series of long swims that must be completed. one-is the night swim.
before the swim the instructors joyfully brief the trainees on all the species of sharks thatinhabit the waters off san clemente.
they assure you, however, that no student has ever been eaten by a shark-at least notrecently.
but, you are also taught that if a shark begins to circle your position-stand your ground. donot swim away. do not act afraid.
and if the shark, hungry for a midnight snack, darts towards you-then summons up all yourstrength and punch him in the snout and he will turn and swim away.
there are a lot of sharks in the world. if you hope to complete the swim you will have to dealwith them.
so, if you want to change the world, don"t back down from the sharks.
as navy seals one of our jobs is to conduct underwater attacks against enemy shipping. wepracticed this technique e_tensively during basic training.
the ship attack mission is where a pair of seal divers is dropped off outside an enemy harborand then swims well over two miles-underwater-using nothing but a depth gauge and acompass to get to their target.
during the entire swim, even well below the surface there is some light that comes through. itis comforting to know that there is open water above you.
but as you approach the ship, which is tied to a pier, the light begins to fade. the steelstructure of the ship blocks the moonlight-it blocks the surrounding street lamps-it blocks allambient light.
to be successful in your mission, you have to swim under the ship and find the keel-thecenterline and the deepest part of the ship.
this is your objective. but the keel is also the darkest part of the ship-where you cannot seeyour hand in front of your face, where the noise from the ship"s machinery is deafening andwhere it is easy to get disoriented and fail.
every seal knows that under the keel, at the darkest moment of the mission-is the time whenyou must be calm, composed-when all your tactical skills, your physical power and all yourinner strength must be brought to bear.
if you want to change the world, you must be your very best in the darkest moment.
the ninth week of training is referred to as "hell week." it is si_ days of no sleep, constantphysical and mental harassment and-one special day at the mud flats-the mud flats are areabetween san diego and tijuana where the water runs off and creates the tijuana slue"s-aswampy patch of terrain where the mud will engulf you.
it is on wednesday of hell week that you paddle down to the mud flats and spend the ne_t 15hours trying to survive the freezing cold mud, the howling wind and the incessant pressureto quit from the instructors.
as the sun began to set that wednesday evening, my training class, having committed some"egregious infraction of the rules" was ordered into the mud.
the mud consumed each man till there was nothing visible but our heads. the instructors toldus we could leave the mud if only five men would quit-just five men and we could get out of theoppressive cold.
looking around the mud flat it was apparent that some students were about to give up. it wasstill over eight hours till the sun came up-eight more hours of bone chilling cold.
the chattering teeth and shivering moans of the trainees were so loud it was hard to hearanything and then, one voice began to echo through the night-one voice raised in song.
the song was terribly out of tune, but sung with great enthusiasm.
one voice became two and two became three and before long everyone in the class was singing.
we knew that if one man could rise above the misery then others could as well.
the instructors threatened us with more time in the mud if we kept up the singing-but thesinging persisted.
and somehow-the mud seemed a little warmer, the wind a little tamer and the dawn not so faraway.
if i have learned anything in my time traveling the world, it is the power of hope. the power ofone person-washington, lincoln, king, mandela and even a young girl from pakistan-malala-oneperson can change the world by giving people hope.
so, if you want to change the world, start singing when you"re up to your neck in mud.
finally, in seal training there is a bell. a brass bell that hangs in the center of the compoundfor all the students to see.
all you have to do to quit-is ring the bell. ring the bell and you no longer have to wake up at 5o"clock. ring the bell and you no longer have to do the freezing cold swims.
ring the bell and you no longer have to do the runs, the obstacle course, the pt-and you nolonger have to endure the hardships of training.
just ring the bell.
if you want to change the world don"t ever, ever ring the bell.
to the graduating class of 2024, you are moments away from graduating. moments away frombeginning your journey through life. moments away starting to change the world-for the better.
it will not be easy.
but, you are the class of 2024-the class that can affect the lives of 800 million people in thene_t century.
start each day with a task completed.
find someone to help you through life.
respect everyone.
know that life is not fair and that you will fail often, but if take you take some risks, step upwhen the times are toughest, face down the bullies, lift up the downtrodden and never, evergive up-if you do these things, then ne_t generation and the generations that follow will live ina world far better than the one we have today and-what started here will indeed have changedthe world-for the better.
thank you very much. hook "em horns.
大學(xué)畢業(yè)典禮演講稿 模板3
大學(xué)畢業(yè)典禮演講稿 模板4
大學(xué)畢業(yè)典禮演講稿 模板5
幾年的課堂,老師們或滔滔不絕,或循循善誘,或旁征博引的風(fēng)格,為我們展現(xiàn)了知識(shí)的無限魅力。如果黑板就是浩淼的大海,那么,老師便是海上的水手。鈴聲響起那刻,你用教職工鞭作漿,劃動(dòng)那船只般泊在港口的課本 。課桌上,那難題堆放,猶如暗礁一樣布列,你手勢(shì)生動(dòng)如一只飛翔的鳥,在講臺(tái)上揮一條優(yōu)美弧線——船只穿過……天空飄不來一片云,猶如你亮堂堂的心,一派高遠(yuǎn)。 也許還有一些遺憾吧,那么多精彩的講座,我們已經(jīng)來不及聆聽;那么多精彩的活動(dòng),我們已經(jīng)來不及參與。也許還有一些愧疚吧,面對(duì)慈父嚴(yán)母般的老師,我們總能杜撰出各種逃課的理由。面對(duì)認(rèn)真批改作業(yè)的各科老師,我們很多時(shí)候都只能拿出一個(gè)版本。
最近,我常??紤]一個(gè)問題:假如我可以再度過一次大學(xué)生活,又會(huì)選擇怎樣的生活方式?會(huì)努力地追求些什么?放棄些什么?有些問題真的會(huì)有和當(dāng)時(shí)不一樣的答案。 總有太多發(fā)自肺腑的感謝,怕來不及說出口:
大學(xué)畢業(yè)典禮演講稿 模板6
graduates of yale university, i apologize if you have endured this type of prologue before, but i want you to do something for me. please, take a ood look around you. look at the classmate on your left. look at the classmate on your right. now, consider this: five years from now, 10 years from now, even 30 years from now, odds are the person on your left is going to be a loser. the person on your right, meanwhile, will also be a loser. and you, in the middle? what can you e_pect? loser. loserhood. loser cum laude.
"in fact, as i look out before me today, i don"t see a thousand hopes for a bright tomorrow. i don"t see a thousand future leaders in a thousand industries. i see a thousand losers.
"you"re upset. that"s understandable. after all, how can i, lawrence "larry" ellison, college dropout, have the audacity to spout such heresy to the graduating class of one of the nation"s most prestigious institutions? i"ll tell you why. because i, lawrence "larry" ellison, second richest man on the planet, am a college dropout, and you are not.
"because bill gates, richest man on the planet -- for now, anyway -- is a college ropout, and you are not.
"because paul allen, the third richest man on the planet, dropped out of college, and you did not.
"and for good measure, because michael dell, no. 9 on the list and moving up fast, is a college dropout, and you, yet again, are not.
"hmm . . . you"re very upset. that"s understandable. so let me stroke your egos for a moment by pointing out, quite sincerely, that your diplomas were not attained in vain. most of you, i imagine, have spent four to five years here, and in many ways what you"ve learned and endured will serve you well in the years ahead. you"ve established good work habits. you"ve established a network of people that will help you down the road. and you"ve established what will be lifelong relationships with the word "therapy." all that of is good. for in truth, you will need that network. you will need those strong work habits. you will need that therapy.
"you will need them because you didn"t drop out, and so you will never be among the richest people in the world. oh sure, you may, perhaps, work your way up to no. 10 or no. 11, like steve ballmer. but then, i don"t have to tell you who he really works for, do i? and for the record, he dropped out of grad school. bit of a late bloomer.
"finally, i realize that many of you, and hopefully by now most of you, are wondering, "is there anything i can do? is there any hope for me at all?" actually, no. it"s too late. you"ve absorbed too much, think you know too much. you"re not 19 anymore. you have a built-in cap, and i"m not referring to the mortar boards on your heads.
"hmm... you"re really very upset. that"s understandable. so perhaps this would be a good time to bring up the silver lining. not for you, class of "00. you are a write-off, so i"ll let you slink off to your pathetic $200,000-a-year jobs, where your checks will be signed by former classmates who dropped out two years ago.
"instead, i want to give hope to any underclassmen here today. i say to you, and i can"t stress this enough: leave. pack your things and your ideas and don"t come back. drop out. start up.
"for i can tell you that a cap and gown will keep you down just as surely as these security guards dragging me off this stage are keeping me down . . ."
(at this point the oracle ceo was ushered off stage.)
現(xiàn)在,我猜想你們中間很多人,也許是絕大多數(shù)人,正在琢磨,"我能做什么? 我究竟有沒有前途?"當(dāng)然沒有。太晚了,你們已經(jīng)吸收了太多東西,以為自己懂得太多。你們?cè)僖膊皇?9歲了。你們有了"內(nèi)置"的帽子,哦,我指的可不是你們腦袋上的學(xué)位帽。
you all are leaving your alma mater now. i have no gift to present you all e_cept a piece of advice.
what i would like to advise is that "don’t give up your study." most of the courses you have taken are partly for your certificate. you had no choice but to take them. from now on, you may study on your own. i would advise you to work hard at some special field when you are still young and vigorous. your youth will be gone that will never come back to you again. when you are old, and when your energy are getting poorer, you will not be able to as you wish to. even though you have to study in order to make a living, studies will never live up to you. making a living without studying, you will be shifted out in three or five years. at this time when you hope to make it up, you will say it is too late. perhaps you will say, "after graduation and going into the society, we will meet with an urgent problem, that is, to make a living. for this we have no time to study. even though we hope to study, we have no library nor labs, how can we study further?"畢業(yè)典禮英文演講稿
i would like to say that all those who wait to have a library will not study further even though they have one and all these who wait to have a lab will not do e_periments even though they have one. when you have a firm resolution and determination to solve a problem, you will naturally economize on food and clothing.
as for time, i should say it’s not a problem. you may know that every day he could do only an hour work, not much more than that because darwin was ill for all his life. you must have read his achievements. every day you spend an hour in reading 10 useful pages, then you will read more than 3650 pages every year. in 30 years you will have read 110,000 pages.
my fellow students, reading 110,000 pages will make you a scholar. but it will take you an hour to read three kinds of small-sized newspapers and it will take you an hour and a half to play four rounds of mahjian pieces. reading small-sized newspapers or playing mahjian pieces, or working hard to be a scholar? it’s up to you all.
henrik ibsen said, "it is your greatest duty to make yourself out."
studying is then as tool as casting. giving up studying will destroy yourself.
i have to say goodbye to you all. your alma mater will open her eyes to see what you will be in 10 years. goodbye!
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嗯 你們已經(jīng)非常沮喪啦。這是可以理解的。所以,現(xiàn)在可能是討論實(shí)質(zhì)的時(shí)候啦——
我要告訴你,一頂帽子一套學(xué)位服必然要讓你淪落 就像這些保安馬上要把我從這個(gè)講臺(tái)上攆走一樣必然 (此時(shí),larry被帶離了講臺(tái))
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大學(xué)畢業(yè)典禮演講稿 模板9
這件事情做起來一點(diǎn)都不浪漫。因?yàn)闆]有自己的宿舍,我只能睡在朋友房間的地板上;可樂瓶的押金是5分錢,我把瓶子還回去好用押金買吃的;在每個(gè)周日的晚上,我都會(huì)步行7英里穿越市區(qū),到hare krishna教堂吃一頓大餐,我喜歡那兒的食物。我跟隨好奇心和直覺所做的事情,事后證明大多數(shù)都是極其珍貴的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。
再次說明的是,你在向前展望的時(shí)候不可能將這些片斷串連起來;你只能在回顧的時(shí)候?qū)Ⅻc(diǎn)點(diǎn)滴滴串連起來。所以你必須相信這些片斷會(huì)在你未來的某一天串連起來。你必須要相信某些東西:你的`勇氣、目的、生命、因緣。這個(gè)過程從來沒有令我失望(let me down),只是讓我的生命更加地與眾不同而已。
在我年輕的時(shí)候,有一本非常棒的雜志叫《全球目錄》(the whole earth catalog),它被我們那一代人奉為圭臬。這本雜志的創(chuàng)辦人是一個(gè)叫斯圖爾特.布蘭德的家伙,他住在menlo park,距離這兒不遠(yuǎn)。他把這本雜志辦得充滿詩意。那是在60年代末期,個(gè)人電腦、桌面發(fā)排系統(tǒng)還沒有出現(xiàn),所以出版工具只有打字機(jī)、剪刀和寶麗來相機(jī)。這本雜志有點(diǎn)像印在紙上的google,但那是在google出現(xiàn)的35年前;它充滿了理想色彩,內(nèi)容都是些非常好用的工具和了不起的見解。
斯圖爾特和他的團(tuán)隊(duì)做了幾期《全球目錄》,快無疾而終的時(shí)候,他們出版了最后一期。那是在70年代中期,我當(dāng)時(shí)處在你們現(xiàn)在的年齡。在最后一期的封底有一張清晨鄉(xiāng)間公路的照片,如果你喜歡搭車冒險(xiǎn)旅行的話,經(jīng)常會(huì)碰到的那種小路。在照片下面有一排字:物有所不足,智有所不明(stay hungry. stay foolish.)這是他們__的告別留言。物有所不足,智有所不明。我總是以此自詡?,F(xiàn)在,在你們畢業(yè)開始新生活的時(shí)候,我把這句話送給你們
—— 好學(xué)若饑、謙卑若愚。 "
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124年前,第一顆石頭打下了樁,鋪出的路,一路綿延到下一村——你今天的所在。patrick manson抵抗無知,堅(jiān)持科學(xué)實(shí)證的知識(shí)學(xué)習(xí);孫逸仙抵抗腐壞,堅(jiān)持清明合理的管理制度。你是否想過:在你的時(shí)代里,在你的社會(huì)里,你會(huì)抵抗些什么,堅(jiān)持些什么?
你們是香港大學(xué)一百周年的畢業(yè)生,而香港大學(xué)的前身,是1887年成立的"香港華人西醫(yī)學(xué)堂"。如果這點(diǎn)你們不覺得有什么特別了不起,那我們看看1887年前后是一個(gè)什么樣的時(shí)代。我們不妨記得,在1887年,尸體的解剖在大多數(shù)中國人眼中還是大逆不道的,而西醫(yī)學(xué)堂已經(jīng)要求它的學(xué)生必修解剖課。我們不妨記得,當(dāng)魯迅的父親重病在床——那已是1897年,紹興的醫(yī)生給他開的藥引,是一對(duì)蟋蟀,而且必須是"元配"。了解這個(gè)時(shí)代氛圍,你才能體會(huì)到,124年前,創(chuàng)辦西醫(yī)學(xué)堂是一個(gè)多么重大的﹑改變時(shí)代的里程碑,你才能意識(shí)到,那幕后推動(dòng)的人,必須配備多么深沉的社會(huì)責(zé)任感和多么遠(yuǎn)大的器識(shí)與目光,才可能開創(chuàng)那樣的新時(shí)代。是何啟和patrick manson這樣的拓荒者,把你們帶到今天這個(gè)禮堂里來的。
1887年10月1日,香港華人西醫(yī)學(xué)堂首度舉行開學(xué)典禮,首任學(xué)堂院長patrick manson致辭——曾經(jīng)在臺(tái)灣和廈門行醫(yī)的manson到今天都被尊稱為"熱帶醫(yī)學(xué)之父"——他說,這個(gè)西醫(yī)學(xué)堂,"會(huì)為香港創(chuàng)造一個(gè)機(jī)會(huì),使香港不僅只是一個(gè)商品中心,它更可以是一個(gè)科學(xué)研究的中心"。看著臺(tái)下的入學(xué)新生,他語重心長地說,"古典希臘人總愛自豪而且極度認(rèn)真地?cái)?shù)他們的著名偉人,我們可以期待,在未來的新的中國,當(dāng)學(xué)者爭(zhēng)論誰是中國的著名偉人的時(shí)候,會(huì)有一些偉人來自香港,而且此刻就坐在這個(gè)開學(xué)典禮之中。"
從 manson 1887年的開學(xué)致辭,到今天2024年的畢業(yè)演講,我們的生活方式有了深沉的改變,而這些改變,來自一些特殊的人。目光如炬者,革新了教育制度;行動(dòng)如劍者,改造了整個(gè)國家;還有很多既聰慧又鍥而不舍的人,發(fā)明了各種疫苗。今天你我所處的世界,天花徹底滅絕,瘧疾和霍亂病毒已經(jīng)相當(dāng)程度被控制,臺(tái)灣和香港的女生已經(jīng)不知道有"頭虱"這個(gè)東西。西醫(yī)學(xué)堂創(chuàng)立124年之后的今天,港大醫(yī)學(xué)院培養(yǎng)出很多世界頂尖的學(xué)者和醫(yī)生,為全球社區(qū)的幸福作貢獻(xiàn)。
也許你會(huì)問,既然前面的"長老們",譬如patrick manson,譬如孫逸仙,已經(jīng)完成這么多重大的貢獻(xiàn),還有什么是你們這一代人,是你,可以做夢(mèng),可以挑戰(zhàn),可以全身投入,可以奉獻(xiàn)和追求的呢?今天的世界,還有什么未完成﹑待完成的使命嗎?
43歲的patrick manson在創(chuàng)建西醫(yī)學(xué)堂之前,研究過他所處的時(shí)與地。地,是香港,那時(shí)香港華人的醫(yī)療照顧與對(duì)洋人的照顧相比是一個(gè)悲慘的狀態(tài)。時(shí),是晚清,傳統(tǒng)的價(jià)值體系正分崩離析而新的秩序和結(jié)構(gòu)還未成形。孫逸仙畢業(yè)時(shí)26歲,每天從上環(huán)爬上陡峭的石階上學(xué),無時(shí)無刻不在"診斷"這個(gè)社會(huì)的存在狀態(tài),思索如何為人創(chuàng)造更大的幸福。
你和我所生活的這個(gè)社會(huì),最特殊的地方就是,一個(gè)攝影師不必守候太久就可以在街頭捕捉到這樣的畫面:剛好一輛 rolls royce 緩緩駛過一個(gè)老人的身影,他正低著頭在路邊的垃圾桶里翻找東西。
我無意鼓吹你們應(yīng)該效法魯迅棄醫(yī)從文,或者跟隨孫逸仙做革命家,或者全都去從事社會(huì)工作,因?yàn)槿松刑嘤腥さ穆房梢赃x擇了。我想說的僅只是,身為這么一個(gè)重要傳承的接棒人,你也許可以多花那么一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)時(shí)間思索一下自己來自哪里﹑何處可之。124年前,第一顆石頭打下了樁,鋪出的路,一路綿延到下一村——你今天的所在。patrick manson抵抗無知,堅(jiān)持科學(xué)實(shí)證的知識(shí)學(xué)習(xí);孫逸仙抵抗腐壞,堅(jiān)持清明合理的管理制度。你是否想過:在你的時(shí)代里,在你的社會(huì)里,你會(huì)抵抗些什么,堅(jiān)持些什么?
patrick manson后來擔(dān)任倫敦殖民部的醫(yī)療顧問,負(fù)責(zé)為申請(qǐng)到熱帶亞非地區(qū)做下層工作的人進(jìn)行體檢,體檢不通過的,就得不到這樣的工作機(jī)會(huì)。這時(shí),他發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)未曾預(yù)料的問題:90%的體檢者都有一口爛牙,檢查不合格。畢竟,有錢人才看得起牙醫(yī)。他該怎么辦呢?
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chancellor wrighton, members of the board of trustees and the administration, distinguished faculty, class of 1965, hard-working staff, my fellow honorees, proud and relieved parents, calm and serene grandparents, distracted but secretly pleased siblings, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, graduating students, good morning. i am deeply honored that you have asked me here to say a few words at this momentous occasion, that you might find what i have to say worthy of your attention on so important a day at this remarkable institution.
it had been my intention this morning to parcel out some good advice at the end of theseremarks – the "goodness" of that being of course subjective in the e_treme – but then irealized that this is the land of mark twain, and i came to the conclusion that anycommentary today ought to be framed in the sublime shadow of this quote of his: "it"s notthat the world is full of fools, it"s just that lightening isn"t distributed right." … more on mr.twain later.
i am in the business of history. it is my job to try to discern some patterns and themes fromthe past to help us interpret our dizzyingly confusing and sometimes dismaying present.without a knowledge of that past, how can we possibly know where we are and, mostimportant, where we are going? over the years i"ve come to understand an important fact, ithink: that we are not condemned to repeat, as the cliché goes and we are fond of quoting,what we don"t remember. that"s a clever, even poetic phrase, but not even close to the truth.nor are there cycles of history, as the academic community periodically promotes. the bible,ecclesiastes to be specific, got it right, i think: "what has been will be again. what has beendone will be done again. there is nothing new under the sun."
what that means is that human nature never changes. or almost never changes. we havecontinually superimposed our comple_ and contradictory nature over the random course ofhuman events. all of our inherent strengths and weaknesses, our greed and generosity, ourpuritanism and our prurience parade before our eyes, generation after generation aftergeneration. this often gives us the impression that history does repeat itself. it doesn"t. itjust rhymes, mark twain is supposed to have said…but he didn"t (more on him later).
over the many years of practicing, i have come to the realization that history is not a fi_edthing, a collection of precise dates, facts and events (even cogent commencement quotes)that add up to a quantifiable, certain, confidently known, truth. it is a mysterious andmalleable thing. and each generation rediscovers and re-e_amines that part of its past thatgives its present, and most important, its future new meaning, new possibilities and new power.
listen. for most of the forty years i"ve been making historical documentaries, i have beenhaunted and inspired by a handful of sentences from an e_traordinary speech i came acrossearly in my professional life by a neighbor of yours just up the road in springfield, illinois. injanuary of 1838, shortly before his 29th birthday, a tall, thin lawyer, prone to bouts ofdebilitating depression, addressed the young men"s lyceum. the topic that day was nationalsecurity. "at what point shall we e_pect the approach of danger?" he asked his audience. "…shall we e_pect some transatlantic military giant to step the earth and crush us at a blow?"then he answered his own question: "never. all the armies of europe, asia, and africa … couldnot by force take a drink from the ohio [river] or make a track on the blue ridge in a trial of athousand years … if destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. as anation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." it is a stunning,remarkable statement.
that young man was, of course, abraham lincoln, and he would go on to preside over theclosest this country has ever come to near national suicide, our civil war – fought over themeaning of freedom in america. and yet embedded in his e_traordinary, disturbing andprescient words is a fundamental optimism that implicitly acknowledges the geographicalforce-field two mighty oceans and two relatively benign neighbors north and south haveprovided for us since the british burned the white house in the war of 1812.
we have counted on abraham lincoln for more than a century and a half to get it right whenthe undertow in the tide of those human events has threatened to overwhelm and capsize us.we always come back to him for the kind of sustaining vision of why we americans still agree tocohere, why unlike any other country on earth, we are still stitched together by words and, mostimportant, their dangerous progeny, ideas. we return to him for a sense of unity, conscienceand national purpose. to escape what the late historian arthur schlesinger, jr., said is ourproblem today: "too much pluribus, not enough unum."
it seems to me that lincoln gave our fragile e_periment a conscious shock that enabled it tooutgrow the monumental hypocrisy of slavery inherited at our founding and permitted us all,slave owner as well as slave, to have literally, as he put it at gettysburg, "a new birth offreedom."
lincoln"s springfield speech also suggests what is so great and so good about the people whoinhabit this lucky and e_quisite country of ours (that"s the world you now inherit): our workethic, our restlessness, our innovation and our improvisation, our communities and ourinstitutions of higher learning, our suspicion of power; the fact that we seem resolutelydedicated to parsing the meaning between individual and collective freedom; that we arededicated to understanding what thomas jefferson really meant when he wrote thatinscrutable phrase "the pursuit of happiness."
but ladies and gentlemen, the isolation of those two mighty oceans has also helped toincubate habits and patterns less beneficial to us: our devotion to money and guns; ourcertainty – about everything; our stubborn insistence on our own e_ceptionalism, blinding usto that which needs repair, our preoccupation with always making the other wrong, at anindividual as well as global level.
and then there is the issue of race, which was foremost on the mind of lincoln back in 1838. itis still here with us today. the jazz trumpeter wynton marsalis told me that healing thisquestion of race was what "the kingdom needed in order to be well." before the enormousstrides in equality achieved in statutes and laws in the 150 years since the civil war thatlincoln correctly predicted would come are in danger of being undone by our still imperfecthuman nature and by politicians who now insist on a hypocritical color-blindness – after fourcenturies of discrimination. that discrimination now takes on new, sometimes subtler, lessobvious but still malevolent forms today. the chains of slavery have been broken, thank god,and so too has the feudal dependence of sharecroppers as the vengeful jim crow era recedes(sort of) into the distant past. but now in places like – but not limited to – your otherneighbors a few miles as the crow flies from here in ferguson, we see the ghastly remnants ofour great shame emerging still, the shame lincoln thought would lead to national suicide, ourinability to see beyond the color of someone"s skin. it has been with us since our founding.
when thomas jefferson wrote that immortal second sentence of the declaration that begins, "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…," he owned more thana hundred human beings. he never saw the contradiction, he never saw the hypocrisy, andmore important never saw fit in his lifetime to free any one of those human beings, ensuring aswe went forward that the young united states – born with such glorious promise – would bebedeviled by race, that it would take a bloody, bloody civil war to even begin to redress theimbalance.
but the shame continues: prison populations e_ploding with young black men, young black menkilled almost weekly by policemen, whole communities of color burdened by corruptmunicipalities that resemble more the predatory company store of a supposedly bygone erathan a responsible local government. our cities and towns and suburbs cannot become modernplantations.
it is unconscionable, as you emerge from this privileged sanctuary, that a few miles fromhere – and nearly everywhere else in america: baltimore, new york city, north charleston,cleveland, oklahoma, sanford, florida, nearly everywhere else – we are still playing out, sadly,an utterly american story, that the same stultifying conditions and sentiments that brought onour civil war are still on such vivid and unpleasant display. today, today. there"s nothingnew under the sun.
many years after our civil war, in 1883, mark twain took up writing in earnest a novel he hadstarted and abandoned several times over the last half-dozen years. it would be a different kindof story from his celebrated tom sawyer book, told this time in the plain language of hismissouri boyhood – and it would be his masterpiece.
set near here, before the civil war and emancipation, ‘the adventures of huckleberry finn" isthe story of two runaways – a white boy, tom sawyer"s old friend huck, fleeing civilization, anda black man, jim, who is running away from slavery. they escape together on a raft goingdown the mississippi.the novel reaches its moral clima_ when huck is faced with a terrible choice. he believes he has committed a grievous sin in helping jim escape, and he finally writes out a letter, telling jim"s owner where her runaway property can be found. huck feels good about doing this at first, he says, and marvels at "how close i came to being lost and going to hell."
but then he hesitates, thinking about how kind jim has been to him during their adventure. "…somehow," huck says, "i couldn"t seem to strike no place to harden me against him, but only the other kind. i"d see him standing my watch on top of his"n, ‘stead of calling me, so i could go on sleeping; and see how glad he was when i come back out of the fog;…and such like times; and would always call me honey…and do everything he could think of for me, and how good he always was…"
then, huck remembers the letter he has written. "i took it up, and held it in my hand," he says. "i was a-trembling because i"d got to decide, forever, betwi_t two things, and i knowed it. i studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself: ‘all right then, i"ll go to hell" – and tore it up."
that may be the finest moment in all of american literature. ernest hemingway thought all of american literature began at that moment.
twain, himself, writing after the civil war and after the collapse of reconstruction, a misunderstood period devoted to trying to enforce civil rights, was actually e_pressing his profound disappointment that racial differences still persisted in america, that racism still festered in this favored land, founded as it was on the most noble principle yet advanced by humankind – that all men are created equal. that civil war had not cleansed our original sin, a sin we continue to confront today, daily, in this supposedly enlightened "post-racial" time.
it is into this disorienting and sometimes disappointing world that you now plummet, i"m afraid, unprotected from the shelter of family and school. you have fresh prospects and real dreams and i wish each and every one of you the very best. but i am drafting you now into a new union army that must be committed to preserving the values, the sense of humor, the sense of cohesion that have long been a part of our american nature, too. you have no choice, you"ve been called up, and it is your difficult, but great and challenging responsibility to help change things and set us right again.
let me apologize to you in advance on behalf of all the people up here. we broke it, but you"ve got to fi_ it. you"re joining a movement that must be dedicated above all else – career and personal advancement – to the preservation of this country"s most enduring ideals. you have to learn, and then re-teach the rest of us that equality – real equality – is the hallmark and birthright of all americans. thankfully, you will become a vanguard against a new separatism that seems to have infected our ranks, a vanguard against those forces that, in the name of our great democracy, have managed to diminish it. then, you can change human nature just a bit, to appeal, as lincoln also implored us, to appeal to "the better angels of our nature." that"s the objective. and i know, i know you can do it.
ok. rounding third.
let me speak directly to the graduating class. (watch out. here comes the advice.)
remember: black lives matter. all lives matter.
reject fundamentalism wherever it raises its ugly head. it"s not civilized. choose to live in thebedford falls of "it"s a wonderful life," not its oppressive opposite, pottersville.
do not descend too deeply into specialism. educate all of your parts. you will be healthier.
replace cynicism with its old-fashioned antidote, skepticism.
don"t confuse monetary success with e_cellence. the poet robert penn warren once warnedme that "careerism is death."
try not to make the other wrong.
be curious, not cool.
remember, insecurity makes liars of us all.
listen to jazz. a lot, a lot. it is our music.
read. the book is still the greatest manmade machine of all – not the car, not the tv, not thecomputer or the smartphone.
do not allow our social media to segregate us into ever smaller tribes and clans, fiercely andsometimes appropriately loyal to our group, but also capable of metastasizing into profounddistrust of the other.
serve your country. by all means serve your country. but insist that we fight the right wars.governments always forget that.
convince your government that the real threat, as lincoln knew, comes from within.governments always forget that, too. do not let your government outsource honesty,transparency or candor. do not let your government outsource democracy.
vote. elect good leaders. when he was nominated in 1936, franklin delano roosevelt said, "better the occasional faults of a government that lives in a spirit of charity than theconsistent omissions of a government frozen in the ice of its own indifference." we alldeserve the former. and insist on it.
insist that we support science and the arts, especially the arts. they have nothing to do withthe actual defense of the country – they just make our country worth defending.
be about the "unum," not the "pluribus."
do not lose your enthusiasm. in its greek etymology, the word enthusiasm means simply, "god in us."
and even though lightning still isn"t distributed right, try not to be a fool. it just gets marktwain riled up a bit.
and if you ever find yourself in huck"s spot, if you"ve "got to decide betwi_t two things," do theright thing. don"t forget to tear up the letter. he didn"t go to hell – and you won"t either.
so we come to an end of something today – and for you also a very special beginning. godspeed to you all.
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thank you all and good afternoon alumni, graduates, families, friends, honored guests. for seven years now, it has been my assignment and my privilege to deliver an annual report to our alumni, and to serve as the warm-up act for our distinguished speaker.
whether this is your first opportunity to be a part of these e_ercises or your fiftieth, it is worthtaking a minute to soak in this place—its sheltering trees, its familiar buildings, its enduringvoices. in 1936, this part of harvard’s yard was named tercentenary theatre, in recognition ofharvard’s three hundredth birthday. it is a place where giants have stood, and history has beenmade.
we were reminded this morning of george washington’s adventures here. and from this stagein 1943, winston churchill addressed an overflow crowd that included 6,000 uniformedharvard students heading off to war. he said he hoped the young recruits would come toregard the british soldiers and sailors they would soon fight alongside as their “brothers inarms,” and he assured the audience that “we shall never tire, nor weaken, but march withyou … to establish the reign of justice and of law.”
four years later, from this same place, george marshall introduced a plan that aidedreconstruction across war-stricken europe, and ended his speech by asking: “what is needed?what can best be done? what must be done?”
here, in 1998, nelson mandela addressed an audience of 25,000 and spoke of our sharedfuture. “the greatest single challenge facing our globalized world,” he said, “is to combat anderadicate its disparities.” ellen johnson sirleaf, the first female head of state in africa, stoodhere 13 years later and encouraged graduates to resist cynicism and to be fearless.
here, on the terrible afternoon of september 11, 2024, we gathered under a cloudless sky toshare our sadness, our horror, and our disbelief.
and here, just three years ago, we marked harvard’s 375th anniversary dancing in the mud of atorrential downpour. here, president franklin delano roosevelt had celebrated harvard’s threecenturies of accomplishment in a comparably soaking rain.
here, j.k. rowling encouraged graduates to “think themselves into other people’s places.” andconan o’brien told them that “every failure was freeing.”
here, honorary degrees have been presented to carl jung and jean piaget, ellsworth kelly andgeorgia o’keefe, helen keller and martha graham, ravi shankar and leonard bernstein, joandidion and philip roth, eric kandel and elizabeth blackburn, bill gates and tim berners-lee.
i remember feeling awed by that history when i spoke here at my installation as harvard’s28th president, and when i reflected on what has always seemed to me the essence of auniversity: that among society’s institutions, it is uniquely accountable to the past and to thefuture.
our accountability to the past is all around us: behind me stands memorial church, amonument to harvardians who gave their lives at the somme and ypres and verdun duringworld war one. dedicated on armistice day in 1932, it represents harvard’s long tradition ofcommitment to service.
in front of me is widener library, a gift from a bereaved mother, named in honor of her sonharry, who perished aboard the titanic. a library built to advance the learning and discoveryenabled by one of the most diverse and broad collections in the world. widener’s twelvemajestic columns safeguard te_ts and manuscripts—some centuries old—that are deployedevery day by scholars to help us interpret—and reinterpret—the past.
but this afternoon i would like to spend a few minutes considering our accountability to thefuture, because these obligations must be “our compass to steer by,” our common purpose andour shared commitment.
what does harvard—what do universities—owe the future?
first, we owe the world answers.
discovery is at the heart of what universities do. universities engage faculty and studentsacross a range of disciplines in seeking solutions to problems that may have seemedunsolvable, endeavoring to answer questions that threaten to elude us. the scientific researchundertaken today at harvard, and tomorrow by the students we educate, has a capacity toimprove human lives in ways virtually unimaginable even a generation ago. in this past yearalone, harvard researchers have solved riddles related to the treatment of alzheimer’s, thecost-effective production of malaria vaccine, and the origins of the universe. harvardresearchers have proposed answers to challenges as varied as nuclear proliferation, americancompetitiveness, and governance of the internet.
we must continue to support our answer-seekers, who work at the crossroads of thetheoretical and the applied, at the ne_us of research, public policy, and entrepreneurship.together, they will shape our future and enhance our understanding of the world.
second, we owe the world questions.
just as questions yield answers, answers yield questions. human beings may long forcertainty, but, as oliver wendell holmes put it, “certainty generally is illusion, and repose isnot the destiny of man.” universities produce knowledge. they must also produce doubt. thepursuit of truth is restless. we search for answers not by following prescribed paths, but byfinding the right questions—by answering one question with another question, by nurturing astate of mind that is fle_ible and alert, dissatisfied and imaginative. it is what universitiesare designed to do. in an essay in harvard magazine, one of today’s graduates, cheroneduggan, wrote about seeking what she called “an education of questions.” i hope we haveindeed given her that.
questions are the foundation for progress—for ensuring that the world transcends where weare now, what we know now.
and questions are also the foundation for a third obligation that we as universities owe thefuture: we owe the future meaning.
universities must nurture the ability to interpret, to make critical judgments, to dare to askthe biggest questions, the ones that reach well beyond the immediate and the instrumental.we must stimulate the appetite for curiosity.
we find many of these questions in the humanities: what is good? what is just? how do weknow what is true? but we find them in the sciences as well. can there be any question moreprofound, more fundamental than to ask about the origins of the universe? how did we gethere?
questions like these can be unsettling, and they can make universities unsettling places. butthat too is an essential part of what we owe the future—the promise to combatcomplacency, to challenge the present in order to prepare for what is to come. to shape thepresent in service of an uncertain and yet impatient future.
we owe the future answers. we owe the future questions. we owe the future meaning. theharvard campaign, launched last september, will help us fulfill these obligations, and pay ourdebt to the future, just as the gifts of previous generations anchor us here today.
as today’s ceremonies so powerfully remind us, we also owe the future the men and women whoare prepared to ask questions and seek answers and search for meaning for decades to come.today we send some 6,500 graduates into the world, to be teachers and lawyers, scientists andphysicians, poets and planners and public servants, and—as our speaker this morning remindedus—to be in their own ways revolutionaries. ready to take on everything from water scarcity tovirtual currency to community policing. we must continue to invest in financial aid to attractand support the talented students who can build our future, and also we must invest insupporting the teaching and learning that ensures the fullest development of their capacities ina rapidly changing world.
if we fulfill our obligation, today’s graduates will have found the “education of questions”cherone described, a place where, as she put it, “ceilings are only made of sky.” but look aroundyou: we are there. this space is a “theatre” without walls, without a roof, and without limits. itis a place where e_traordinary individuals have preceded us, a place that must encourage ourgraduates—of today and all the years past—to emulate those women and men, to look skywardand to soar.
thank you very much.
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想必大家一定都還記得randy pausch那篇曾經(jīng)感動(dòng)過無數(shù)人的《真正實(shí)現(xiàn)你的童年夢(mèng)想》的演講吧。我這里推薦的是他2024年5月19號(hào)(大約在他去世前的兩多月),在其母校卡內(nèi)基梅隆大學(xué)畢業(yè)典禮上的演講。這篇演講只有6分鐘左右,而且風(fēng)格和之前的那篇很不同。在這篇演講里,他少了些幽默,卻多了些真誠的忠告。相信大家看后一定會(huì)受益匪淺。
最后,謹(jǐn)以此文獻(xiàn)給randy pausch。
september 18, 2024
蘭迪·波許在卡內(nèi)基梅隆大學(xué)畢業(yè)典禮上的演講 演講稿中英文對(duì)照
i am glad to be here today, hell, i am glad to be anywhere today.
president cohon asked me to come and give the charge to the graduates. i assure you, it"snothing compared to the charge you have just given me.
this is an incredible place. i have seen it through so many lenses. i saw it when i was agraduate student that didn"t get admitted and then somebody invited me back and said, ok,we"ll change our mind.
and i saw it as a place that hired me back to be on the faculty many years later and gave methe chance to do what anybody wants to do, which is ,follow their passion, follow their heartand do the things they they"re e_cited about.
and the great thing about this university unlike almost all the other ones i know of is thatnobody gets in your way when you try to do it. and that"s just fantastic.
and to the degree that a human being can love an institution. i love this place and i love all ofthe people and i am very grateful to jerry cohon and everyone else for all the kindness thathave shown me.
last august i was told that in all likelihood i had three to si_ months left to live. i am onmonth nine now and i am gonna get down and do any push-ups…but there will be a short pick-up basketball game later.
somebody said to me, in light of those numbers, wow, so you aer really beating the grimreaper. and what i said without even thinking about is that we don"t beat the reaper by livinglonger. we beat the reaper by living well, and living fully.
for the reaper will come for all of us, the question is what do we do between the time we areborn and the time he shows up.
"cause he shows up it is too late to do all the things that you"re always gonna kind of "get roundto". so i think the only advice i can give you on how to live your life well is, first off, remember,it"s a cliche, but love cliche, "it is not the things we do in life that we regret on our deathbed,it is the things we do not".
"cause i assure you i"ve done a lot of stupid things and none of them bother me. all themistakes, all the dopy things and all the times i was embarrassed they don"t matter. whatmatter is that, i can kind of look back and say, "pretty much anytime i got a chance to dosomething cool, i tried to grab for it." and that"s where my solace come from.
the second thing i would add to that, and i didn"t coordinate on the subject of this word but ithink it"s the right word that comes up, is passion. and you will need to find you passion.many of you have already done it, many of you will later, many of you will take till your 30s or40s. but don"t give up on finding it. alright? "cause then all you"re doing is waiting for thereaper. find you passion and follow it.
and if there"s anything i have learned in my life, you will not find passion in things. and youwill not find that passion in money. because the more things and the more money you have,the more you will just look around and use that as the metric, and there will always be someonewith more.
so your passion must come from the things that fuel you from the inside. and honors andawards are nice things but only to be the e_tent that they regard the real respect from yourpeers. and to be thought well of by other people that you think even more highly of is atremendous honor that i"ve been granted.
find you passion and in my e_perience, no matter what you do at work or what you do inofficial settings, that passion would be grounded in people. and it will be grounded in therelationships you have with people, and what they think of you, when you time comes. and ifyou can gain the respect of those around you, and the passion and true love, and i"ve said thisbefore, but i waited till 39 to get married because i had to wait that long to find someonewhere her happiness was more important than mine. and if nothing else i hope that all of youcan find that kind of passion and that kind of love in your life.
thank you!
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今年的教育界有一則新聞,相信很多同學(xué)都已聽說.原復(fù)旦大學(xué)校長楊福家教授被英國諾丁漢大學(xué)推舉為 chancellor 。英國的大學(xué)校長稱作 vice chancellor, chancellor 則相當(dāng)于校董會(huì)主席,或名譽(yù)校長。雖然不管學(xué)校的行政事務(wù),但畢業(yè)典禮是一定要來的,因?yàn)閷W(xué)位是由 chancellor 授予的。參加畢業(yè)典禮后回到上海的楊教授對(duì)記者說,看來,我們的大學(xué)畢業(yè)典禮也應(yīng)該搞得更隆重些。我想他是看到許許多多畢業(yè)生的親朋好友列席畢業(yè)典禮,校園里到處都是熱烈慶祝的場(chǎng)面有感而發(fā)說了這番話的。
大學(xué)畢業(yè)畢竟不同于中小學(xué)。大學(xué)畢業(yè)標(biāo)志著成熟、標(biāo)志著自立。今天在座的 974 名北郵畢業(yè)生, 619 人已經(jīng)簽約就業(yè), 355 人已經(jīng)收到研究生錄取通知書。不論你們大學(xué)畢業(yè)后的第一步走上了哪一條道,相信你們都會(huì)有光輝的前程,請(qǐng)?jiān)试S我代表全校師生員工向你們表示熱烈的祝賀。(掌聲)
畢業(yè)這個(gè)詞英文用" graduation " , 這個(gè)詞的詞根沒有"完成"、"結(jié)束"的意思,而是蘊(yùn)含開始、進(jìn)步的意義。這其實(shí)是對(duì)畢業(yè)很好的詮釋,希望你們也能從中得到啟迪。我們今天隆重集會(huì),不是慶祝"結(jié)束",而是歡呼開始;不是紀(jì)念"完成",而是宣布進(jìn)步。
前年,加利福尼亞大學(xué) riverside 分校校長來訪就告訴我,他們有本科生創(chuàng)辦軟件公司,教師是公司的顧問,問北郵有沒有,我說沒有。后來北郵試行彈性學(xué)制,可以休學(xué)辦公司。但兩年來,只有一個(gè)研究生與校長說過他有這個(gè)打算,但后來還是決定獲得博士學(xué)位以后再說。
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但是,我還要提醒大家,我使得steve ballmer(注:微軟總經(jīng)理)也從哈佛商學(xué)院退學(xué)了。因此,我是個(gè)有著惡劣影響力的人。這就是為什么我被邀請(qǐng)來在你們的畢業(yè)典禮上演講。如果我在你們?nèi)雽W(xué)歡迎儀式上演講,那么能夠堅(jiān)持到今天在這里畢業(yè)的人也許會(huì)少得多吧。
他享受辯論,就想聽到不同觀點(diǎn),又總是想贏。可是好勝心和好奇心,并沒有影響蓋茨最終成為一個(gè)謙虛的人。(李開復(fù)評(píng) )
比爾·蓋茨賺的錢比人類歷史上所有人都多,他在努力把錢捐獻(xiàn)出去。大多數(shù)人也許會(huì)把錢用在別的地方,或是只捐出一點(diǎn)點(diǎn),并希望別人給他們別上勛章,而不是像比爾·蓋茨那樣,把全部的時(shí)間都用在尋找真正行之有效的東西。這就是他畢生的工作。(克林頓評(píng) )
他是一個(gè)非常非常聰明的家伙,而且深愛技術(shù)。(貝瑞特評(píng) )
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feelings, failure and finding happiness
thank you, president hennessy, and to thetrustees and the faculty, to all of the parents andgrandparents, to you, the stanford graduates. thank you for letting me share this amazing daywith you.
i need to begin by letting everyone in on a little secret. the secret is that kirby bumpus,stanford class of "08, is my goddaughter. so, i was thrilled when president hennessy asked meto be your commencement speaker, because this is the first time i"ve been allowed on campussince kirby"s been here.
我決定透漏一個(gè)小秘密給大家來作為這次演講的開始。這個(gè)秘密就是kirby bumpus,斯坦福2024年的畢業(yè)生,是我的義女。所以當(dāng)hennessy校長讓我來做演講時(shí),我受寵若驚,因?yàn)樽詮膋irby來這上學(xué)以來,這是我第一次被允許到斯坦福來。
you see, kirby"s a very smart girl. she wants people to get to know her on her own terms, shesays. not in terms of who she knows. so, she never wants anyone who"s first meeting her toknow that i know her and she knows me. so, when she first came to stanford for new studentorientation with her mom, i hear that they arrived and everybody was so welcoming, andsomebody came up to kirby and they said, "ohmigod, that"s gayle king!" because a lot ofpeople know gayle king as my bff [best friend forever].
正如你們知道的那樣kirby是一個(gè)非常聰明的女孩。她說,她希望大家通過她自己的努力了解她,而不是她認(rèn)識(shí)誰。因此她從來不希望每一個(gè)第一次見到她的人知道她認(rèn)識(shí)我。當(dāng)她和她媽媽第一次來到斯坦福參加開學(xué)典禮時(shí),我聽說每個(gè)人都十分熱情。他們說:“我的天啊,那是gayle king”。因?yàn)楹芏嗳硕贾纆ayle king是我最好的朋友。
and so somebody comes up to kirby, and they say, "ohmigod, is that gayle king?" and kirby"slike, "uh-huh. she"s my mom."and so the person says, "ohmigod, does it mean, like, you knowoprah winfrey?"and kirby says, "sort of."
有些人走到kirby面前,對(duì)kirby說:“我的天啊,那是gayle king嗎?”kirby說:“嗯,她是我媽媽。”然后人們說:“我的天啊,難道說,你認(rèn)識(shí)oprah winfrey。”kirby說:“有點(diǎn)吧。”
i said, "sort of? you sort of know me?" well, i have photographic proof. i have pictures which ican e-mail to you all of kirby riding horsey with me on all fours. so, i more than sort-of knowkirby bumpus. and i"m so happy to be here, just happy that i finally, after four years, get tosee her room. there"s really nowhere else i"d rather be, because i"m so proud of kirby, whograduates today with two degrees, one in human bio and the other in psychology. love you,kirby cakes! that"s how well i know her. i can call her cakes.
我說:“有一點(diǎn)。你有一點(diǎn)認(rèn)識(shí)我”。我還有照片為證。我可以把kirby 和我騎馬時(shí)的照片e-mail給你們。因此我不僅僅只是有點(diǎn)認(rèn)識(shí)kirby bumpus。我非常高興來到這里,因?yàn)樗哪陙砦业谝淮蝸淼剿膶嬍摇N覟閗irby感到自豪,因?yàn)樗@得了人類生物學(xué)和心理學(xué)的雙學(xué)位。這就是我多么的了解她。我可以叫她cakes。
and so proud of her mother and father, who helped her get through this time, and her brother,will. i really had nothing to do with her graduating from stanford, but every time anybody"sasked me in the past couple of weeks what i was doing, i would say, "i"m getting ready to go tostanford."
i just love saying "stanford." because the truth is, i know i would have never gotten my degreeat all, "cause i didn"t go to stanford. i went to tennessee state university. but i never wouldhave gotten my diploma at all, because i was supposed to graduate back in 1975, but i wasshort one credit. and i figured, i"m just going to forget it, "cause, you know, i"m not going tomarch with my class. because by that point, i was already on television. i"d been in televisionsince i was 19 and a sophomore. granted, i was the only television anchor person that had an11 o"clock curfew doing the 10 o"clock news.
我就是喜歡這樣說stanford(用一種奇怪的語調(diào))。因?yàn)檫@是真的,我知道根本不會(huì)拿到我的學(xué)位,因?yàn)槲覜]有去斯坦福念書。我去了tennessee 州立大學(xué)。但是我本來不會(huì)拿到我的畢業(yè)證,因?yàn)槲冶緫?yīng)該在1975年畢業(yè),但是我少了一個(gè)學(xué)分。我認(rèn)為我還是會(huì)忘了這件事。你們知道,我不會(huì)比得上我的同班同學(xué)。因?yàn)槲乙呀?jīng)上了電視。我在19歲還是大學(xué)二年級(jí)的時(shí)候就已經(jīng)上了電視。我是唯一一個(gè)電視節(jié)目主持人,雖然有11點(diǎn)的宵禁,卻做著10點(diǎn)鐘的新聞。
seriously, my dad was like, "well, that news is over at 10:30. be home by 11."
but that didn"t matter to me, because i was earning a living. i was on my way. so, i thought,i"m going to let this college thing go and i only had one credit short. but, my father, from thattime on and for years after, was always on my case, because i did not graduate. he"d say, "oprah gail"—that"s my middle name—"i don"t know what you"re gonna do without thatdegree." and i"d say, "but, dad, i have my own television show."
嚴(yán)肅地說,我爸爸告訴我,“好吧,新聞10:30結(jié)束。11點(diǎn)之前到家。”但是這對(duì)我并不重要,因?yàn)槲乙呀?jīng)自食其力了。我在走我自己的路。所以我想,我不能讓關(guān)于我大學(xué)的那件事就這么過去,我還少一個(gè)學(xué)分。但是我的父親從那時(shí)起卻成了問題。由于我沒有畢業(yè),他總是說:“oprah gail(我的中間名字),我不知道沒有學(xué)位你能做些什么。”然后我說:“但是,爸爸,我已經(jīng)有我自己的電視節(jié)目啦。”
and he"d say, "well, i still don"t know what you"re going to do without that degree."
and i"d say, "but, dad, now i"m a talk show host." he"d say, "i don"t know how you"re going toget another job without that degree."
so, in 1987, tennessee state university invited me back to speak at their commencement. bythen, i had my own show, was nationally syndicated. i"d made a movie, had been nominated foran oscar and founded my company, harpo. but i told them, i cannot come and give a speechunless i can earn one more credit, because my dad"s still saying i"m not going to get anywherewithout that degree.
so, i finished my coursework, i turned in my final paper and i got the degree.and my dad wasvery proud. and i know that, if anything happens, that one credit will be my salvation.
but i also know why my dad was insisting on that diploma, because, as b. b. king put it, "thebeautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take that away from you." and learning isreally in the broadest sense what i want to talk about today, because your education, of course,isn"t ending here. in many ways, it"s only just begun.
但是我知道為什么我爸爸總是堅(jiān)持讓我獲得文憑,因?yàn)?,正如b. b. king所說:“關(guān)于學(xué)習(xí)的美好在于別人不會(huì)把知識(shí)從你身上拿走”學(xué)習(xí)正是我今天想說的,因?yàn)槟銈兊慕逃]有在這里結(jié)束。在很多情況下,這才是剛剛開使。
the world has so many lessons to teach you. i consider the world, this earth, to be like a schooland our life the classrooms. and sometimes here in this planet earth school the lessons oftencome dressed up as detours or roadblocks. and sometimes as full-blown crises. and the secreti"ve learned to getting ahead is being open to the lessons, lessons from the grandest universityof all, that is, the universe itself.
it"s being able to walk through life eager and open to self-improvement and that which isgoing to best help you evolve, "cause that"s really why we"re here, to evolve as human beings.to grow into more of ourselves, always moving to the ne_t level of understanding, the ne_t levelof compassion and growth.
i think about one of the greatest compliments i"ve ever received: i interviewed with a reporterwhen i was first starting out in chicago. and then many years later, i saw the same reporter.and she said to me, "you know what? you really haven"t changed. you"ve just become more ofyourself."
and that is really what we"re all trying to do, become more of ourselves. and i believe thatthere"s a lesson in almost everything that you do and every e_perience, and getting the lessonis how you move forward. it"s how you enrich your spirit. and, trust me, i know that innerwisdom is more precious than wealth. the more you spend it, the more you gain.
so, today, i just want to share a few lessons—meaning three—that i"ve learned in my journeyso far. and aren"t you glad? don"t you hate it when somebody says, "i"m going to share a few,"and it"s 10 lessons later? and, you"re like, "listen, this is my graduation. this is not about you."so, it"s only going to be three.
the three lessons that have had the greatest impact on my life have to do with feelings, withfailure and with finding happiness.
a year after i left college, i was given the opportunity to co-anchor the 6 o"clock news inbaltimore, because the whole goal in the media at the time i was coming up was you try tomove to larger markets. and baltimore was a much larger market than nashville. so, gettingthe 6 o"clock news co-anchor job at 22 was such a big deal. it felt like the biggest deal in theworld at the time.
and i was so proud, because i was finally going to have my chance to be like barbara walters,which is who i had been trying to emulate since the start of my tv career. so, i was 22 yearsold, making $22,000 a year. and it"s where i met my best friend, gayle, who was an intern atthe same tv station. and once we became friends, we"d say, "ohmigod, i can"t believe it!you"re making $22,000 and you"re only 22. imagine when you"re 40 and you"re making$40,000!"
我非常自豪,因?yàn)槲医K于有機(jī)會(huì)去效法barbara walters。而她正是我從業(yè)以來一直效法的對(duì)象。那時(shí)我22歲,每年掙22,000美元。我遇到了在電視臺(tái)做實(shí)習(xí)生的gayle,我們立刻成了好朋友。我們說:“我的天啊,真難以置信。你在22歲時(shí)掙每年能掙22,000美元。想象一下吧,當(dāng)你40歲時(shí)你每年就會(huì)掙40,000美元”
when i turned 40, i was so glad that didn"t happen.
so, here i am, 22, making $22,000 a year and, yet, it didn"t feel right. it didn"t feel right. thefirst sign, as president hennessy was saying, was when they tried to change my name. thenews director said to me at the time, "nobody"s going to remember oprah. so, we want tochange your name. we"ve come up with a name we think that people will remember and peoplewill like. it"s a friendly name: suzie."
hi, suzie. very friendly. you can"t be angry with suzie. remember suzie. but my name wasn"tsuzie. and, you know, i"d grown up not really loving my name, because when you"re looking foryour little name on the lunch bo_es and the license plate tags, you"re never going to findoprah.
so, i grew up not loving the name, but once i was asked to change it, i thought, well, it is myname and do i look like a suzie to you? so, i thought, no, it doesn"t feel right. i"m not going tochange my name. and if people remember it or not, that"s ok.
and then they said they didn"t like the way i looked. this was in 1976, when your boss couldcall you in and say, "i don"t like the way you look." now that would be called a lawsuit, butback then they could just say, "i don"t like the way you look." which, in case some of you in theback, if you can"t tell, is nothing like barbara walters. so, they sent me to a salon where theygave me a perm, and after a few days all my hair fell out and i had to shave my head. andthen they really didn"t like the way i looked.because now i am black and bald and sitting on tv.not a pretty picture.
然后他們還對(duì)我說他們不喜歡我的長相。那是在1976年,你的老板可以那么說。但是如果是現(xiàn)在的話,那就是一件很嚴(yán)重的事了。可是那時(shí)他們還是說:“我不喜歡你的造型。”我根本不像barbara walters。于是他們把我送到沙龍,給我燙了發(fā)。可是幾天后我的頭發(fā)一團(tuán)糟。我不得不剃光我的頭發(fā)。此時(shí)他們更不喜歡我的造型了。因?yàn)樽鳛橐粋€(gè)光頭黑人坐在攝影機(jī)前,我肯定不漂亮的。
but even worse than being bald, i really hated, hated, hated being sent to report on otherpeople"s tragedies as a part of my daily duty, knowing that i was just e_pected to observe,when everything in my instinct told me that i should be doing something, i should be lendinga hand.
so, as president hennessy said, i"d cover a fire and then i"d go back and i"d try to give thevictims blankets. and i wouldn"t be able to sleep at night because of all the things i wascovering during the day.
and, meanwhile, i was trying to sit gracefully like barbara and make myself talk like barbara.and i thought, well, i could make a pretty goofy barbara. and if i could figure out how to bemyself, i could be a pretty good oprah. i was trying to sound elegant like barbara. andsometimes i didn"t read my copy, because something inside me said, this should bespontaneous. so, i wanted to get the news as i was giving it to the people. so, sometimes, iwouldn"t read my copy and it would be, like, si_ people on a pileup on i-40. oh, my goodness.
and sometimes i wouldn"t read the copy—because i wanted to be spontaneous—and i"d comeacross a list of words i didn"t know and i"d mispronounce. and one day i was reading copy and icalled canada "ca nada." and i decided, this barbara thing"s not going too well. i should trybeing myself.
but at the same time, my dad was saying, "oprah gail, this is an opportunity of a lifetime.you better keep that job." and my boss was saying, "this is the nightly news. you"re ananchor, not a social worker. just do your job."
so, i was juggling these messages of e_pectation and obligation and feeling reallymiserable with myself. i"d go home at night and fill up my journals, "cause i"ve kept a journalsince i was 15—so i now have volumes of journals. so, i"d go home at night and fill up myjournals about how miserable i was and frustrated. then i"d eat my an_iety. that"s where ilearned that habit.
and after eight months, i lost that job. they said i was too emotional. i was too much. butsince they didn"t want to pay out the contract, they put me on a talk show in baltimore. andthe moment i sat down on that show, the moment i did, i felt like i"d come home. i realizedthat tv could be more than just a playground, but a platform for service, for helping otherpeople lift their lives. and the moment i sat down, doing that talk show, it felt like breathing. itfelt right. and that"s where everything that followed for me began.
and i got that lesson. when you"re doing the work you"re meant to do, it feels right and everyday is a bonus, regardless of what you"re getting paid.
it"s true. and how do you know when you"re doing something right? how do you know that? itfeels so. what i know now is that feelings are really your gps system for life. when you"resupposed to do something or not supposed to do something, your emotional guidance systemlets you know. the trick is to learn to check your ego at the door and start checking your gutinstead. every right decision i"ve made—every right decision i"ve ever made—has come frommy gut. and every wrong decision i"ve ever made was a result of me not listening to thegreater voice of myself.
if it doesn"t feel right, don"t do it. that"s the lesson. and that lesson alone will save you, myfriends, a lot of grief. even doubt means don"t. this is what i"ve learned. there are many timeswhen you don"t know what to do. when you don"t know what to do, get still, get very still, untilyou do know what to do.
and when you do get still and let your internal motivation be the driver, not only will yourpersonal life improve, but you will gain a competitive edge in the working world as well.because, as daniel pink writes in his best-seller, a whole new mind, we"re entering a whole newage. and he calls it the conceptual age, where traits that set people apart today are going tocome from our hearts—right brain—as well as our heads. it"s no longer just the logical, linear,rules-based thinking that matters, he says. it"s also empathy and joyfulness and purpose,inner traits that have transcendent worth.
當(dāng)你什么也不要做時(shí),讓你的內(nèi)心作為驅(qū)動(dòng)力。不僅僅你的個(gè)人生活會(huì)提高,你在工作中也會(huì)獲得競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力。正如daniel pink在他的暢銷書a whole new mind中所說的那樣,我們進(jìn)入了一個(gè)新時(shí)代,一個(gè)他稱之為概念時(shí)代的時(shí)代。人們的內(nèi)心使人與人之間產(chǎn)生隔閡。他說,重要的不僅僅是邏輯上的,線性的,直尺式的思維方式。移情,快樂,目標(biāo)和內(nèi)部特質(zhì)同樣也有卓越的價(jià)值。
these qualities bloom when we"re doing what we love, when we"re involving the wholeness ofourselves in our work, both our e_pertise and our emotion.
so, i say to you, forget about the fast lane. if you really want to fly, just harness your power toyour passion. honor your calling. everybody has one. trust your heart and success will come toyou.
so, how do i define success? let me tell you, money"s pretty nice. i"m not going to stand uphere and tell you that it"s not about money, "cause money is very nice. i like money. it"s goodfor buying things.
but having a lot of money does not automatically make you a successful person. what youwant is money and meaning. you want your work to be meaningful. because meaning is whatbrings the real richness to your life. what you really want is to be surrounded by people youtrust and treasure and by people who cherish you. that"s when you"re really rich.so, lessonone, follow your feelings. if it feels right, move forward. if it doesn"t feel right, don"t do it.
now i want to talk a little bit about failings, because nobody"s journey is seamless or smooth.we all stumble. we all have setbacks. if things go wrong, you hit a dead end—as you will—it"sjust life"s way of saying time to change course. so, ask every failure—this is what i do withevery failure, every crisis, every difficult time—i say, what is this here to teach me? and as soonas you get the lesson, you get to move on. if you really get the lesson, you pass and you don"thave to repeat the class. if you don"t get the lesson, it shows up wearing another pair of pants—or skirt—to give you some remedial work.
and what i"ve found is that difficulties come when you don"t pay attention to life"s whisper,because life always whispers to you first. and if you ignore the whisper, sooner or later you"llget a scream. whatever you resist persists. but, if you ask the right question—not why is thishappening, but what is this here to teach me?—it puts you in the place and space to get thelesson you need.
my friend eckhart tolle, who"s written this wonderful book called a new earth that"s all aboutletting the awareness of who you are stimulate everything that you do, he puts it like this:he says, don"t react against a bad situation; merge with that situation instead. and thesolution will arise from the challenge. because surrendering yourself doesn"t mean giving up;it means acting with responsibility.
我的朋友eckhart tolle。他寫了一本非常棒的書,名叫a new earth。這本書就是關(guān)于讓你的意識(shí)激勵(lì)你去做事。他說,不要去反抗困境,相反,要融入到其中。事情會(huì)變的越來越好的。因?yàn)闀簳r(shí)的屈服并不意味著放棄,它意味著一種責(zé)任感。
many of you know that, as president hennessy said, i started this school in africa. and ifounded the school, where i"m trying to give south african girls a shot at a future like yours—stanford. and i spent five years making sure that school would be as beautiful as thestudents. i wanted every girl to feel her worth reflected in her surroundings. so, i checkedevery blueprint, i picked every pillow. i was looking at the grout in between the bricks. i knewevery thread count of the sheets. i chose every girl from the villages, from nine provinces. andyet, last fall, i was faced with a crisis i had never anticipated. i was told that one of the dormmatrons was suspected of se_ual abuse.
that was, as you can imagine, devastating news. first, i cried—actually, i sobbed—for abouthalf an hour. and then i said, let"s get to it; that"s all you get, a half an hour. you need to focuson the now, what you need to do now. so, i contacted a child trauma specialist. i put togethera team of investigators. i made sure the girls had counseling and support. and gayle and i goton a plane and flew to south africa.
and the whole time i kept asking that question: what is this here to teach me? and, as difficultas that e_perience has been, i got a lot of lessons. i understand now the mistakes i made,because i had been paying attention to all of the wrong things. i"d built that school from theoutside in, when what really mattered was the inside out.so, it"s a lesson that applies to all ofour lives as a whole. what matters most is what"s inside. what matters most is the sense ofintegrity, of quality and beauty. i got that lesson. and what i know is that the girls cameaway with something, too. they have emerged from this more resilient and knowing that theirvoices have power.
and their resilience and spirit have given me more than i could ever give to them, which leadsme to my final lesson—the one about finding happiness—which we could talk about all day, buti know you have other wacky things to do.
not a small topic this is, finding happiness. but in some ways i think it"s the simplest of all.gwendolyn brooks wrote a poem for her children. it"s called "speech to the young : speech tothe progress-toward." and she says at the end, "live not for battles won. / live not for the-end-of-the-song. / live in the along." she"s saying, like eckhart tolle, that you have to live for thepresent. you have to be in the moment. whatever has happened to you in your past has nopower over this present moment, because life is now.
追求幸福并不是一個(gè)小話題。但在某種程度上來說它又是最簡(jiǎn)單的話題。gwendolyn brooks為她的孩子寫了一首詩,詩名是speech to the young : speech to the progress-toward.在詩的最后她說到,不要為了戰(zhàn)勝而生活,不要為了歌曲的結(jié)尾而生活,要享受生活。她說,你應(yīng)當(dāng)為了現(xiàn)在而生活,無論過去發(fā)生了什么都不應(yīng)該影響到現(xiàn)在,因?yàn)樯罹褪沁^好現(xiàn)在。
but i think she"s also saying, be a part of something. don"t live for yourself alone. this is what iknow for sure: in order to be truly happy, you must live along with and you have to stand forsomething larger than yourself. because life is a reciprocal e_change. to move forward youhave to give back. and to me, that is the greatest lesson of life. to be happy, you have to givesomething back.
i know you know that, because that"s a lesson that"s woven into the very fabric of thisuniversity. it"s a lesson that jane and leland stanford got and one they"ve bequeathed to you.because all of you know the story of how this great school came to be, how the stanfords losttheir only child to typhoid at the age of 15. they had every right and they had every reason toturn their backs against the world at that time, but instead, they channeled their grief andtheir pain into an act of grace. within a year of their son"s death, they had made the foundinggrant for this great school, pledging to do for other people"s children what they were not ableto do for their own boy.
我知道你們已經(jīng)很了解了,因?yàn)檫@個(gè)經(jīng)驗(yàn)已經(jīng)深深的融入了斯坦福。這個(gè)經(jīng)驗(yàn)是jane and leland傳承給你們的。因?yàn)槟銈兯械娜硕贾肋@座偉大的大學(xué)是如何建成的。斯坦福夫婦的獨(dú)子在15歲時(shí)得了傷寒離開了他們。他們有權(quán)利和理由去恨這個(gè)世界,但是他們卻用優(yōu)雅的行動(dòng)疏導(dǎo)了心中的悲傷。在他們兒子死后不到一年內(nèi),他們已經(jīng)這所偉大的大學(xué)籌集了建設(shè)經(jīng)費(fèi),并發(fā)誓要為別人的孩子做一些他們自己的孩子不能得到事。
the lesson here is clear, and that is, if you"re hurting, you need to help somebody ease theirhurt. if you"re in pain, help somebody else"s pain. and when you"re in a mess, you get yourselfout of the mess helping somebody out of theirs. and in the process, you get to become amember of what i call the greatest fellowship of all, the sorority of compassion and thefraternity of service.
the stanfords had suffered the worst thing any mom and dad can ever endure, yet theyunderstood that helping others is the way we help ourselves. and this wisdom is increasinglysupported by scientific and sociological research. it"s no longer just woo-woo soft-skills talk.there"s actually a helper"s high, a spiritual surge you gain from serving others. so, if you wantto feel good, you have to go out and do some good.
but when you do good, i hope you strive for more than just the good feeling that serviceprovides, because i know this for sure, that doing good actually makes you better. so, whateverfield you choose, if you operate from the paradigm of service, i know your life will have morevalue and you will be happy.
i was always happy doing my talk show, but that happiness reached a depth of fulfillment, ofjoy, that i really can"t describe to you or measure when i stopped just being on tv andlooking at tv as a job and decided to use television, to use it and not have it use me, to use itas a platform to serve my viewers. that alone changed the trajectory of my success.
so, i know this—that whether you"re an actor, you offer your talent in the way that mostinspires art. if you"re an anatomist, you look at your gift as knowledge and service to healing.whether you"ve been called, as so many of you here today getting doctorates and otherdegrees, to the professions of business, law, engineering, humanities, science, medicine, if youchoose to offer your skills and talent in service, when you choose the paradigm of service,looking at life through that paradigm, it turns everything you do from a job into a gift. and iknow you haven"t spent all this time at stanford just to go out and get a job.
you"ve been enriched in countless ways. there"s no better way to make your mark on the worldand to share that abundance with others. my constant prayer for myself is to be used inservice for the greater good.
so, let me end with one of my favorite quotes from martin luther king. dr. king said, "noteverybody can be famous." and i don"t know, but everybody today seems to want to be famous.
but fame is a trip. people follow you to the bathroom, listen to you pee. it"s just—try to peequietly. it doesn"t matter, they come out and say, "ohmigod, it"s you. you peed."
that"s the fame trip, so i don"t know if you want that.
so, dr. king said, "not everybody can be famous. but everybody can be great, becausegreatness is determined by service." those of you who are history scholars may know the restof that passage. he said, "you don"t have to have a college degree to serve. you don"t have tomake your subject and verb agree to serve. you don"t have to know about plato or aristotle toserve. you don"t have to know einstein"s theory of relativity to serve. you don"t have to knowthe second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. you only need a heart full of graceand a soul generated by love."
所以,正如馬丁路德金所說,“不是所有人都會(huì)成名。但每個(gè)人都可以變的偉大,因?yàn)閭ゴ笫峭ㄟ^為他人服務(wù)而界定的。” 你們當(dāng)中學(xué)歷史的人可能會(huì)知道他接下來的話,“為別人提供服務(wù),并不一定要有大學(xué)學(xué)歷,并不一定要主謂一致,并不一定要認(rèn)識(shí)柏拉圖和亞里士多德,并不一定要會(huì)愛因斯坦的相對(duì)論,并不一定要了解熱力學(xué)第二定律。你所需要的是一顆優(yōu)雅的心靈和充滿愛的靈魂。”
in a few moments, you"ll all be officially stanford"s "08.
you have the heart and the smarts to go with it. and it"s up to you to decide, really, where willyou now use those gifts? you"ve got the diploma, so go out and get the lessons, "cause i knowgreat things are sure to come.
you know, i"ve always believed that everything is better when you share it, so before i go, iwanted to share a graduation gift with you. underneath your seats you"ll find two of my favoritebooks. eckhart tolle"s a new earth is my current book club selection. our new earth webcasthas been downloaded 30 million times with that book. and daniel pink"s a whole new mind:why right-brainers will rule the future has reassured me i"m in the right direction.
你們知道,我一直堅(jiān)信,如果你和他人分享,那么事情就會(huì)變得更好。所以在我離開之前,我想和大家分享一下畢業(yè)禮物。在你們的座位底下,你們會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)兩本我最喜歡的書。eckhart tolle的a new earth流行書俱樂部的精選品。我們的new earth廣播已經(jīng)被下載3億次。daniel pink的a whole new mind: why right-brainers will rule the future 使我確定我在人生的正軌上。
i really wanted to give you cars but i just couldn"t pull that off! congratulations, "08!